Understory percent cover is the amount of understory canopy composed of different plant species as well as how much ground surface is covered by vegetation and non-living things such as rocks or dead plants.
1. Pull out the 12m tape in between two rebar posts.
a. The line should be taut.
b. The line should be as close to the ground as possible.
2. Take origin photo of site.
a. Stand behind the post, face the endpoint, and take the picture with the post in the photo.
3. Begin at the “0” end of the line, move at 0.25m
4. At origin (0), midpoint (6), and end (12), measure
distance from transect to bank and bank height.
5. 0.25 will be the starting point. Always stand on the same side (away from creek) of the line.
6. Drop a pin flag to the ground from a standard height of 1m next to the creek side of the tape.
a. The pin should be vertical.
b. The pin should be dropped from the same height every time.
c. Do not guide the pin to the ground, let it fall freely.
7. Once the pin flag is on the ground, record every species it intercepts.
a. The first species it hits (the highest one/farthest from the ground) is the “Top
canopy”. Record the 6 letter species code of the specimen.
b. If no leaf, stem, or plant base is intercepted, record “NONE” in the “Top canopy”
c. Record all additional species intercepted by the pin in the “Lower Canopy
Layers” column. Record them in order from closest to the top canopy to farthest
d. If you hit downed woody debris that still has other plants below it (i.e. not on
the soil surface), record DWD in the lower canopy section as a hit.
e. Record each species only once, even if it is intercepted multiple times.
f. If species can’t be identified at current stage, flag the plant and record location
on “Unidentified Species” datasheet and “Unidentified Species” section of the
g. Canopy can be alive or dead, but only record each species once.
8. Record the surface the pin flag rests on
a. Litter = L, Herbaceous litter is detached dead stems and leaves that are part of a
layer that comes in contact with the ground. Bare soil = BS, soil that is visibly
unprotected by litter, rock, standing dead vegetation, or water.
b. Rock = R, The pin flag rests on a rock (>5mm or 1/4 inch diameter).
c. Water = W, Standing water, where the pin is sitting in the water. This could be
temporary (i.e., a puddle) or permanent (i.e., the transect crosses a stream).
d. Downed woody debris = DWD, such as logs or branches.
und surface is a paved or gravel road or trail