Apr 03, 2024

Public workspaceVaccinium floribundum Genome Assembly and Annotation Script

  • 1Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Open access
Protocol CitationMartina Albuja-Quintana, Gabriela Pozo, Milton Gordillo-Romero, Carolina E. Armijos, Maria de Lourdes Torres 2024. Vaccinium floribundum Genome Assembly and Annotation Script. protocols.io https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.n92ldmo4nl5b/v1
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: March 14, 2024
Last Modified: April 03, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 96735
Funders Acknowledgement:
Oxford Nanopore long reads and Illumina short reads obtained from sequencing the DNA of a Vaccinum floribundum specimen from the Paramo region in Ecuador, were used to assemble and annotate the whole genome of this species. ONT long reads were filtered and trimmed in Nanofilt and Porechop. Sequencing statistics were visualized in Nanoplot. Illumina short reads were evaluated with fastqc. Different assemblers and polishers were used with both long and short reads. The resulting Flye assembly polished with Polca and Medaka was then analyzed for genome completeness and quality with Quast, BUSCO, LAI Index, and Coverage Graph. The assembly was later annotated in Maker in 3 consecutive rounds using the ab initio gene predictor SNAP.
Oxford Nanopore Sequencing - Raw Reads Filtering, Trimming, and Statistics
Oxford Nanopore Sequencing - Raw Reads Filtering, Trimming, and Statistics
Raw Read Adapter Filtering
Porechop v0.2.4 (RRID:SCR_016967)

porechop -i Mortino_ONT_RawReads.fastq.gz -o Porechop_Mortino_ONT_RawReads.fastq.gz

Raw Read Quality and Length Trimming
Nanofilt v2.8.0 (RRID:SCR_016966)

NanoFilt -q 7 < Porechop_Mortino_ONT_RawReads.fastq > Porechop_Mortino_ONT_q7.fastq

NanoFilt -l 1000 < Porechop_Mortino_ONT_q7.fastq > Porechop_Mortino_ONT_q7_1000.fastq

Raw Read Dataset Statistics
LongQC v1.2.0c

python longQC.py sampleqc -x ont-ligation -o longQC_Mortino_ONT Porechop_Mortino_ONT_q7_1000.fastq

Nanoplot v1.33.0 (RRID:SCR_024128)
NanoPlot --fastq Porechop_Mortino_ONT_q7_1000.fastq --readtype 1D -t 4 --title "Nanoplot_Mortino_ONT" -o Nanoplot_Mortino_ONT

Illumina Sequencing - Raw Reads Statistics
Illumina Sequencing - Raw Reads Statistics
Raw Read Dataset Statistics
FastQC (RRID:SCR_014583)

fastqc FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_1.fq.gz FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_2.fq.gz -o FastQC_Mortino_Illumina

Genome Size Estimation
Genome Size Estimation
k-mer based analysis
Jellyfish v2.3.0 (RRID:SCR_005491)

zcat FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_1.fq.gz FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_2.fq.gz > Mortino-Illumina_Combined1y2.fq.gz

jellyfish count -t 8 -m 21 -o Mortino_Illumina.jf -c Mortino-Illumina_Combined1y2.fq.gz

jellyfish histo -t 10 Mortino_Illumina.jf > Mortino_df.histo

k-mer profile visualization
GenomeScope v2.0 (RRID:SCR_017014)

De novo Genome Assembly and Polishing
De novo Genome Assembly and Polishing
SMARTdenovo v1.0.0 (RRID:SCR_017622)

smartdenovo.pl -p SdN_Assembly_Mortino -c 1 Porechop_Mortino_ONT_q7_1000.fastq > SdN_Assembly_Mortino.mak

make -f SdN_Assembly_Mortino.mak

Flye v2.9.2 (RRID:SCR_017016)

flye --nano-raw Porechop_Mortino_ONT_q7_1000.fastq --out-dir Flye_Mortino_Assembly -g 0.5g

MaSuRCA v.4.1.0 (RRID:SCR_010691)

masurca -i FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_1.fq.gz,FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_2.fq.gz -r Porechop_Mortino_ONT_q7_1000.fastq -t 5

Medaka v1.11.1

medaka_consensus -i Assembly.fasta -o Medaka_Assembly -t 4 -m r941_min_fast_g507

POLCA (MaSuRCA, v4.1.0 RRID:SCR_010691)

polca.sh -a Assembly.fasta -r FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_1.fq.gz -r FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_2.fq.gz -t 5

Genome assembly quality, continuity, and completeness assessment
Genome assembly quality, continuity, and completeness assessment
Quast v5.2.0 (RRID:SCR_001228)

quast.py Assembly.fasta -r Vaccinium_myrtillus_GCA_016920895.1_VacMyr_v1.0_genomic.fna.gz' -o Quast_ref_Vmyrtillus

BUSCO v5.4.7 (RRID:SCR_015008)
busco -i Assembly.fasta -l eudicots_odb10 -o BUSCO_Assembly -m genome

Long Terminal Repeat (LTR) Assembly Index (LAI)

LTRharvest v1.6.2 (RRID:SCR_018970)

1. Create an "Enhanced Suffix Array"
gt suffixerator -db Assembly.fasta -indexname Assembly_indextable.fsa -tis -suf -lcp -des -ssp -sds -dna


gt ltrharvest -index Assembly_indextable.fsa -minlenltr 100 -maxlenltr 7000 -mintsd 4 -maxtsd 6 -motif TGCA -motifmis 1 -similar 85 -vic 10 -seed 20 -seqids yes > Assembly.fa.harvest.scn

LTR_FINDER v1.0.7 (RRID:SCR_015247)
ltr_finder assembly.fasta > Assembly_LTRfinder.txt

Combine both documents from LTRFinder and LTRHarvest

cat Assembly_LTRfinder.txt Assembly.fa.harvest.scn > Assembly.fa.rawLTR.scn

LTR_retriever v2.8.7 (RRID:SCR_017623)

LTR_retriever -genome Assembly.fasta -inharvest Assembly.fa.rawLTR.scn -threads 10

Coverage Graphs of ONT and Illumina Reads

1. Change contig names from assembly file

awk '/^>/{print ">Mortino" ++i; next}{print}' < Assembly.fasta > Assembly_nom.fasta

2. Identify longest contig

cat Assembly_nom.fasta | bioawk -c fastx '{ print length($seq), $name }' | sort -k1,1rn | head -1

3. Extract the longest contig from the assembly
Samtools package v1.18 (RRID:SCR_002105)

samtools faidx Assembly_nom.fasta Name_Longest_Contig > Longest_contig.fasta

4. Extract 10% of ONT and Illumina reads (total reads were obtained from previously run Nanoplot)
BWA (RRID:SCR_010910)

reformat.sh in1=FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_1.fq.gz in2=FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_2.fq.gz out1=FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_1_subset_10.fq.gz out2=FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_2_subset_10.fq.gz reads=# of total reads samplereadstarget=# of 10% reads

5. Map ONT reads and illumina reads, seperately, to the assembly

ONT reads: minimap2 v2.26 (RRID:SCR_018550)

minimap2 -ax map-ont Longest_contig.fa Porechop_Mortino_ONT_q7_1000.fastq > ONT_Assembly.sam
Illumina reads: BWA (RRID:SCR_010910)

bwa index Longest_contig.fa

bwa mem Longest_contig.fa FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_1_subset_10.fq FC225MJ3LT3_L1_Mort-Illumina_2_subset_10.fq > Illumina_assembly.sam

6. Convert sam files to bam

samtools view -bS ONT_Assembly.sam > ONT_Assembly.bam

samtools view -bS Illumina_Assembly.sam > Ilumina_Assembly.bam

7. Sort bam files

samtools sort ONT_Assembly.bam > ONT_Assembly_sorted.bam

samtools sort Illumina_Assembly.bam > Illumina_Assembly_sorted.bam

8. Coverage depth
Samtools package v1.18 (RRID:SCR_002105)

samtools depth ONT_Assembly_sorted.bam > depth_Assembly_ONT

samtools depth Illumina_Assembly_sorted.bam > depth_Assembly_Illumina

5. Graphs: script developed by López et al., 2023

python 3

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('depth_Assembly_sorted', sep="\t", names=["Sequence", "Base_position", "Depth"], index_col=0)
fig=df.plot(x='Base_position', y='Depth', kind='line', figsize=(16, 4)).get_figure()

Genome scaffolding
Genome scaffolding
ntLink v1.3.9

ntLink scaffold gap_fill target=Assembly.fasta reads=Porechop_Mortino_ONT_q7_1000.fast overlap=true

Removing Foreign Contamination
Removing Foreign Contamination
python3 ./fcs.py screen Assembly.fasta --fasta ./fcsgx_test.fa.gz --out-dir ./gx_out/ --gx-db "$GXDB_LOC/gxdb" --tax-id 6973
Genome Annotation
Genome Annotation
RepeatModeler v2.0.3 (RRID:SCR_015027)

BuildDatabase -name Assembly.fasta RepeatModeler -threads 32 -database Mortino_genome -LTRStruct >& repeatmodeler.log

Change Contig Names in Assembly File

awk '/^>/{print ">Mortino" ++i; next}{print}' Assembly_nom.fasta

Generate Executable Files
maker -CTL

1. Modify Maker_opts.ctl file

2. Run 10 iterations of the first run of maker


3. Run and train SNAP script

sh Snap_Pult_Creator.sh
4. Run 5 iterations of the second run of maker


5. Rerun and train SNAP script

sh Snap_Pult_Creator.sh
4. Run 5 iterations of the third run of maker


Generating and Filtering Final Files

1. Generate single gff and fasta protein and transcript files from all 3 maker rounds

gff3_merge -d Assembly_master_datastore_index.log -o Mortino_All.gff

fasta_merge -d Assembly_master_datastore_index.log -o Mortino_All

2. Identify conserved protein regions in predicted gene models
InterProScan v5.64-9.60 (RRID:SCR_005829)

interproscan.sh -appl PfamA -iprlookup -goterms -f tsv -i Mortino.all.maker.proteins.fasta
3. Modify the original gff3 file by identifying gene models with conserved protein domains

ipr_update_gff Mortino_All.gff Mortino.all.maker.proteins.fasta.tsv > Mortino_genomic_updated.all.gff
4. Eliminate gene models with AED <1
quality_filter -s Mortino_updated.all.gff > Mortino_FINAL.all.gff
5. Calculate annotation statistics with AGAT
AGAT (Another Gff Analysis Toolkit) v1.2.0
agat_sp_statistics.pl –gff Mortino_FINAL.all.gff -o Mortino_Stats
6. Filter out gene models with no conserved protein regions and AED <1 from protein and transcript fasta files
perl -lne 'print $1 if /\tmRNA\t.+ID=([^;]+).+_AED=(.+?);/' Mortino_FINAL.all.gff > genes_from_gff.aed-1.0.ids

fastaqual_select.pl -f Mortino.all.maker.proteins.fasta -inc genes_from_gff.aed-1.0.ids > Mortino_Proteins_Final.fasta fastaqual_select.pl -f Mono_Anotado_All.all.maker.transcripts.fasta -inc genes_from_gff.aed-1.0.ids > Mono_Anotado_All_Transcripts_Final.fasta