Jun 10, 2024

Public workspaceThree-dimensional models of skeletal muscle under tension and methods to induce traumatic injury: systematic review search protocol

  • 1Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Open access
Protocol CitationKunal Bhanot, Robert Staruch 2024. Three-dimensional models of skeletal muscle under tension and methods to induce traumatic injury: systematic review search protocol. protocols.io https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.q26g71m81gwz/v1
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: June 08, 2024
Last Modified: June 10, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 101455
Volumetric muscle loss (VML) is defined as the significant loss of skeletal muscle as a result of traumatic injury or surgical intervention, resulting in functional and regenerative impairment. It is a considerable form of morbidity and is implicated in blast, penetrating or blunt trauma. Current research on VML is centred around models that are not specific to the injury patterns or environments usually encountered. In order to examine the effects of traumatic injury on skeletal muscle, more representative in vitro models are required to generate a deeper cellular picture prior to preclinical validation. Whilst in vivo models are invaluable, they are expensive and have a lower throughput platform for discovery research. The aim of this systematic review is to examine the types of in vitro muscle models that are applicable to understanding VML. We have therefore designed an inclusive search protocol to incorporate all relevant muscle models under tension and endeavour to subcategorise these depending on methods of inducing injury. “Skeletal muscle” was the major inclusion criterion, followed by “three dimensional” and “model”. The Ovid interface was used to search MEDLINE, EMBASE and Web of Science Core Collection databases to yield 4,895 eligible articles after de-duplication. As of 30/05/2024 articles are in the process of being blindly screened by two independent reviewers. Major inclusion criteria are three dimensional in vitro models under tension. A sub analysis will subsequently be performed to examine how injury is induced in such muscle models.
This systematic review was reported in compliance with the PRISMA 2020 checklist. The protocol was developed prospectively in collaboration with a research librarian (NT) at the Nuffield Department of Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS).
All databases were searched from inception until 13/03/2024. The Ovid interface was used to search MEDLINE (1946-present), EMBASE (1974-present) and Web of Science Core Collection (1900-present) databases. No date or language limits were applied. Synonyms were produced in line with elements of the research question. “Skeletal muscle” was the major inclusion criterion, followed by “three dimensional” and “model”. Synonyms for skeletal muscle included “myotube”, “slow-twitch muscle fibres” and “fast-twitch muscle fibres”. Synonyms for “three-dimensional” included “3D”, “organoid” and “lab on a chip”. Synonyms for “model” included “scaffold”, “architecture” and “platform”. Full search strategies can be found in the appendix.
Inclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria
In vitro studies that utilised any skeletal muscle cell lines (primary or immortalised, single or multicellular) of any species cultured with an anchor system were eligible for inclusion. Models that used organic hydrogel compounds native to the human body (fibrin or collagen) were included. Where studies reported minor experimental modifications of previously reported models (with detailed methods), the most comprehensive study or studies were included.
Exclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Models that did not impose axial strain or loading, self-assembly models (spheroids etc) or tissue explant models (including slice culture) were excluded. In vitro models that cultured cells on patterned surfaces (to include orientation) were also excluded, even if they used 3D systems. In vitro monolayer systems were excluded. Ex vivo perfusion systems were also excluded. Models that synthesised hydrogels using materials that were incapable of biodegradation (breakdown of organic matter into constituent elements) within humans (or human tissue) were excluded. Studies without detailed methods, opinion pieces, reviews, letters, conference abstracts, in vivo work and book chapters were excluded.
EMBASE search:

Total Records downloaded (enter this number here to update SearchReport tab): 1970
Search Strategy
Embase 1974 to present
1 skeletal myoblast/ 596
2 (skeletal adj2 myoblast*).tw,kf. 2170
3 skeletal muscle cell line/ 83
4 (cell* adj2 (stem or primary or satellite)).tw,kf. 624478
5 (myogenic or skeletal muscle).tw,kf. 172977
6 4 and 5 11204
7 skeletal muscle/ 144693
8 slow muscle fiber/ 2149
9 fast muscle fiber/ 2212
10 10 skeletal.tw,kf. 299053
11 (muscle* adj2 fiber*).tw,kf. 35259
12 10 and 11 13999
13 (fast-twitch or intermediate or white or type II).tw,kf. 1117798
14 (red or slow-twitch or type I).tw,kf. 630013
15 13 or 14 1657758
16 11 and 15 6707
17 myotube*.tw,kf. 15390
18 (skeletal adj2 myocyte*).tw,kf. 751
19 (myogenic or skeletal muscle).tw,kf. 172977
20 (cell* adj2 c2c12).tw,kf. 6130
21 19 and 20 3398
22 1 or 2 or 3 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 12 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 21 171236
23 3d.tw,kf. 324905
24 three d.tw,kf. 638
25 3 dimension*.tw,kf. 38685
26 organoid/ 13217
27 organoid*.tw,kf. 23541
28 exp lab on a chip/ 11240
29 lab on a chip.tw,kf. 3765
30 organ on a chip.tw,kf. 1453
31 exp bioengineering/ 235895
32 bioengineer*.tw,kf. 15596
33 biological engineer*.tw,kf. 1427
34 tissue engineer*.tw,kf. 80668
35 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 or 28 or 29 or 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 628442
36 22 and 35 3934
37 model*.tw,kf. 5000672
38 scaffold*.tw,kf. 158968
39 architecture*.tw,kf. 197564
40 platform*.tw,kf. 357571
41 (system or systems).tw,kf. 4417710
42 37 or 38 or 39 or 40 or 41 8919326
43 36 and 42 2505
44 conference*.pt. 5859448
45 43 not 44 1970
MEDLINE search:

Total Records downloaded (enter this number here to update SearchReport tab): 2650
Search Strategy
Medline (Ovid MEDLINE‱ Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE‱ Daily and Ovid MEDLINE‱) 1946 to present
1 exp Myoblasts, Skeletal/ 4090
2 (skeletal adj2 myoblast*).tw,kf. 1795
3 (cell* adj2 (stem or primary or satellite)).tw,kf. 422521
4 (myogenic or skeletal muscle).tw,kf. 139662
5 3 and 4 8576
6 Muscle, Skeletal/ 166516
7 Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/ 17604
8 Muscle Fibers, Slow-Twitch/ 2488
9 Muscle Fibers, Fast-Twitch/ 3131
10 skeletal.tw,kf. 237495
11 11 (muscle* adj2 fiber*).tw,kf. 29880
12 10 and 11 11474
13 (fast-twitch or intermediate or white or type II).tw,kf. 844075
14 (red or slow-twitch or type I).tw,kf. 493609
15 13 or 14 1266664
16 11 and 15 5555
17 myotube*.tw,kf. 12495
18 (skeletal adj2 myocyte*).tw,kf. 600
19 (myogenic or skeletal muscle).tw,kf. 139662
20 (cell* adj2 c2c12).tw,kf. 4658
21 19 and 20 2556
22 1 or 2 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 12 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 21 193945
23 3d.tw,kf. 249537
24 three d.tw,kf. 468
25 3 dimension*.tw,kf. 29970
26 Organoids/ 13773
27 27 organoid*.tw,kf. 15510
28 Lab-On-A-Chip Devices/ 7533
29 lab on a chip.tw,kf. 3690
30 organ on a chip.tw,kf. 1382
31 exp Bioengineering/ 62819
32 bioengineer*.tw,kf. 12040
33 biological engineer*.tw,kf. 432
34 Tissue Engineering/ 45681
35 tissue engineer*.tw,kf. 64407
36 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 or 28 or 29 or 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 387881
37 22 and 36 3428
38 model*.tw,kf. 3967863
39 scaffold*.tw,kf. 135360
40 methods.fs. 4360174
41 architecture*.tw,kf. 172933
42 platform*.tw,kf. 271052
43 (system or systems).tw,kf. 3641694
44 38 or 39 or 40 or 41 or 42 or 43 10499757
45 37 and 44 2650
Web of science search strategy:

Search Strategy                                  
#          Search Query  Database         Results
1          "myotube OR (skeletal NEAR/2 myoblast*) OR ""skeletal muscle"" OR ""fast twitch muscle fibre*"" OR ""slow twitch muscle fibre*"" OR (skeletal NEAR/2 myocyte*)  (Topic) AND 3d OR ""three dimension*"" OR ""three d"" OR organoid* OR ""lab on a chip"" OR ""organ on a chip"" OR bioengineer* OR ""tissue engineer*"" OR ""biological engineer*""  (Topic) AND model* OR scaffold* OR architecture* OR platform* OR system OR systems  (Topic)                            "         
Web of Science Core Collection         2811