For the calibration step, we would recommend you to use softwares that you are already used to. It will result in a faster and better process for you.
You have to simply make sure that the exported data from the software has to be conform to Sphaeroptica. The format needed is shown at Step 9.
In our case, we used Agisoft Metashape Professional Edition, a licensed photogrammetry software. And thus developed converters around the data that we get from Agisoft Metashape.
If you use another software, you will have to convert the data yourself.
However, to make the program more accessible to every user, we are developing a converter from data exported by COLMAP, as it is a free open-source project. Please, make sure that the pictures are correctly oriented (calibration) and rotated (rotation of the picture).
Sphaeroptica 1.0 does not change these parameters and not doing so could land some funny results.
Frontal view should be at (0,0) with lateral views at (-90,0) (right side) and (90,0) (left side). If needed, rotate the specimen in your SfM software before exporting its calibration parameters.