Sep 30, 2024

Public workspaceSpecies Molecular Barcode Analysis with Nanopore Sequence Data

  • 1Field Projects International;
  • 2San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance;
  • 3Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias mención Ecología y Evolución, Escuela Graduados, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile;
  • 4University of Oulu
  • In Situ Laboratories
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Protocol CitationGideon Erkenswick, Mrinalini Watsa, Zane Libke, Pamela Sánchez-Vendizú, Stefan Prost 2024. Species Molecular Barcode Analysis with Nanopore Sequence Data .
Manuscript citation:
Decoding the Peruvian Amazon with in situ DNA barcoding of vertebrate and plant taxa. Scientific Data (in review).
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: September 08, 2024
Last Modified: September 30, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 107134
Keywords: nanopore, species identification, molecular barcode, gene markers, coi, cytB, amplicon sequencing, dna barcoding, ngspeciesid, field genomics, in situ
Funders Acknowledgements:
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Grant ID: 9772
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Grant ID: 9776
United States Forest Service
Grant ID: 21-DG-11132762-302
This is a step-wise bioinformatic workflow to analyze nanopore amplicon sequence data. It includes third party software that was not created nor is maintained by the authors. The end-to-end workflow cannot be replicated without carrying out each of the steps sequentially, and will require tweaks to the input parameters. The final section of the workflow, 'data summary' was created for use with specific spreadsheets used for this study, and will not function in a generic sense on other datasets. This section should be viewed as one example of many potential ways to summarize data.
End-to-end workflow to generate cleaned consensus sequences from multiplexed amplicons sequenced with Nanopore sequencing technology. Includes read basecalling, quality control, data filtering, read demultiplexing, consensus sequence generation, and a data summary. The workflow assumes that individual samples have been uniquely indexed to allow highly multiplexed sequencing runs. The demultiplexing code is annotated to indicate different demultiplexing strategies utilized in the study. This workflow was used in the publication "Decoding the Peruvian Amazon with in situ DNA barcoding of vertebrate and plant taxa", and the last section of the workflow consists of a custom R script that generates summary statistics specific to the publication. Overall, this workflow can be modified to suit multiple markers, and is applicable to teaching in a classroom setting with the accompanying docker image.
Image Attribution
Hannah Kim
This is not an automated bioinformatics workflow. To replicate the analyses with new data, carefully review and then carry out each step sequentially. Basic Linux command-line literacy is a prerequisite for using this pipeline. All steps are performed inside freely available Docker containers, eliminating most software compatibility challenges. Take careful note of which Docker image is being used for each step. Minor adjustments to input parameters and custom code sections is often necessary, especially pertaining to the section on "read demultiplexing".

  • Dorado basecaller will run most efficiently with a GPU (review software documentation)
  • Consider parallelizing NGSpeciesID consensus sequence formation and NCBI blast to decrease computational time
Before start
Software dependencies:

Please ensure the following are installed on your device.

Prepare Working Environment
Prepare Working Environment
Create a working directory
Run the Docker application from the command line or inside the Docker GUI and retrieve the required Docker images. The "pull" command will download images from the online Docker Hub repository to the local environment.
docker pull (OSx)
docker pull nanozoo/pycoqc
docker pull genomicpariscentre/guppy-gpu
docker pull insitulab/junglegenomics

Create sub-folders within the working directory
mkdir (linux)
cd [path/to/working/directory]

chmod 775

mkdir 1.all.pod5s
chmod 775 1.all.pod5s

mkdir 2.sam.output
chmod 775 2.sam.output/

mkdir 3.fastq
chmod 775 3.fastq

mkdir 4.filt.fastq
chmod 775 4.filt.fastq

mkdir 5.demux
chmod 775 5.demux

Establish variables that will be used to simplify command line operations
create variables (linux)


Manually move all pod5 files into path/to/working/director/1.all.pod5s. This is also easily achieved with common command-line tools.

find all pod5s and move to 1.all.pod5s (linux)
find -mindepth 1 -type f -iname '*.pod5' -print|xargs cp -t 1.all.pod5s/

Basecalling Raw Sequence Data
Basecalling Raw Sequence Data

At the time of publication there is was no Docker image for Dorado software, this must be installed separately on the local operating system.

This command will perform basecalling on all sequence files inside path/to/working/directory/1.all.pod5s\

Must select a basecalling model:
- Fast (fast)
- Super high accuracy (sup) ** TOO SLOW FOR MOST SERVERS
dorado basecaller (linux)

${DORAD} basecaller hac ${PODS} --emit-moves --no-trim > ${HOMEFOL}/2.sam.output/${OUTFILE}.sam

Create a summary file of basecalled data
dorado summary (linux)
${DORAD} summary ${HOMEFOL}/2.sam.output/${OUTFILE}.sam > ${HOMEFOL}/2.sam.output/sequencingsummary.${OUTFILE}.txt

QC & Filtering
QC & Filtering
Run Docker image for pycoQC and create summary plots for the basecalled reads
pycoQC (linux)
# run docker
docker run -it -v ${HOMEFOL}:/data nanozoo/pycoqc


# run pycoQC
pycoQC --file /data/2.sam.output/sequencingsummary.${OUTFILE}.txt --outfile /data/${OUTFILE}_pycoQC.html
Exit Docker before next step
Convert basecalled reads in the ".sam" file to a ".fastq" file
samtools fastq (linux)
docker run -it -v ${HOMEFOL}:/data insitulab/junglegenomics


samtools fastq -t /data/2.sam.output/${OUTFILE}.sam > /data/3.fastq/${OUTFILE}.fastq
Remain in same Docker container for next step
Filter reads by quality and size criteria. Modify size constraints and quality based on the pycoQC results above and the region you want to target.
NanoFilt (linux)
# filter reads below 325 and above 525 bases
#filter to reads with q score >= 8

NanoFilt -q 8 -l 325 --maxlength 525 --logfile ${OUTFILE}.filt.log /data/3.fastq/${OUTFILE}.fastq > /data/4.filt.fastq/${OUTFILE}.325to525bp.q8.fastq
Remain in same Docker container for next step.


NanoFilt is being deprecated soon, so consider moving to chopper instead.

install chopper (linux)
#download the installation file.

#make it executable
chmod +x chopper
To run chopper, use this command.
Note: Please edit the Q score and minimum and maximum lengths to filter to. Also edit the output file name appropriately.

filter with chopper
/home/rocky/bioinfotools/chopper -q 10 --minlength 200 --maxlength 600 -i $OUTFILE.fastq > $OUTFILE.100to800bp.q7.fastq

Calculate percentage recovery

calculate percent recovery (linux)
#counting total reads in un filtered file
echo $(cat /data/3.fastq/${OUTFILE}.fastq|wc -l)/4|bc

# For example 33933 reads

echo $(cat /data/4.filt.fastq/${OUTFILE}.325to525bp.q8.fastq|wc -l)/4|bc
# For example 28708 reads

# %recovery for FAST files would then be = 28708*100/33933 = 84.6%

Exit the Docker container before the next step
Demultiplex Sequence Data
Demultiplex Sequence Data
Demultiplexing is carried out in 1 or 2 parts, depending on the experimental design:

  • Part 1: separating reads based on an outer ONT index kit (usually added by a ligation reaction)

  • Part 2: separating reads based on an inner index (usually added by PCR).

If the design involved a dual-indexing strategy, Go togo to step #12 and then carry out Part 2. If not using a dual-indexing strategy, choose whichever part is relevant, either Part 1 or Part 2.

Part 1: Dumultiplexing outer ONT indices
guppy barcoder (linux)
# enter guppy software docker for demultiplexing
docker run -it -v ${HOMEFOL}:/data genomicpariscentre/guppy-cpu

#command structure
#guppy_barcoder -i <input folder> -s <output folder> --fastq_out --enable_trim_barcodes --trim_adapters --config configuration.cfg

#our command for just NBD114.24
#assuming you are inside folder data
guppy_barcoder -i /data/4.filt.fastq/ -s /data/5.demux/ --fastq_out --config configuration.cfg --barcode_kits SQK-NBD114-24
Remain in same Docker container for next step
Check demultiplexing success by counting the number of reads in the unclassified folder

If the operation fails, it may be because the docker container does not have the "bc" command. While inside the docker container, correct this by running the following lines of code

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install bc

once complete repeat the commands below

bc (linux)
#update permission of unclassified folder
chmod 777 /data/5.demux/unclassified/
cd /data/5.demux/unclassified/
cat *.fastq > all.fastq

apt-get update
apt-get install bc

echo $(cat all.fastq |wc -l)/4|bc

='unclassifed reads'
Manually perform the following calculation with the data you obtain on the command line:

Percent recovery = 1 - ('unclassified_reads' / 'total number of reads')*100 = XX%

Remain in same Docker container for next step
Part 2: Demultiplex the inner indices
guppy barcoder loop (linux)
#find the file:
cd /opt/ont/guppy/data/barcoding
#make a copy
cp barcodes_masked.fasta original_barcodes_masked.fasta

#install nano in the docker image
bash -c 'apt-get -y update && apt -y install nano'

nano barcodes_masked.fasta

# edit the barcode masking file.

# check if the change was made
cat barcodes_masked.fasta | head -n 20

#command structure (REFERENCE ONLY)
#guppy_barcoder -i <input folder> -s <output folder> --fastq_out --trim_barcodes --trim_adapters --config configuration.cfg
#our command for just barcoding by PCR only (REFERENCE ONLY)
#guppy_barcoder -i 4.filt_fastq/ -s 5.demux/ --fastq_out --config configuration.cfg --barcode_kits EXP-PBC096

cd /data/5.demux/

# Loop through each subfolder in the parent directory
for subfolder in "$parent_directory"/*/; do
    # Get the base name of the subfolder
    subfolder_name=$(basename "$subfolder")

    # Enter the subfolder
    echo "Processing subfolder: $subfolder"
    cd "$subfolder" || continue

    # Perform your operation here
    mkdir "$subfolder_inners"
    guppy_barcoder -i ./ -s "$subfolder_inners" --fastq_out --enable_trim_barcodes \
    --config configuration.cfg -t 48 --barcode_kits EXP-PBC096

    # Return to the parent directory
    cd "$parent_directory"
Remain in same Docker container for next step
Count outer index demultiplex success
bc (linux)

# Initialize the output file with headers
echo -e "subfolder\tread count" > "$output_file"

# Loop through each subfolder in the parent directory
for subfolder in "$parent_directory"/*/; do
 # Get the base name of the subfolder
 subfolder_name=$(basename "$subfolder")

 # Initialize the read count for the subfolder

 # Loop through each .fastq file in the subfolder and count the reads
 for fastq_file in "$subfolder"/*.fastq; do
 if [ -e "$fastq_file" ]; then
 count=$(grep -c "^@" "$fastq_file")
 read_count=$((read_count + count))

 # Append the subfolder name and read count to the output file
 echo -e "${subfolder_name}\t${read_count}" >> "$output_file"
Remain in same Docker container for next step
Count inner index demultiplex success

bc (linux)

# Initialize the output file with headers
echo -e "relative_path\tread_count" > "$output_file"

# Loop through each subfolder in the parent directory
for subfolder in "$parent_directory"/*/; do
    subfolder_inners="${subfolder%/}/$(basename "$subfolder")_inners"
    # Check if the subfolder_inners directory exists
    if [ -d "$subfolder_inners" ]; then
        # Loop through each folder in subfolder_inners
        for inner_subfolder in "$subfolder_inners"/*/; do
            # Initialize the read count for the inner subfolder
            # Loop through each .fastq file in the inner subfolder and count the reads
            for fastq_file in "$inner_subfolder"/*.fastq; do
                if [ -e "$fastq_file" ]; then
                    count=$(grep -c "^@" "$fastq_file")
                    read_count=$((read_count + count))
            # Get the relative path of the inner subfolder
            # Append the relative path and read count to the output file
            echo -e "${relative_path}\t${read_count}" >> "$output_file"
Exit Docker container for next step
Generate Consensus Sequence
Generate Consensus Sequence
Determine fragment size within each outer index group using NanoPlot

If the NanoPlot command (below) fails, exit the Docker image, install NanoPlot to the local machine and run it outside of Docker. NanoPlot normally works fine within Docker, but some users have noted glitches. In our experience, it has been more efficient to run NanoPlot another way, than to fix the glitch within docker.

Nanoplot (loop) (linux)
# from inside the docker, make sure that you have exited the NGSpeciesID environment

docker run -it -v ${HOMEFOL}:/data insitulab/junglegenomics

cd /data/5.demux/

# make a list of all the outer barcodes
ls | grep barcode[0-9] -> barcode_outer_list.txt 
nano barcode_outer_list.txt # add "unclassified" then save to same file


for LINE in $LINES
  echo "$LINE"
  cd $LINE
  rm all_$LINE.fastq
  foo=$(ls .)
  echo "$foo"
  cat *.fastq > all_$LINE.fastq
  fooN=$(grep -c "^+$" all_$LINE.fastq)
  echo "$fooN" 
  if (($fooN > 20)); then # set minimum number of reads for consensus analysis to take place
    echo "reads > 20 : creating output directory and making histogram"
    mkdir nanoplot_$LINE
    NanoPlot --fastq all_$LINE.fastq -o ./nanoplot_$LINE
    cd ../   
    echo "reads < 20: skipping $LINE"
    cd ../
Remain in the same Docker image for next step
After determining the target fragment size from plots produced in the prior step, run the following code block separately for each outer index. For each iteration of this code block, you will want to adjust all the sections highlighted in yellow in the the example image below. Don't worry, the code itself is in a command listed at the end of this step.

For each iteration of this code block, update the highlighted areas to refer to the index of interest and the desired parameters for NGSpeciesID

These are useful commands to know of if the NGSpeciesID consensus formation step must be repeated several times.

## to remove all "ngspecies*" folders, from an appropriate parent directory
find . -type d -name 'NGspecies*' -exec rm -rf {} +

## to remove all seqtk* files, from an appropriate parent director
find . -type f -name 'seqtk*' -exec rm -rf {} +

## to troubleshoot the NGSpeciesID command on a single sample (example)
NGSpeciesID --fastq "seqtk_all.barcode01.fastq" --ont --consensus --medaka \
--outfolder "./NGspecies650_Outer01_Inner01" --abundance_ratio .06 \
--rc_identity_threshold .92 --m 650 --s 50 --primer_file /data/5.demux_outer_guppy/rugezi_primers.fasta

Warning and errors result if the '--primer-file' refers to an improperly formatted file or a location where the file doesn't exist. One option is to remove this parameter and remove primer sites later with another software such as 'cutadapt'.

NGSpeciesID (linux)
docker run -it -v ${HOMEFOL}:/data insitulab/junglegenomics

cd /data/$OUTFILE/5.demux/barcode01/barcode01_inners

for i in {01..96}; do
  echo "Outer BC 1 - Inner BC${i}"
  if [[ -d "barcode${i}" ]]; then
    cd "barcode${i}"
    rm "all.barcode${i}.fastq"
    cat *.fastq > "all.barcode${i}.fastq"
    fooN=$(grep -c "^+$" "all.barcode${i}.fastq")
    echo "$fooN"
    if (( fooN > 8 )); then
      echo "reads > 8 : correcting fastq headers with seqtk"
      /software/seqtk/seqtk seq -Cl60 "all.barcode${i}.fastq" > "temp.fastq"
      /software/seqtk/seqtk rename "temp.fastq" "out01_inner${i}" > "seqtk_all.barcode${i}.fastq"
      rm "temp.fastq"
      NGSpeciesID --fastq "seqtk_all.barcode${i}.fastq" --ont --consensus --medaka \
      --primer_file /data/5.demux/primers.fasta \
      --outfolder "./NGspecies_Outer01_Inner${i}" --abundance_ratio .08 \
      --rc_identity_threshold .92 --m 400 --s 60 --sample_size 300
      echo "reads < 8: skipping barcode${i}"
    cd ../
This process make take hours to complete, depending on the quantity of reads being analyzed. Suggest using 'tmux' so that the operation continues even if the the comman-line window is accidentally closed.

Remain in the same Docker container for next step
Computational step
Organizing Consensus Sequence and Metadata
Organizing Consensus Sequence and Metadata
Locate and remove any files that might be created that are totally empty.

Then, consolidate full paths to all consensus sequences generated; the path information is used to rename the sequences prior to comparing them with public reference records

Remove empty files (linux)
cd /data/5.demux

# show fasta files that may be created which are totally empty
find . -type f -name 'consensus.fasta' -empty -print

# delete fasta files that may be created which are totally empty
find . -type f -name 'consensus.fasta' -empty -print -delete

Make a list of paths to consensus sequences (linux)
cd /data/5.demux

# creates a text document in the working directory that provides the full path to every consensus file that was created
find "$(pwd -P)" -type f -name 'consensus.fasta' > ./consensus_fullpaths.txt

Remain in the same Docker container for next step
Create a single fasta file with all consensus sequences, including any cases of more than one per sample.

Do NOT attempt to run the following script in one copy-paste action. Read the mark-down and execute the script one command at a time.

Custom R script for Finding Consensus Sequences (R)
# exit the NGSpeciesID environment
conda deactivate

#run r console

#load packages

# import all the paths to the consensus files
pth<-read.table('consensus_fullpaths.txt',header = F)
names(pth)<-"path" # correct column name
pth$seqcount<-'' # add empty column
pth$consensus<-'' # add empty column
pth$reads<-'' # add empty column


#some consensus files have more than one sequence, referred to as segments.
# here we count how many per file
for (i in 1:nrow(pth)) {

# check that there are only 1s and 2s

# convert the sequence count variable to a number

#____ NOTE _______ from this point onward, execute each of the commands line-by-line or the script will not complete (ignore error messages from R) _______________

#replicate the rows that have more than 1 sequence

# when there are multiple sequences, number them sequentially to not miss them during import, rarely there are two sequences per consensus fasta, the code below will label the first as '1' and leave the second as '2'
pth2[duplicated(pth2$path, fromLast = T),]$seqcount<-1
pth_dups<-pth2[duplicated(pth2$path)|duplicated(pth2$path, fromLast = T),];pth_dups
#(ignore)pth_dups<-pth2[duplicated(pth2$path)|duplicated(pth2$path, fromLast = T),]

# loop through all consensus files importing the sequence and the header
for (i in 1:nrow(pth2)) {
  pth2$consensus[i]<-read.fasta(pth2$path[i],as.string = T, seqonly = T )[[pth2$seqcount[i]]]

#____ NOTE _______ adjust regex expressions as needed to extract desired information_______________

# extract the number of supporting reads
# extract the consensus variants
#extract the index for each consensus sequence

# (OPTIONAL) subset to sequences with reads > 10
# (OPTIONAL) consensus[consensus$reads>=10,]

# write a fasta file that can be blasted to NCBI or bold
write.fasta(sequences = as.list(pth2$consensus),
            names = paste(pth2$bc,'_',pth2$variants,'_','reads_',
            file.out = 'NGSpecies_all_consensus.fasta')

Remain in the same Docker container for the next step
BLASTn Analysis
BLASTn Analysis
The first command will search for all matching records in NCBI GenBank, and may take hours to complete depending on the number of consensus sequences being analyzed. Consider adjusting the matching criteria and the output file according to preference.
From inside docker image from previous step (linux)
#blast all consensus records (returning verbose "default" information plus the "title" of each hit)
/software/ncbi-blast-2.12.0+/bin/blastn -query /data/5.demux/NGSpecies_all_consensus.fasta -remote -db nt -outfmt "7 std stitle" -max_target_seqs 10 -out /data/sample_NCBIblastN_e6.txt -evalue 1e-6

# OPTIONAL: this will remove all commented lines in the output file so that it can be opened in a traditional spreadsheet viewer such as Excel
sed '/^#/d' classification_NCBIblastN_e6.txt > NCBIblastN_e6_minimal.txt
See an example of the output to explore the results.

In orange are the consensus codes and in green are the blast results.

Sequence Data Clean-Up
Sequence Data Clean-Up
Use any desired software or program to merge the following into a single tab- or comma-delimited spreadsheet (one consensus sequence per row)

  • Consensus sequences
  • Sample metadata

{r} can use the "seqinr" package to import the consensus fasta file into a data frame object that can be merged with any other data frame objects by the information in the sequence headers. Below, is an example of commands that could be used to create a data frame from the NGSpecies_all_consensus.fasta.

seqinr_example (linux)

fasta_file_path <- "rugezi_2024-07-05_NGSpecies_all_consensus.fasta"

#### Function to read a FASTA file and convert it to a data frame
fasta_to_dataframe <- function(fasta_file_path) {
  # Read the FASTA file
  fasta_data <- read.fasta(file = fasta_file_path, seqtype = "AA", as.string = TRUE)
  # Extract headers and sequences
  headers <- sapply(fasta_data, attr, "name")
  sequences <- sapply(fasta_data, getSequence)
  # Convert sequences to character vectors
  sequences <- sapply(sequences, function(seq) paste(seq, collapse = ""))
  # Create a data frame
  df <- data.frame(Header = headers, Sequence = sequences, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

consensus <- fasta_to_dataframe(fasta_file_path)

Visually inspect the results and consider using the following tools, as needed
  • MAFFT alignment tool to check sequence directionality and its place on a phylogenetic tree to locate potential contamination and lab indexing errors
  • cutadapt to remove PCR primer sites, which often introduce errors to the sequences.
Summarizing Data
Summarizing Data

The following script is unique to the format of the data that was used in our publication. It will not work in a generic sense on other data sets, but is provided as a record of what was performed for this publication and can serve as a valuable example to related studies in the future.

custom r script (linux)
# last updated 2024-09-19 by GideonE

#______ Summary Information for 'Decoding the Amazon' ________#

#%%%%%%%% Install then load required packages 

#%%%%%%%% Import all related metadata data
barcodes <- read.csv("lab_final.csv",header = TRUE) # sample sheet from the molecular laboratory
taxa <- read.csv("taxonomy_final.csv",header = TRUE) # taxonomy data from BOLD system
collection <- read.csv("collection_data_final.csv", header = TRUE) # collection data fro BOLD system

#%%%%%%%% Merge data frames together, 2 at a time, and then perform some basic data clean-up
alldata <- merge(barcodes,collection, by="Sample.ID")

alldata <- merge(alldata,taxa, by="Sample.ID")

colnames(alldata) # show column names of combined data

# "Green Lab" site was stored in the "" column, move this to institution variable
table(alldata$Extra.Info) # view all unique values in ''
table(alldata$Institution) # view all unique values in 'Institution'
alldata[alldata$Extra.Info=="GreenLab",]$Institution<-"Green Lab"
table(alldata$Institution) # check 'Institution' again for 'Green Lab'

## remove variables that are not wanted for data summaries
patterns <- c("Trace", "Accession", "Email", "Stage", "Image","Contam","Tribe","Depth","GPS","Event","Coord") # define search patterns for columns to remove
regex_pattern <- paste(patterns, collapse = "|") # insert patterns into a list of "OR" regex expressions
cols_to_remove <- grep(regex_pattern, names(alldata), value = TRUE) # create vector of column names that match any of the patterns
alldata2 <- alldata %>% select(-one_of(cols_to_remove)) # remove columns that match any of the names in the vector

#remove all unwanted rows, mainly samples from the coast, to keep data set to Amazonian secies.
# Define the Sample.ID values to be removed, all that are nonAmazonian
ids_to_remove <- c("TUNKI-0138", "TUNKI-0139", "TUNKI-0140", "TUNKI-233", "TUNKI-0012", 
                   "TUNKI-0079", "TUNKI-0080", "TUNKI-0081", "TUNKI-0082", "TUNKI-0083", 
                   "TUNKI-0094", "TUNKI-0095", "TUNKI-0264", "TUNKI-0016", "TUNKI-0233")
alldata2 <- alldata2 %>% filter(!Sample.ID %in% ids_to_remove) # remove target samples
nrow(alldata2) #count number of rows remaining in data set

## remove all values of "0[n]", replace with zeros
# Function to replace "0[n]" with blank
replace_zero_n_brackets <- function(x) {
  gsub("0\\[n\\]", "0", x)

# Apply the function to all columns of the data frame
alldata2 <- alldata2 %>% mutate_all(~ replace_zero_n_brackets(.))

#%%%%%%%% Data Summaries
nrow(alldata2) # counter records in data frame
names(alldata2) # show all variable names in data frame

## correctly identified (field identification versus genetic reference identity)
alldata2$IDmatching<-ifelse(alldata2$Identification == alldata2$Species,1,0)
write.csv(alldata2[alldata2$IDmatching==0,],"mismatches.csv",row.names = F) # export mismatches to CVS file

## sequences by state department

## sequences by order 
orders<-ddply(alldata2,.(Order),nrow) # count number of sequences per Order
names(orders)[2]<-"count" # correct variable name
write.csv(ddply(alldata2,.(Order),nrow),"order.csv") # export sequence count by Order

## pie charts of sequences by Order for each taxonomic Class
class.orders<-ddply(alldata2,.(Class,Order),nrow) # count sequences by Order by Class
names(class.orders)[3]<-"count" # correct variable name

# create list of data frames for each Class

# function to generate pie chart
generate_pie_chart <- function(df) {
  df <- df %>%
    arrange(desc(count)) %>%
      prop = count / sum(count) * 100,
      Order = paste(Order, "(", round(prop, 1), "%)", sep = "")
  # Determine number of legend columns
  legend_cols <- ifelse(nrow(df) > 6, 2, 1)
  ggplot(df, aes(x = "", y = prop, fill = Order)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 1, color = "white") +
    coord_polar("y", start = 0) +
    theme_void() +
    scale_fill_viridis_d() +
    labs(title = paste(unique(df$Class)), fill = "Order") +
    guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = legend_cols))
# run function across all objects in the list of data frames
plots <- lapply(class.orders_l, generate_pie_chart)

# export each plot in turn
ggsave(filename = "plot1.png",plot = plots[[1]], device = 'png',width = 800, height = 700, dpi = 150, units = "px", bg="white")
ggsave(filename = "plot2.png",plot = plots[[2]], device = 'png',width = 800, height = 700, dpi = 150, units = "px", bg="white")
ggsave(filename = "plot3.png",plot = plots[[3]], device = 'png',width = 800, height = 700, dpi = 150, units = "px", bg="white")
ggsave(filename = "plot4.png",plot = plots[[4]], device = 'png',width = 800, height = 700, dpi = 150, units = "px", bg="white")
ggsave(filename = "plot5.png",plot = plots[[5]], device = 'png',width = 800, height = 700, dpi = 150, units = "px", bg="white")

# display all plots in single figure
grid.arrange(grobs = plots, ncol = 2)

## sequences by family 

## sequences by subfamily

## sequences by genus 

## sequences by species 

## sequences by subspecies 

## Table 4: summary table per gene marker
names(alldata2) # show variable names of full data set
ddply(alldata2,.(Class),nrow) # number of individuals per Class
names(alldata2)[7:12]<-c("RBCL","18S","CO1","MATK","CYTB","TRNH-PSBA") # correct gene marker names
unique(alldata2$Class) # display all unique Class values
alldata3<-alldata2[c(1,39,44,7:12)] # make filtered, working copy of data set
names(alldata3) # show varible names of filtered dataset
# convert all gene markeres to binary 1 (present) 0 (absent)
alldata3[4:9]<-alldata3[4:9] %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(, NA, ifelse(. != 0, 1, 0)))
alldata3.melt<-melt(alldata3,id.vars = c("Sample.ID","Class","Species")) # transform filtered data to long format
alldata3.melt<-alldata3.melt[alldata3.melt$value>0,] # remove all records with a sequence
alldata3_class<-ddply(alldata3.melt,.(Class),nrow);alldata3_seq # count number of sequences per Class
alldata3_gene_seq<-ddply(alldata3.melt,.(Class,variable),nrow);alldata3_seq # count number of sequences per gene per Class
alldata3_class<-ddply(alldata3.melt,.(Class,Species),nrow);alldata3_class # count species per Class
alldata3_sum1<-ddply(alldata3.melt,.(Class,Species,variable),summarize,seq_num=sum(value));alldata3_sum1 # count sequences per species per gene per Class
alldata3_sum2<-ddply(alldata3_sum1,.(Class,variable),nrow);alldata3_sum2 # species per gene per class

#%%%%%%%% complimenting the Mammal gap analysis (Pacheco, V. et al. Disproportion between the Peruvian Amazonian megadiverse mammalian fauna and the available molecular information. Zoologia 41, e23110 (2024).)

gap_mammals<-read.csv('Gaps_mammals.csv') # import data table from publication
names(gap_mammals) # show variable names
gap_mammals<-gap_mammals[-9] # filter unwanted variable
names(gap_mammals)[5:8]<-c("peru_12S","peru_CO1","peru_CYTB","peru_MIT");names(gap_mammals) # rename gene marker variables with 'peru' prefix
gap_mammals<-gap_mammals %>% mutate_at(vars(names(gap_mammals)[5:8]),  ~replace(., . == "N", "0")) # convert gene markers to binary variables
gap_mammals<-gap_mammals %>% mutate_at(vars(names(gap_mammals)[5:8]), as.integer) # ensure gene markers variable is an integer
gap_mammals$peru_prior_seq <- rowSums(gap_mammals[5:8]) # sum across all available gene markers per species and store in new column
gap_mammals <- gap_mammals %>% mutate(Species = gsub('"', '', Species)) # remove quotation marks
gap_mammals[c(5:9)] <- gap_mammals[c(5:9)] %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(. != "0", "1", "0")) # convert data to binary again
gap_mammals[c(5:9)] <- gap_mammals[c(5:9)] %>% mutate_all(as.integer)  # ensure binary gene marker values are integers
colSums(gap_mammals[c(5:9)]) # count sequence records for each column (last column indicates any sequence record for a species)

names(alldata2) # show variable names of new data set
alldata2m<-alldata2[alldata2$Class=="Mammalia",c(1,39,43:44,7:12)];names(alldata2m) # filter to only mammals and variables of interest, and make new working data frame
names(alldata2m)[5:10]<-c("RBCL","g18S","CO1","MATK","CYTB","TRNH");names(alldata2m) # correct gene marker names
alldata2m[5:10] <- alldata2m[5:10] %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(. != "0", "1", "0")) # make gene marker values binary
alldata2m[5:10] <- alldata2m[5:10] %>% mutate_all(as.integer) # ensure binary gene marker values are integers

# count number of sequences per gene marker by species

names(alldata2m) # check variable names
alldata2m[4:9]<-alldata2m[4:9] %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(. >= 1, 1, .)) # convert gene marker variabales to binary values

names(alldata2m) # check variable names
alldata2m$peru_seq_new<-rowSums(alldata2m[4:9]) # create new variable of gene markers generated per species

mmerge2<-merge(alldata2m,gap_mammals,by = "Species", all=T) # merge new and prior data sets
colSums(mmerge2[18],na.rm = T)

table(mmerge2$Species) # count number of all species in merged data
mmerge2<-mmerge2[mmerge2$Species!="",] # remove empty rows

# following command will count how many mammals of the prior data list were included in this study
table(mmerge2$Class, useNA = "ifany")

names(mmerge2) # show variable names of merged data
mmerge2[c(4:10,14:18)] <- mmerge2[c(4:10,14:18)] %>% mutate_all(~replace_na(., 0)) # replace NA values with 0s
mmerge2[c(4:10,14:18)] <- mmerge2[c(4:10,14:18)] %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(. > 1, 1, .)) # make all values binary

## calculate how many new sequences per species per gene
names(mmerge2) # show variable names of merged data

#how many species that had no prior genetic record
nrow(gap_mammals[gap_mammals$peru_prior_seq==0,]) # 146 total

# calculate several new values per species
mmerge2 <- mmerge2 %>%
    CO1_diff=ifelse(us_CO1 == 1 & peru_CO1 == 0,1,0), # value of 1 is we generated a COI record that did not previously exist
    CYTB_diff=ifelse(us_CYTB == 1 & peru_CYTB == 0,1,0), # value of 1 if we generated a cytB record that did not previously exit
    new_species_ref=ifelse(peru_seq_new ==1 & peru_prior_seq == 0,1,0) # value of 1 if we generated a sequence record for a species that had none

# sum values for all variables to count total number of new gene and species records

new_mammals<-mmerge2[mmerge2$new_species_ref==1,] # subset to just mammals in which a first gene record was generated by this study

colSums(new_mammals[c(4:10,14:21)]) # sum values for all variables

#%%%%%%%% Complimenting the Bird gap analysis (Arana, A. et al. Lack of local genetic representation in one of the regions with the highest bird species richness, the Peruvian Amazonia. PLoS One 19, e0296305 (2024).)
gap_bird<-read.csv('Gaps_aves.csv') # import data table from publication
gap_bird2<-gap_bird # create working data frame
names(gap_bird2) # show variable names
names(gap_bird2)[5:10]<-c("Amazonian_birds","CO1_peru","CO1_world","CYTB_world","18S_world","12S_world");names(gap_bird2) # rename gene marker variables with 'peru' prefix
gap_bird2<-gap_bird2[!$Amazonian_birds),] # filter to only Amazonian birds
table(gap_bird2$CO1_world) # show table of records in 'CO1_workd" variable
gap_bird2$CO1_world[$CO1_world)]<-"N" # insert "N" for all records that are NA
gap_bird2$CO1_world[gap_bird2$CO1_world %in% c("public","private")]<-"K" # replace public and private values with "K"
gap_bird2<-gap_bird2 %>% mutate_at(vars("CO1_peru","CO1_world","CYTB_world","18S_world","12S_world"),  ~ifelse( | . != "K", 0, 1)) # make all gene marker variables binary values

names(gap_bird2) # show variable names
colSums(gap_bird2[6:10]) # sum values for all gene marker variables in prior data set

names(alldata2) # show variable names of new data set
alldata2b<-alldata2[alldata2$Class=="Aves",c(1,39,44,7:12)];names(alldata2b) # filter to only birds and variables of interest, and make new working data frame
names(alldata2b)[4:9]<-c("RBCL","g18S","CO1","MATK","CYTB","TRNH");names(alldata2b) # correct gene marker names
alldata2b[4:9] <- alldata2b[4:9] %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(. != "0", "1", "0")) # make gene marker values binary
alldata2b[4:9] <- alldata2b[4:9] %>% mutate_all(as.integer) # ensure binary gene marker values are integers

# count number of sequences per gene marker by species

alldata2b[3:8]<-alldata2b[3:8] %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(. >= 1, 1, .)) # convert gene marker variabales to binary values

names(alldata2b) # check variable names
alldata2b$peru_new_seq<-rowSums(alldata2b[3:8]) # create new variable of gene markers generated per species

bmerge<-merge(alldata2b, gap_bird2, by.x="Species", by.y="Scientific_name", all=T) # merge new and prior data sets

bmerge<-bmerge[bmerge$Species!="",] #remove blank records after merge

# how many birds and mammals did we cover of the existing species list
table(bmerge$Class, useNA = "ifany")

names(bmerge)  # check variable names
bmerge[c(3:9,14:18)] <- bmerge[c(3:9,14:18)] %>% mutate_all(~replace_na(., 0)) # replace NA values with 0s
bmerge$world_prior_seq <- rowSums(bmerge[14:18]);names(bmerge) # sum values across prior sequence records per species
bmerge[c(3:9,14:19)] <- bmerge[c(3:9,14:19)] %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(. > 1, 1, .)) # convert all numerical values to binary

names(bmerge) # check variable names

# calculate several new values per species
bmerge <- bmerge %>%
    CO1peru_diff=ifelse(us_CO1 == 1 & CO1_peru == 0,1,0), # value of 1 if new COI record from Peruvian specimen generated by this study
    CO1world_diff=ifelse(us_CO1 == 1 & CO1_world == 0,1,0), # value of 1 if new CO1 record for each species was generated by this study
    CYTBworld_diff=ifelse(us_CYTB == 1 & CYTB_world == 0,1,0), # value of 1 if new cytB record for each species was generated by this study
    x18Sworld_diff=ifelse(us_18S == 1 & '18S_world' == 0,1,0), # value of 1 if new 18S record for each species was generated by this study
    new_species_ref=ifelse(peru_new_seq == 1 & world_prior_seq == 0,1,0) # value of 1 if first gene marker reference for each species was generated by this study

# sum values for all variables to count total number of new gene and species records

# subset to just mammals in which a first gene record was generated by this study

# sum values for all variables

Protocol references
Sahlin K, Lim MCW, Prost S. NGSpeciesID: DNA barcode and amplicon consensus generation from long-read sequencing data. Ecol Evol. 2021 Jan 11;11(3):1392-1398. doi: 10.1002/ece3.7146. PMID: 33598139; PMCID: PMC7863402.