CRITERIA 1 - Collecting blood samples from colonoscopy and bronchoscopy
CRITERIA 2 - Collecting blood samples (banked, FAMRI)
Inclusion criteria: a) age 65 or older, b) persons who agreed to be contacted for the EDOPeCC study, c) persons who provide a smoking history and agree to be contacted for the current study.
Exclusion criteria: a) immunocompromised adults (HIV, malignancy diagnosis in past 5 years, systemic chemotherapy, end-stage renal failure), as these factors may influence the expression of TLRs; b) adults with other obstructive lung disease (history of asthma, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis obliterans, or vocal cord dysfunction); c) adults who cannot give informed consent due to language, cognitive, or other barriers; d) adults who cannot perform spirometry due to cognitive, health or other reasons.