Sep 06, 2024

Public workspaceSimulation of cardiac arrhythmias in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes

Peer-reviewed method
  • Thea Bommer1,
  • Maria Knierim2,
  • Julia Unsöld3,
  • Dominic Riedl4,
  • Laura Stengel1,
  • Michael Paulus1,
  • Thomas Körtl4,
  • Norman Liaw5,
  • Lars S. Maier1,
  • Katrin Streckfuss-Bömeke3,6,
  • Samuel Sossalla4,
  • Steffen Pabel1,7
  • 1Department of Internal Medicine II, University Hospital Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany;
  • 2Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, University Medical Centre Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany;
  • 3Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany;
  • 4Justus-Liebig-University Gießen Medical Clinic I and Campus Kerckhoff Bad Nauheim, Gießen and Bad Nauheim, Germany;
  • 5Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University Medical Centre Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany;
  • 6Clinic for Cardiology and Pneumology, Georg-August University Göttingen, and DZHK (German Centre for Cardiovascular Research), partner site Göttingen, Germany;
  • 7Center for Systems Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
  • PLOS ONE Lab Protocols
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Protocol CitationThea Bommer, Maria Knierim, Julia Unsöld, Dominic Riedl, Laura Stengel, Michael Paulus, Thomas Körtl, Norman Liaw, Lars S. Maier, Katrin Streckfuss-Bömeke, Samuel Sossalla, Steffen Pabel 2024. Simulation of cardiac arrhythmias in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
Manuscript citation:
Bommer T, Knierim M, Unsöld J, Riedl D, Stengel L, et al. (2024) Simulation of cardiac arrhythmias in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. PLOS ONE 19(9): e0310463.
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: June 19, 2024
Last Modified: September 06, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 102344
Keywords: iPSC cardiomyocytes, arrhythmias, electrophysiology, culture pacing, translational models
The effects and mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias are still incompletely understood and an important subject of cardiovascular research. A major difficulty for investigating arrhythmias is the lack of appropriate human models. Here, we present a protocol for a translational simulation of different types of arrhythmias using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CM) and electric cell culture pacing. The protocol comprises the handling of ventricular and atrial hiPSC-CM before and during in vitro arrhythmia simulation and possible arrhythmia simulation protocols mimicking clinical arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation. Isolated or confluent hiPSC-CM can be used for the simulation. In vitro arrhythmia simulation did not impair cell viability of hiPSC-CM and could reproduce arrhythmia associated phenotypes of patients. The use of hiPSC-CM enables patient-specific studies of arrhythmias, genetic interventions, or drug-screening. Thus, the in vitro arrhythmia simulation protocol may offer a versatile tool for translational studies on the mechanisms and treatment options of cardiac arrhythmias.

Summary of the protocol for in vitro arrhythmia simulation using hiPSC-CM.
(A) Confluent grown hiPSC-CM are digested and plated depending on the planned experimental read-out on 6 well plates (100 000-500 000 cells per well i.e. for acquisition of cell pellets) or on glass bottom dishes (30 000 cells per dish inserted in the 6 well plates i.e. for measuring single cells). (B) After plating of the cells, the electrodes of the C-Pace EM stimulation system are placed as lid on the 6-well dishes and arrhythmia simulation is conducted. (C) After arrhythmia simulation, cells can be directly used for respective experiments.

Equipment and materials:

  • The fixed devices that are used for preparation and the culture stimulation of hiPSC-CM:
Incubator (37°C, 5% CO2)HeraeusHeracell 240i
Culture Pacer IonOptixC-Pace EM Channel
Electrodes IonOptixC-Dish
Ribbon Cable 300 V 10 fiberIonOptixAWM2651105C
  • All consumables:
ConsumableProducerItem number
T25 cell culture bottleSarstedt83.3910.002
6 well Falcon tissue culture plateCorning353046
Glass bottom dish, 35 mm (i.e. Fluoro Dish™)WPIFD35-100
Centrifuge tubeSarstedt62.554.502
Reaction tubeEppendorfvariable
Serological pipettesSarstedt86.1253.025
2 mL Pasteur pipettes Roth4522.1
50 mL Steriflip-GPMerckSCGP00525
ReagentCell culture flask, T-25SarstedtCatalog #83.3910.500 ReagentFalcon® 6-well Clear Flat Bottom TC-treated Multiwell Cell Culture Plate with Lid Individually WraCorningCatalog #353046
ReagentFluorodishWorld Precision InstrumentsCatalog #FD35-100
ReagentTube 15ml 120x17mm PPSarstedtCatalog #62.554.502
ReagentSerological pipetteSarstedtCatalog #86.1253.025
ReagentPasteur pipettes, 2 mlCarlRothCatalog #4522.1
ReagentSteriflip-GP Sterile Centrifuge Tube Top Filter UnitMerck Millipore (EMD Millipore)Catalog #SCGP00525

  • The reagents for the preparation of the plates and the solutions for differentiation, culturing and digesting the cells:
ReagentProducerItem number
GelatineSigma AldrichG1890
Aqua irrigation solutionB Braun0082479E 
RPMI 1640 (1x) +GlutaMAX + HEPESGibco72400-021
L-Ascorbic Acid 2-PhosphateSigma AldrichA8960
AlbuminSigma AldrichA9731
Inhibitor of Wnt production-2Millipore681671
Retinoic acidSigma AldrichR2625
B27 SupplementGibco17504-044
LactateSigma AldrichL4263
FBS QualifiedGibcoA3160802
Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%)Gibco25200-056
Thiazovivin, iPSC Induction EnhancerMerck420220-10MG
ReagentGelatin from porcine skinMerck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #G1890
ReagentRPMI 1640 Medium, GlutaMAX™ Supplement, HEPESGibco - Thermo FisherCatalog #72400021
ReagentB-27 SupplementGibco - Thermo FischerCatalog #17504044
ReagentFetal Bovine Serum, qualified, One Shot™ format, BrazilThermo FisherCatalog #A3160802
ReagentTrypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol redThermofisherCatalog #25200-056
ReagentiPSC Induction Enhancer, ThiazovivinMerck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #420220-M
ReagentDimethyl sulfoxide 100mL Merck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #D2650-100ML

  • The medium used for differentiation of the hIPSC-CM:
SubstanceConcentrationProducerItem number
L-Ascorbic Acid 2-Phosphate200 mg/LSigma AldrichA8960
Albumin, human recombinant500 mg/LSigma AldrichA9731
CHIR990214 µMol/LMillipore361559
Solved in RPMI 1640 (1x) + GlutaMAX + HEPESGibco72400-021

  • The medium used for culturing the hiPSC-CM:
SubstanceConcentrationProducerItem number
B27 Supplement2%Gibco17504-044
Solved in RPMI 1640 (1x) +GlutaMAX + HEPESGibco72400-021
ReagentB-27 SupplementGibco - Thermo FischerCatalog #17504044
ReagentRPMI 1640 Medium, GlutaMAX™ Supplement, HEPESGibco - Thermo FisherCatalog #72400021

  • The composition of the digestion medium for the hiPSC-CM digestion before plating:
SubstanceConcentrationProducerItem number
FBS Qualified20%GibcoA3160802
Thiazovivin, iPSC Induction Enhancer0.13%Merck420220-10MG
Solved in Culture medium hiPSC-CM
ReagentFetal Bovine Serum, qualified, One Shot™ format, BrazilThermo FisherCatalog #A3160802
ReagentiPSC Induction Enhancer, ThiazovivinMerck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #420220-M

  • Thiazovivin solution that is added to the hiPSC-CM culture medium:
SubstanceConcentration/VolumeProducerItem number
Thiazovivin10 mgMerck420220-10MG
DMSO16,06 mLSigmaD2650-100ML
ReagentiPSC Induction Enhancer, ThiazovivinMerck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #420220-M
ReagentDimethyl sulfoxide 100mL Merck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #D2650-100ML

Differentiation of ventricular and atrial hiPSC-CM
Differentiation of ventricular and atrial hiPSC-CM
Differentiation of hiPSC-CM was performed as previously described [1,2]. Briefly, hiPSCs were cultured feeder-free and adherent on cell culture dishes in the presence of chemically defined medium E8.

Cardiac differentiation of hiPSCs was performed by sequential targeting of the WNT pathway. Undifferentiated hiPSCs were cultured as a monolayer on Geltrex-coated 12-well dishes to a confluence of 85%-95%.

Medium was changed to cardio differentiation medium composed of RPMI medium supplemented with L-Ascorbic Acid 2-Phosphate and albumin including the GSK3 inhibitor CHIR99021 (d0).

After 48h, medium was changed to fresh media supplemented with 5 µmol/L of the inhibitor of Wnt production-2 for two days. For atrial subtype specification, 1 μmol/L retinoic acid was added between day 3 and day 6 [3].

Cardiac contraction is usually observed on day 7. From day 8 (atrial) or day 10 (ventricular), the cells were cultured in cardio culture medium, which was changed every 2-3 days.

HiPSC-CM were purified after 20-30 (atrial) or 20-40 (ventricular) days of differentiation by metabolic selection for 4-5 days using lactate (4 mmol/L, Sigma Aldrich) as carbon source. In contrast to undifferentiated iPSCs the differentiated cardiomyocytes have the ability to effectively uptake and use lactate as a carbon source [4]. Thereby, substitution of glucose by lactate allows differentiated cardiomyocytes to grow whereas undifferentiated iPSCs die.

Following differentiation, purity of hiPSC-CM was determined by flow analysis (∼90% cardiac troponin T +), cardiac immuno-fluorescence, morphology and qPCR for cardiac sub-type marker as previously described [1, 2, 5, 6].

Preparation of the 6 well culture plates and dishes
Preparation of the 6 well culture plates and dishes
1h 20m
1h 20m

Depending on the experimental purpose of the cells (single cell readouts or usage of cell pellets), hiPSC-CM are digested and plated either into 6 wells or glass bottom dishes as described below. Before plating, the dishes or wells need to be coated with gelatin (or other respective agents) ensuring optimal adherence of the cells:

Prepare 0.1 % gelatin solution in distilled water.

Autoclave at Temperature120 °C and 1 bar for Duration00:20:00 .

Coat plates with Amount1 mL gelatin solution per well or dish.

Incubate coated plates either DurationOvernight at Temperature4 °C or for Duration00:30:00 at TemperatureRoom temperature

Extract the fluid supernatant.

Dry plates for a minimum Duration00:30:00 until no wetness is left in the wells or dishes.

Coated plates are savable up to 7 days in the incubator.

Digestion and plating of the hiPSC-CM
Digestion and plating of the hiPSC-CM

HiPSC-CM at the age of 60-70 days are used for in vitro arrhythmia simulation.

For plating the cells, we perform a digestion protocol using trypsin as described before [2]. Briefly:

Add Amount1 mL -Amount2 mL Trypsin to confluent hiPSC-CM cultures.

Incubate for Duration00:03:00 -Duration00:10:00 at Temperature37 °C .

Stop reaction by adding Amount2 mL of the digestion medium when cells dissolve.

Transfer suspension into a tube that already contains Amount2 mL digestion medium.

Centrifuge at Centrifigation200 x g, Room temperature, 00:05:00 .

Extract supernatant and resuspend the pellet in digestion medium.

Count cells (i.e. via Neubauer chambers) and distribute them according to the targeted cell numbers in coated plates.

Plating is performed based on the planned experiments:

For assays requiring larger cell numbers (100 000 – 500 000 cells, i.e. Western Blots, Proteomics or gene sequencing) plate hiPSC-CM in the wells of the 6 well plate.

For investigation of single cells (i.e. patch clamp, fluorescence microscopy), plate a cell number of 20 000 – 40 000 hiPSC-CM in 35 mm glass bottom dishes, which are placed within the wells of the 6 well plate.

Fill every well with Amount2 mL and every dish with Amount1.5 mL digestion medium.

Resuspend cells very gentle to avoid damaging the cells and add needed cell number to the prepared medium.

For better distribution of the cells move the plate horizontally and vertically (i.e. '8-shape')

After 2 days: replace the digestion medium by culture medium

After plating conduct a 7-day resting period for recovery and adhering of the cells before starting the stimulation protocol.

Change medium every two days.

By plating the hiPSC-CM in 35 mm glass bottom dishes, which are placed within the wells of the 6 well plate, cells could directly be transferred after stimulation within the dish to respective experimental setups.

Electrode preparation
Electrode preparation
Electrode preparation and cleaning of the electrodes is described in the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure full technical support. We prepared the electrodes as follows:

Autoclave electrodes at Temperature120 °C for Duration00:20:00 at 1 bar.

After cleaning, the electrodes can be placed on 6 wells with or without inserted glass bottom dishes.

Placing of glass bottom dishes and stimulation electrodes. Single glass bottom dishes (left panel) that fit right into single wells of the 6 well plate can be inserted in the 6 well plate (middle panel). The electrodes fit for both 6 well plate and inserted glass bottom dishes (right panel). Therefore, cells can be directly transferred to functional studies after in vitro arrhythmia simulation.

To autoclave the electrodes, we cover the components of the circuit board on the back of the electrodes with silicon. Thereby, electrodes can be protected during autoclaving.

The single glass bottom dishes fit into the 6 well but still leave enough space for the electrodes. Therefore, direct measurements of single cells without another digestion/plating can be conducted after arrhythmia simulation since the dishes can be directly transferred to the microscope.

Setting the electrical stimulus pulse
Setting the electrical stimulus pulse
7h 30m
7h 30m
After plating and resting, electrical stimulation of the cells was started:

Place clean electrodes into the wells in the sterile bench.

Connect each plate via ribbon cable to one channel of the pacer.

Exemplary setup for the culture stimulation of hiPSC-CM. The C-Pace EM System (IonOptix) (1) on top of the incubator (2) with output via ribbon cables connecting the pacer to the electrodes in the 6 well plates with hiPSC-CM (3). Sufficient capture and contraction of hiPSC-CM are monitored via microscope (4).

Stimulate every plate individually according to the planned experiments by programming the single channels of the pacer.

Adjust the stimulation pulse for starting the pacing.

Setting the stimulus pulse. When starting the culture stimulation, we recommend using stimulus pulses with a duration of 2.2 ms with an amplitude of 25 V. The capturing and contraction of the cell clusters and the single cells need to be evaluated under the microscope. If capturing and contraction are sufficient, pulse duration should be reduced stepwise. If capturing and contraction are not sufficient, pulse duration needs to be increased to ensure appropriate pacing. Constant readjustment of the pulse parameters, especially during the first 4-6 hours is required. Set stimulation pulse around 10% above threshold.

Control the contraction of the cells under the microscope:

Right at the start of the stimulation.

For the first two hours: frequently repeated, at least everyDuration00:30:00 .

At the first day: control/readjust the stimulation for around every Duration01:00:00 for the following Duration06:00:00 .

The following days: check cells for vitality (typical shape? detachment?) and visible contraction of the cardiomyocytes minimum two times a day.

Protocol pacing settings and cell contraction (i.e. percentage of beating cardiomyocyte in a prespecified area).

The stimulus pulses are square pulses consisting of pulse amplitude (V) and duration (ms). Pulses need to be sufficient to excite the contraction of the cells, but as low as possible to not cause damage to the cells and thereby impair their physiology. When setting the pulse parameters, pulse duration is set as short as possible. To ensure the right pulse strength and duration the contraction of the cells is frequently controlled under the microscope during the stimulation, especially at the beginning of the stimulation protocol. Cells usually reach a steady state after 1 day of pacing.

Medium changes
Medium changes

Frequency of the medium changes depends on the density of the cells: in dishes with a cell number of around 30 000 stimulated cells change medium two times a week, in wells with 100 000 plated cells or more change medium three times a week

Disinfect all material that is used thoroughly with ethanol.

Warm up fresh culture medium at Temperature37 °C .

Remove the electrodes together with the top of the 6 well plate under the sterile working bench.

Remove old medium.

Add Amount2 mL fresh medium per well and Amount1.5 mL per dish.

Medium is carefully pipetted in the inserted dishes. Fluids between the walls of the 6 well plate and the inserted glass bottom dish could hinder the removal of the dish from the 6-well plate.

Monitoring of apoptosis during culture pacing
Monitoring of apoptosis during culture pacing
To evaluate if the cells get stressed or damaged during culture pacing we perform assays for detecting apoptosis. One assay we used is the APC Annexin V Apoptosis Detection Kit (BioLegend). It was used as previously described [5,7]. In short:

Dissociate cells from the culture plates.

Expose cells to Annexin V Binding Buffer.

Analyse apoptosis by flow cytometry with dual excitation at 488 nm and 635 nm.

Gate events using a positive control with staurosporine (1 mmol/l).

Calculate apoptosis rate as the percentage of events positive for APC and negative for propidium iodide.

Moreover, methylene blue stainings were performed.

Protocol references

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