Before washing the hairs, check each sample and take note of whether the hair sample is darkly pigmented or not.
If the hairs are readily visible in the 2mL tube, even from a distance, you may consider them darkly pigmented for the purposes of this protocol.
If you cannot see the hairs well, follow the steps for lightly pigmented hairs below to dye them before the washing and imaging steps.
Dyeing them before washing ensures that fewer hairs will be lost in the process due to a researcher's inability to see readily see them during transfers between tubes.
Caution: Permanent hair dyes are slightly basic to open the cuticle of the hair fiber and allow for the dye pigments to enter the hair shaft.
Relaxers and perms similarly use basic solutions, however, they are designed for the purpose of breaking the disulfide bonds in hair and altering hair texture.
As hair dyes tend to be around pH7 or pH8 , while texture-altering solutions are much more basic (pH9 to pH14 ), this should not be a concern for relatively short periods of time. However, the effects of hair dyes on curvature are yet to be studied, so these dyeing steps must be done with caution.
Keep dye and developer from kit well sealed between uses.
Also check for the expiration date as the dye and developer may not have the desired effect past this date.