Aug 21, 2020

Public workspaceSABER-FISH – Signal amplification for multiplexed fluorescence in situ hybridization assays

This collection is a draft, published without a DOI.
SABER-FISH – Signal amplification for multiplexed fluorescence in situ hybridization assays
  • Jocelyn Y. Kishi1,2,3,
  • Sylvain W. Lapan4,3,
  • Brian J Beliveau1,2,5,3,6,
  • Emma R. West4,3,
  • Allen Zhu1,2,
  • Hiroshi M. Sasaki1,2,
  • Sinem K Saka1,2,
  • Yu Wang1,2,
  • Constance L Cepko4,7,6,
  • Peng Yin1,2,6
  • 1Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA;
  • 2Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA;
  • 3These authors contributed equally;
  • 4Department of Genetics, Blavatnik Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA;
  • 5Present address: Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA;
  • 6Correspondence: (P.Y.), (C.L.C.), (B. J. B.);
  • 7Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD, USA
Open access
External link:
Collection CitationJocelyn Y. Kishi, Sylvain W. Lapan, Brian J Beliveau, Emma R. West, Allen Zhu, Hiroshi M. Sasaki, Sinem K Saka, Yu Wang, Constance L Cepko, Peng Yin 2020. SABER-FISH – Signal amplification for multiplexed fluorescence in situ hybridization assays.
Manuscript citation:
Kishi, J.Y., Lapan, S.W., Beliveau, B.J. et al. SABER amplifies FISH: enhanced multiplexed imaging of RNA and DNA in cells and tissues. Nat Methods 16, 533–544 (2019).
License: This is an open access collection distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
Created: July 06, 2020
Last Modified: August 21, 2020
Collection Integer ID: 38918
The SABER Technology
The Signal Amplification By Exchange Reaction (SABER) method is used for amplifying signal from multiplexed in situ fluorescence staining experiments. Developed by the Yin and Cepko labs at Harvard University and the Wyss Institute, the technique uses Primer Exchange Reactions (PERs) to generate three-letter (A, T, C) concatemeric sequences in bulk in vitro reactions. These concatemers can then be in situ hybridized to fixed cells and tissues and act as scaffolds that localize fluorescent 'imager' strands. The method can further be paired with DNA-Exchange Imaging (DEI) to increase multiplexing via rapid stripping of old imager strands and hybridization of new imager strands (imager exchange) and/or cell segmentation with puncta counting on a per cell basis for quantitative analyses.

See the following references and resources below for further information. SABER provides a scalable and cost-effective way to amplify multiplexed in situ stainings for RNA/DNA (SABER-FISH) and protein targets (Immuno-SABER, website, collection on

Multiplexed signal amplification enables rapid tissue mapping by increasing the number of targets that can be visualized per sample and reducing the exposure times required to see signals. Signal amplification in fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assays can also increase sensitivity, potentially allowing smaller genomic and transcriptomic loci to be imaged, fewer probes to be applied, and/or less expensive microscopy setups to be utilized. SABER-FISH uses in vitro Primer Exchange Reactions (PERs) to synthesize long repetitive 'concatemer' sequences onto the 3' end of probes designed to be complementary to DNA and RNA targets of interest. After concatemer extension, probes are in situ hybridized to fixed cell and tissue samples, followed by a short secondary fluorescent hybridization that binds 20nt fluorophore-conjugated strands ('imagers') to the concatemers.

Multiplexing with SABER-FISH is achieved through the use of orthogonal concatemer sequences appended to probe sets, which can be read out to spectrally separated fluorophores on complementary imagers. Imager sequences can also be stripped from one set of concatemers without disrupting the underlying probe binding, which allows new sets of imagers targeting different loci to be imaged in iteritave rounds of fluorescence imaging. This process of stripping and hybridization is referred to as DNA-Exchange Imaging (DEI). SABER-FISH signal can further be enhanced with a branching strategy, where multiple rounds of concatemerized probe binding create branched structures in situ. Below are a number of resources intended to help adoption of the technology, including references, animations, and protocols.

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Safety warnings
For hazard information and safety warnings, please refer to the SDS (Safety Data Sheet).
1: User-friendly protocol: Probe set design (SABER-FISH)
1: User-friendly protocol: Probe set design (SABER-FISH)
Version 1
2: User-friendly protocol: Oligo ordering and preparation (SABER-FISH)
2: User-friendly protocol: Oligo ordering and preparation (SABER-FISH)
Version 1
3: 30mer branch melting temperatures (SABER-FISH)
3: 30mer branch melting temperatures (SABER-FISH)
Version 1
4: User-friendly protocol: Cost-efficient Primer Exchange Reaction (PER) concatemerization (SABER-FISH)
4: User-friendly protocol: Cost-efficient Primer Exchange Reaction (PER) concatemerization (SABER-FISH)
Version 1
5: User-friendly protocol: SABER RNA FISH in cells
5: User-friendly protocol: SABER RNA FISH in cells
Version 1
6: Protocol optimization for SABER-FISH in tissues
6: Protocol optimization for SABER-FISH in tissues
Version 1
7: User-friendly protocol: Retina Tissue Sections RNA FISH
7: User-friendly protocol: Retina Tissue Sections RNA FISH
Version 1