REAGENTS (the brands are the ones were used, but can be replaced with other brands)
1. 2% CTAB Extraction buffer containing 4% PVP (1 Liter) - store at room temperature (RT)
1 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) 100 ml (100 mM) ; Fujifilm Wako, 015-20093 (1 kg) or Fujifilm Wako, 019-20091 (100 g)
0.5 M EDTA (pH 8.0) 40 ml (20 mM) ; Nippongene, 311-90075
NaCl 71.9 g (1.4 M) ; Fujifilm Wako, 191-01665
Add MilliQ water up to 1 liter
When still warm, add following CTAB and mix well
CTAB (Hexadecyltrimethyl-ammonium bromide) 20 g ; Fujifilm Wako, 030-02105
Add PVP fresh before each use
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP MW 4.0) 40 g ; Sigma Aldrich, 9003-39-8
2. Chloroform・isoamylalcohol (24:1) , store in 4°C (Chloroform: Fujifilm Wako, 67-66-3; isoamylalcohol : Fujifilm Wako, 133-12011)
Add 20.8 mL isoamylalcohol to newly opened 500 ml chloroform. No need to autoclave
3. Phenol:chloroform:isoamylalcohol (250 ml), store in 4°C ; Nippongene 311-90151
4. DNAse-RNAse-free water for molecular biology, store in RT (not DEPC-treated water)
5. 8M LiCl solution, store in RT ; Fujifilm Wako, 129-05243
Note: Add 24.16 g lithium chloride slowly to 50 mL water. LiCl releases heat when dissolve.
Autoclave 121°C, 30 minutes
6. 80% ethanol, store in -30°C; Wako, 057-00456
add 40 ml 99.5% ethanol to 10 ml molecular grade water
7. 3M NaOAc solution (pH 5.2), store in RT ; Nippongene, 316-90081
8. 99.5% ethanol, store in -30°C ; Wako, 057-00456
9. DNase I (RNase free), store in -30°C ; Nippongene, 314-08071
10. Recombinant RNase Inhibitor ver.2.0, store in -30°C; Takara, 2315A
11. Mortar, pestle, spatula (clean with 70% ethanol or RNase Knockout (Fujifilm Wako, 181-03381) or other RNAse removal spray
12. RNAlater stabilization solution, store in RT ; Invitrogen, AM7020