May 28, 2024

Public workspaceQubit4 Fluorometer Protocol: Invitrogen dsDNA HS Assay Kit (REF 32854)

  • 1University of Georgia- Holly Bik;
  • 2University of Georgia;
  • 3Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia;
  • 4UGA
Open access
Protocol CitationJenna Brown, Mirayana Marcelino Barros, Tiago Pereira, Alejandro De Santiago Perez, Hunter Powell 2024. Qubit4 Fluorometer Protocol: Invitrogen dsDNA HS Assay Kit (REF 32854).
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: May 01, 2024
Last Modified: May 28, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 99081
Funders Acknowledgement:
Holly Bik
Qubit4 Fluorometer Protocol: Invitrogen dsDNA HS Assay Kit (REF 32854); Qubit4 protocol used to test dsDNA concentrations in samples.
Qubit4 Fluorometer Protocol: Invitrogen dsDNA HS Assay Kit (REF 32854)
Qubit4 Fluorometer Protocol: Invitrogen dsDNA HS Assay Kit (REF 32854)
Set up two assay tubes (Qubit assay tubes REF Q32856) for the standards (Standard #1 and Standard #2) and one assay tube for each sample.
Preparing working solution:
Dilute the Qubit reagent 1:200 in Qubit buffer: Amount1 µL of Qubit dsDNA HS Reagent *200X (multiplied by number of samples + one extra sample) for every Amount199 µL of Qubit dsDNA HS Buffer (multiplied by number of samples + one extra sample). Make enough mix for the total number of samples including Standard #1 and Standard #2.
Prepare standards separately (Standard #1 and Standard #2): Amount190 µL of working solution and Amount10 µL of standard, to a final volume of Amount200 µL for each standard.
Tip: Slowly mix up and down with pipette tip.
Prepare samples: Amount198 µL of working solution and Amount2 µL of extracted DNA, to a final volume of Amount200 µL for each sample.
Tip: When pipetting DNA, make sure to mix slowly with pipette tip to prevent shearing. Slowly mix this mixture up and down with pipette tip as well.

Vortex all tubes and centrifuge briefly. Remove any bubbles before inserting tubes into the Qubit4 Fluorometer.

Setting up the Qubit4 Fluorometer: (a) select dsDNA, (b) choose dsDNA HS.
Insert standard tubes into the Qubit Fluorometer and take readings. Note: make sure that standard readings are accurate before moving on to the samples. (Standard #1: low, Standard #2: high). Specify the volume of DNA used and then take readings of your samples.