Apr 19, 2024

Public workspaceProtocols for Mountain-based Ecotourism Project

  • 1UC Berkeley
Open access
Protocol CitationJayden Manalese 2024. Protocols for Mountain-based Ecotourism Project. protocols.io https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.j8nlk8ex5l5r/v1
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: April 18, 2024
Last Modified: April 19, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 98425
Keywords: Mountain Tourism, Tourism, Ecotourism, Impact on Local Communities
The mountains and valleys amongst French Polynesia have historically held a sacred role in polynesian culture and society, however the (eco) tourism industry primarily generates its income from marine and coastal-based ecosystems. The goal of this research project is to develop a mountain-based ecotourism attraction on the island of Moorea and evaluate the impacts from this development on the local communities and economy. As mountain-based attractions such as mountain biking, rock climbing, ziplining, and hiking continue to gain popularity amongst eager to travel thrill seekers around the world, Moorea, with its vast mountains, dense rainforests, grand valleys, rushing waterfalls, and exhilarating ridgelines, makes it a strong contender for attracting and bringing in foreign investments through ecotourism, that will ultimately go back to supporting local communities.
Although this research project is enabled through Gump Station, UC Berkley and other affiliates are not held liable for any potential problems coming from this project.

A brief safety video must be watched before park entry to follow safety guidelines and explain disclaimers.
water supply systems
storage container
limber removal services
social media marketer
QR code feedback forms
transect measuring tape

Safety warnings
Liability waivers will be given out to any volunteers, customers, staff, park users, etc
Ethics statement
Equal Opportunity, Engagement with local community
Protocols for Mountain-based Ecotourism Project
Protocols for Mountain-based Ecotourism Project
Community Engagement and Needs Assessment
Conduct meetings with local community leaders, youth groups, and stakeholders to discuss the potential development of mountain-based ecotourism in the form of an eco bike park.
Conduct surveys and interviews to assess the needs, interests, and concerns of the local community regarding park development such as location, size, accessibility, etc.
Identify potential sites for the eco bike park in collaboration with community members, considering ecological sensitivity, accessibility, and suitability for tourism activities.
Planning and Design
Planning and Design
Planning and Design
Form a multidisciplinary team comprising architects, landscape designers, ecologists, and community members to develop the eco bike park concept and design.
Draft a comprehensive plan outlining the layout, trails, facilities, and infrastructure of the eco bike park, integrating principles of sustainability and accessibility.
Seek feedback and input from the local community and relevant stakeholders on the proposed design, making necessary adjustments to address concerns and optimize benefits.
Permitting and Approval
Permitting and Approval
Permitting and Approval
Identify and obtain necessary permits and approvals from local authorities, government agencies, and environmental regulatory bodies for the construction and operation of the eco bike park.
Comply with all relevant regulations, including environmental impact assessments, land use permits, and zoning requirements, to ensure legal compliance and minimize negative impacts on the environment.
Construction and Implementation
Construction and Implementation
Construction and Implementation
Hire local community members and laborers for the construction of trails, infrastructure, and amenities within the eco bike park, prioritizing employment opportunities for the local community.
Implement sustainable construction practices, such as erosion control measures, native vegetation restoration, and waste management, to minimize environmental impacts during the development phase.
Establish partnerships with local businesses, tour operators, and accommodation providers to promote the eco bike park and integrate it into existing tourism offerings on the island.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Develop a monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the socio-economic, environmental, and cultural impacts of the eco bike park on the local community and interior ecosystems.
Collect baseline data on key indicators, such as visitor numbers, revenue generation, biodiversity, and community engagement, prior to the opening of the eco bike park.
Implement regular monitoring activities, including surveys, interviews, biodiversity assessments, and economic analyses, to track changes over time and evaluate the effectiveness of the eco bike park in achieving its objectives.
Data Collection and Analysis (1/2)
Data Collection and Analysis (1/2)
Data Collection and Analysis for the impact on the local community.
Give out a well-being questionnaire and survey to the local community both at the start and end of the project. April 1 to September 1.
Use the results from 6.1 to conduct a basic cross comparison, measuring differences in responses amongst the local community and youth, in an effort to see how the development of a mountain-based eco bike park impacts local communities.
Data Collection and Analysis (2/2)
Data Collection and Analysis (2/2)
Data Collection and Analysis for the impact on the interior or mountain-based ecosystems.
Once the development portion of the project has been completed, using biodiversity as a parameter for a healthy ecosystem, conduct a study on the biodiversity of the eco park versus a "untouched" sample similar in size.
In 3 randomly designated 10 meter diameter samples spread out amongst the eco park, as well as a nearby, undeveloped, piece of land, count the number of species found within
Using the findings from 7.2, perform a cross analysis of the two samples, in an aim to see how the development of an eco bike park impacts the interior and mountain-based ecosystems.
Protocol references
past ISP projects