Considerations on Selecting Poly(A) mRNA Enrichment or rRNA Depletion
The library preparation protocol should be chosen based on the goals of the project and the quality of the RNA sample. Total cellular RNA is mainly composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and often is not of interest. rRNA can be removed from total cellular RNA with either of two common methods. The first method uses oligo d(T) beads, which bind to the poly(A) tail of eukaryotic mRNA. Alternatively, rRNA can be depleted using rRNA-specific probes. NEB offers the NEBNext Poly(A) mRNA Magnetic Isolation Module (NEB #E7490) and the NEBNext rRNA Depletion Kit v2 (Human/Mouse/Rat) with or without RNA Sample Purification Beads (NEB #E7400/ #E7405) for the enrichment of non-ribosomal RNA.
In the oligo d(T) approach, only mRNA with poly(A) tails will be enriched; other cellular RNA without a poly(A) tail, such as non-coding RNA or mRNA lacking poly(A) will not bind to the beads. In addition, mRNA from some organisms (e.g., prokaryotes) or degraded RNA (e.g., FFPE RNA) do not have poly(A) tails and will not be captured by oligo d(T) beads. On the other hand, the probe-based rRNA depletion kit will remove the targeted rRNA, but it will preserve other biologically relevant cellular RNA such as non-coding RNA or mRNA.
The quality of an RNA sample should also be considered when deciding on a library preparation protocol. The NEBNext Poly(A) mRNA Magnetic Isolation Module should only be used with high-quality RNA samples (RIN > 7), since degradation results in a loss of poly(A) tails from mRNA molecules. For partially degraded or heavily degraded samples (e.g., RIN ≤ 7, FFPE RNA), the NEBNext rRNA Depletion Kit should be used.
Assess the quality of the input RNA by running the RNA sample on an Agilent Bioanalyzer RNA 6000 Nano/Pico Chip to determine the RNA Integrity Number (RIN). For intact (RIN > 7) or partially degraded RNA samples (RIN = 2 to 7) follow the library preparation protocol in sections in the kit manual on For highly degraded samples (e.g., FFPE) which do not require fragmentation, follow the library preparation protocol recommendations in appendix B (in the library prep kit manual on
The RNA sample should be free of salts (e.g., Mg2+, or guanidinium salts) or organics (e.g., phenol and ethanol). RNA must be free of DNA. gDNA is a common contaminant from RNA preps. It may be carried over from the interphase of organic extractions or when the silica matrix of solid phase RNA purification methods is overloaded. If the total RNA sample may contain gDNA contamination, treat the sample with DNase I to remove all traces of DNA (not provided in this kit). After treatment with DNase I the enzyme should be removed from the sample. Any residual activity of DNase I will degrade the single stranded DNA probes necessary for the ribosomal depletion. DNase I can be removed from the extraction using phenol/ chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation. Prior to depletion the RNA must be in nuclease free water. Some products, e.g., TURBO DNA-free™ Kit TURBO™ DNase Treatment and Removal Reagents do not produce RNA in nuclease free water and are not compatible with NEBNext rRNA depletion.
25–250 ng DNA-free total RNA quantified by Qubit Fluorometer or spectrophotometer and quality checked by Bioanalyzer. The protocol is optimized for approximately 200 bp RNA inserts.
Prior to Starting Enrichment
Remove the following components to thaw on ice:
• NEBNext UltraExpress RNA Fragmentation Mix
• NEBNext UltraExpress Second Strand Master Mix (Note: do not vortex reagent, mix only by inversion)