anesthesia (mix of ketamine and xylazine)
1mL plastic syringe for injecting anesthesia
5mL (mouse) / 20 mL (rat) syringe for injecting perfusion solution
perfusion solution (sucrose)
artificial cerebrospinal fluid (Krebs)
glass beaker (100 mL)
parafilm “M” (Bemis)
metal or plastic dissection tray
curved tip atraumatic forceps
mosquito hemostatic forceps
4.5 inch stainless steel sharp scissors
5.5 inch stainless steel sharp scissors
small spoon (Fisherbrand Spoonula Lab Spoon)
ice and bucket
fine tip paint brush (Rodin Serie S-9700)
filter paper (Whatman Grade 1 circles, 90mm)
small glass petri dish (5cm)
large glass petri dish (9cm) with attached Vibratome base
slice incubation chamber or small plastic petri dish (5.5cm)
stainless double edge razor blade (Dorco ST300)
Vibratome (Series 1000)
gas (carbogen 5%)
cyanoacrylate glue (‘Super Glue’ or ‘Krazy Glue’)
red sharps disposal container
yellow plastic bag for biological waste