Dec 22, 2023

Public workspaceProcessing of fixed spheroids for TOBis barcoding, enzyme-free dissociation and antibody staining for CyTOF

  • 1UCL Cancer Institute, UCL, London
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Protocol CitationRalitsa R Madsen 2023. Processing of fixed spheroids for TOBis barcoding, enzyme-free dissociation and antibody staining for CyTOF.
Manuscript citation:
Madsen RR, Le Marois A, Mruk ON, et al. Oncogenic PIK3CA corrupts growth factor signaling specificity. Molecular Systems Biology. 2024 Dec. DOI: 10.1038/s44320-024-00078-x. PMID: 39706867.
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: November 25, 2023
Last Modified: December 22, 2023
Protocol Integer ID: 91419
Funders Acknowledgements:
Wellcome Trust
Grant ID: 220464/Z/20/Z
CLOVES Syndrome Community
Grant ID: NA
This protocol is an adaptation and extension of the original work on single-cell signalling in organoids by the Tape Lab at UCL. In this adaptation, I have optimised a new approach for non-enzymatic single-cell dissociation of fixed, scaffold-free spheroids. The adapted protocol is also shorter and uses less material throughout.

Its development would not have been possible without the initial help provided by the Tape Lab in 2021-2022, particularly by Jahangir Sufi. For their original protocol, please refer to the following publication: Sufi, J., Qin, X., Rodriguez, F.C. et al. Multiplexed single-cell analysis of organoid signaling networks. Nat Protoc 16, 4897–4918 (2021).
Staining and acquisition reagents
  • Ca2+- and Mg2+-free PBS from Sigma or Gibco (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
  • Formaldehyde, 16 %, methanol-free, Ultra Pure (Polysciences, 18814-20)
  • Triton-X100 (Sigma Aldrich, VWR, Fisher Scientific or equivalent)
  • L-Glutathione (reduced; Sigma Aldrich #G6529-5G)
  • Methanol (Sigma Aldrich, VWR, Fisher Scientific or equivalent)
  • EDTA 0.5 M stock solution, pH = 8 (Sigma #03690-100ml)
  • Cell-IDTM Intercalator-Ir (Fluidigm # 201192A)
  • Maxpar Cell Staining Buffer (Fluidigm # 201068)
  • Maxpar Water (Fluidigm # 201069)
  • Maxpar PBS (Fluidigm, Cat# 201058)
  • Maxpar Cell Acquisition Solution + CyTOF XT (Fluidigm #201244)
  • Fix & Perm buffer (Fluidigm #201067) 
  • EQ Six Element Calibration Beads (Fluidigm, Cat# 201245)
  • Experiment-dependent: rare earth metal-conjugated extracellular and intracellular target antibodies of interest

Special equipment
  • Tissue Grinder Unit (Fast Forward Discoveries)
  • Tissue Grinder Dissociation Tubes with 40 µm strainer (Fast Forward Discoveries)

  • Haemocytometer
  • Eppendorf tubes
  • FACS tubes with 0.35 µm cell strainer
  • Pipette tips
  • Stripettes
  • Single- and multichannel pipettes
  • Pipetboy
  • Benchtop centrifuge
  • Swinging bucket centrifuge
Spheroid collection
Spheroid collection
1h 10m
1h 10m
Generate spheroids in Elplasia plates (96-well or 24-well plate format) according to the following protocol:

At the end of your experiment, add 16 % formaldehyde straight to the culture medium for a final dilution to 4 % (e.g., for 96-well plate - add Amount50 µL 16 % formaldehyde to Amount150 µL medium solution; for 24-well plate - add Amount500 µL 16 % formaldehyde to Amount1.5 mL medium).

NB: I recommend using an electronic multichannel pipette at low dispensing speed.

Leave the plate on ice and covered with foil for Duration01:00:00

Using non-filter aspiration tips, remove the fix solution and add Amount200 µL PBS to each well in a 96-well Elplasia plate or Amount2 mL to wells in a 24-well plate.

NB: if working with 24-well Elplasia plates, to avoid aspirating the spheroids, I recommend using non-filter, gel-loading tips.
It is possible to parafilm the plate at this point and store in the fridge for further processing. I have tested this for plates stored up to 4 months with successful results. Longer storage periods may also work but have not been tested by me or members of my lab.
TOBis barcoding
TOBis barcoding
Depending on the number of samples to be multiplexed, thaw either the 35-plex or 126-plex barcodes at room temperature just before use. Mix and short-centrifuge to pull contents to the bottom of the tubes.
Remove the old PBS from the wells, and replenish with Amount72 µL (96-well) or Amount270 µL (24-well) MaxPar PBS.

Add Amount8 µL (96-well) or Amount30 µL (24-well) of each barcode solution to the respective wells.

NB: make sure to have a pre-printed code assignment sheet as per the attached example.

Well-barcode assignment example

Parafilm the plate and leave on a rocker DurationOvernight at Temperature4 °C

Excess barcode neutralisation with glutathione (GSH)
Excess barcode neutralisation with glutathione (GSH)
1h 5m
1h 5m
Once the incubation period is complete and just before you need it, make up ‘x’ ml of 2 mM Glutathione (GSH) in MaxPar CSB (Cell Staining Buffer), for example: 49.2 mg of GSH to 80 ml of CSB, dissolve at room temperature by shaking for 10-20 minutes.

NB: adjust the amount depending on the total number of plates being processed and total volume that will be needed
Remove the barcode solution from each well, then wash with Amount200 µL (for 96-well plate) or Amount1 mL (for 24-well plate) of 2 mM GSH in CSB. Incubate for 10 minutes, then repeat the wash/incubation another 2 times for a total of 3 times.

NB: continue to use gel tips for aspiration of solutions in 24-well plate.

Next, wash with Amount200 µL (for 96-well plate) or Amount1 mL (for 24-well plate) of PBS. Incubate for 10 minutes, then repeat the wash/incubation once more for a total of 2 times.

NB: continue to use gel tips for aspiration of solutions in 24-well plate.
TissueGrinder single-cell dissociation of barcoded spheroids
TissueGrinder single-cell dissociation of barcoded spheroids
Pre-coat a TissueGrinder tube with Amount10 mL CSB, making sure to invert the tube to cover all parts, including the blades. Reuse the coating solution to coat an additional 50 ml Falcon for spheroid collection.

NB: for up to 126 conditions with unique barcoding, a single Tissue Grinder tube is needed for dissociation. Increase as needed for multiple independent experiments.
Using the final PBS on the spheroids and CSB-precoated tip (P200 for 96-well; P1000 for 24-well), pipette up-and-down forcefully and transfer the spheroid suspension to a collection boat, then to the CSB pre-coated 50 ml Falcon using a CSB pre-coated 10 ml stripette. Add Amount5 mL PBS to the boat, and use to perform one final wash of each well (multichannel), pipetting across all wells in turn and collecting into the final suspension. 

Spin the spheroids down at Centrifigation800 x g, Room temperature, 00:05:00 , deceleration break = 5 , (this is very important, otherwise the spheroids will dislodge when the centrifuge stops).

NB: if the spheroids have not pelleted properly, remove as much of the supernatant as possible without touching the spheroids, then use CSB pre-coated tips to transfer the spheroids to CSB pre-coated 1.5 ml Eppendorf tubes (use several if necessary) and repeat the centrifugation using a benchtop centrifuge at Centrifigation800 x g, Room temperature, 00:03:00

Alternative to spin: you can also let the spheroids settle under gravity. Leave unperturbed for 5 minutes.
Remove as much of the supernatant as possible, then use a CSB pre-coated tip to resuspend the spheroids in MaxPar PBS supplemented with 2 mM EDTA for a final volume of approximately Amount800 µL (taking into account the volume taken up by the spheroids).
Keeping the TissueGrinder tube lid inverted on a flat surface and using a CSB pre-coated tip, transfer the spheroid suspension into the lid, fitting it between the blades, then screw on the tube in inverted orientation.
Proceed with dissociation using the standard TissueGrinder protocol "Harsh" (Duration00:03:00 ).

Spin down the TissueGrinder tube with single cells at Centrifigation800 x g, Room temperature, 00:05:00 , deceleration break = 5 .
Without removing the supernatant, wash the blades/strainer with another Amount2 mL CSB to retrieve any cells that may have been left behind. Repeat centrifugation at Centrifigation800 x g, Room temperature, 00:05:00 , deceleration break = 5

Gently, remove the supernatant and use a CSB pre-coated tip to resuspend the pellet in Amount1 mL CSB, followed by transfer of the suspension to a CSB pre-coated 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube.

Count the cells using a haemocytometer (I have found that this is more reliable for fixed, dissociated cells compared to automated counters; if the suspension is dense, dilute a small aliquot up to 1:10 in PBS for counting).

Calculate how many cells will be needed for staining (up to ~4 million cells can be used per staining round).

NB: the dissociated cells can be stored in CSB for up to 4 weeks at Temperature4 °C .

Extracellular antibody staining
Extracellular antibody staining
Prepare the extracellular antibody staining cocktail. This requires individual antibody optimisation and titration. An example is provided below, with emphasis on the use of non-overlapping metals (also, checks against intracellular targets). The final volume should be Amount50 µL , with CSB as the diluent.

Example table for preparation of the extracellular antibody staining cocktail

Using a CSB pre-coated tip, take forward the required amount of dissociated cells for staining in 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube and centrifuge in a benchtop centrifuge atCentrifigation800 x g, Room temperature, 00:03:00

Discard the supernatant and proceed with addition of the Amount50 µL extracellular antibody cocktail.
Incubate for Duration00:30:00 with continuous vortexing at low speed (use tape to secure the tube in an upright position on the vortex).

Once the previous step has completed, add Amount1 mL CSB to the suspension and centrifuge in a benchtop centrifuge atCentrifigation1500 x g, Room temperature, 00:05:00

Discard the supernatant.
Resuspend the cell pellet in Amount200 µL of 0.1 % Triton X-100 (diluted in MaxPar PBS), gently vortex, and incubate at room temperature for Duration00:30:00 under low-speed vortexing (use tape to secure the tube in an upright position on the vortex).

In the meantime, prepare the intracellular antibody staining cocktail. This requires individual antibody optimisation and titration. An example is provided below, with emphasis on the use of non-overlapping metals (also, checks against intracellular targets). The final volume should be Amount50 µL , with CSB as the diluent.
Example table for preparation of the intracellular antibody staining cocktail
Once the previous step has completed, add Amount1 mL CSB to the suspension and centrifuge in a benchtop centrifuge atCentrifigation1500 x g, Room temperature, 00:05:00

Discard the supernatant and place the cells on ice Temperature0 °C for Duration00:01:00 .

Resuspend the cells in Amount200 µL ice-cold 50% methanol (diluted in MaxPar PBS and stored at Temperature-20 °C until use), gently vortex and incubate for Duration00:10:00 at Temperature0 °C on ice.

Once the previous step has completed, add Amount1 mL CSB to the suspension and centrifuge in a benchtop centrifuge atCentrifigation1500 x g, Room temperature, 00:05:00

Discard the supernatant and repeat the previous step, taking care to discard all the supernatant afterwards (NB: residual supernatant can affect the subsequent intracellular antibody staining).
Intracellular antibody staining
Intracellular antibody staining
Add the Amount50 µL intracellular antibody cocktail to the cell pellet.
Incubate for Duration00:30:00 with continuous vortexing at low speed (use tape to secure the tube in an upright position on the vortex)
Once the previous step has completed, add Amount1 mL , CSB to the suspension and centrifuge in a benchtop centrifuge atCentrifigation1500 x g, Room temperature, 00:05:00

Discard the supernatant and repeat the previous step. Remove the supernatant.
During the centrifugation, prepare a fresh 1.6% formaldehyde solution with MaxPar PBS as the diluent.
Antibody fixation & Intercalation
Antibody fixation & Intercalation
1h 15m
1h 15m
Gently vortex the cell pellet, then add Amount200 µL fresh 1.6 % fresh formaldehyde solution, vortex gently and incubate for Duration00:10:00 at room temperature.

NB: including this fix step increases debar coding efficiency and stained cells can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 weeks and no longer.
Once the previous step has completed, add Amount1 mL , CSB to the suspension and centrifuge in a benchtop centrifuge at Centrifigation2000 x g, Room temperature, 00:05:00

NB: the higher centrifugation speed is needed at this point as pelleting is not as efficient after the previous step.
During the centrifugation, dilute Amount1 µL Intercalator (191-Ir & 193-Ir) in Amount1 mL Fix & Perm Buffer.

Discard the supernatant and resuspend the cell pellet in Amount500 µL of diluted Intercalator, gently vortex and incubate for Duration01:00:00 at room temperature or leave overnight in the fridge at 4C (close lid tightly!).

NB: cells can be left at 4C in the Intercalator for up to Duration72:00:00 , however, staining intensity may decrease.

3d 1h
Prepare for acquisition
Prepare for acquisition
2h 13m
2h 13m
Without removing the supernatant, add Amount1 mL CSB to the cell-Intercalator suspension and centrifuge in a benchtop centrifuge at Centrifigation2000 x g, Room temperature, 00:05:00

Remove the supernatant, taking care not to dislodge the pellet (repeat centrifugation if that is the case), then add 2x Amount500 µL MaxPar CAS+ supplemented with EDTA for 2 mM final concentration (e.g. Amount4 µL of 0.5 M EDTA to Amount1 mL CAS+ solution); in rounds of 2x Amount500 µL transfer the solution to a FACS tube with a 0.35 µm cell strainer lid.

Thoroughly vortex the EQ6 Beads, then add 1:5 beads to cell suspension solution (e.g., Amount250 µL EQ6 beads to Amount1 mL cell suspension solution).

Proceed with sample acquisition on the XT, taking care to specify the correct combination of metals in the template.
Protocol references
Sufi, J., Qin, X., Rodriguez, F.C. et al. Multiplexed single-cell analysis of organoid signaling networks. Nat Protoc 16, 4897–4918 (2021).

Qin, X., Sufi, J., Vlckova, P. et al. Cell-type-specific signaling networks in heterocellular organoids. Nat Methods 17, 335–342 (2020).