Ca2+- and Mg2+-free PBS from Sigma or Gibco (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Formaldehyde, 16 %, methanol-free, Ultra Pure (Polysciences, 18814-20)
Triton-X100 (Sigma Aldrich, VWR, Fisher Scientific or equivalent)
L-Glutathione (reduced; Sigma Aldrich #G6529-5G)
Methanol (Sigma Aldrich, VWR, Fisher Scientific or equivalent)
EDTA 0.5 M stock solution, pH = 8 (Sigma #03690-100ml)
Cell-IDTM Intercalator-Ir (Fluidigm # 201192A)
Maxpar Cell Staining Buffer (Fluidigm # 201068)
Maxpar Water (Fluidigm # 201069)
Maxpar PBS (Fluidigm, Cat# 201058)
Maxpar Cell Acquisition Solution + CyTOF XT (Fluidigm #201244)
Fix & Perm buffer (Fluidigm #201067)
EQ Six Element Calibration Beads (Fluidigm, Cat# 201245)
Experiment-dependent: rare earth metal-conjugated extracellular and intracellular target antibodies of interest