Sep 02, 2024

Public workspacePreferential Lysis of S. rosetta for Total RNA (VERSION 2)

  • 1University of California, San Francisco
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Protocol CitationDavid Booth 2024. Preferential Lysis of S. rosetta for Total RNA (VERSION 2).
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: August 18, 2021
Last Modified: September 02, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 52478
Keywords: choanoflagellate, mRNA, RNA-seq
Sterol-based detergents, like digitonin more effectively disrupt membranes with sterols, like those of eukaryotes. This protocol leverages the different membrane compositions of eukaryotes and bacteria to preferentially lyses the eukaryotic membranes of the choanoflagellate species, S. rosetta, from a co-culture with bacteria. The lysis buffer includes RNase inhibitors to preserve RNAs for RNA purification or cDNA synthesis, and the included protease inhibitors make this protocol suitable for protein extractions for western blots.
Prepare Lysis Buffer
Prepare Lysis Buffer
Combine the following components for the lysis buffer:

Chemical[Final][Stock]Final VolChemical Vol
Water10 ml0.41 ml
Tris-HCl, pH 8.020 mM1 M200 µl
KCl150 mM2 M750 µl
MgCl25 mM1 M50 µl
Sucrose250 mM1.75 M (60% w/v)1ml 420 uL
Cycloheximide100 ug/ml100 mg/ml10 ul
Protease inhibitor tablet2 mini tablet / 10 ml1 ml
Digitonin10 mM20 mM5 ml
Sodium Heparin1 mg/ml100 mg/ml100 µl
Pefabloc SC1 mM200 mM50 µl
DTT1 mM1 M10 µl
Turbo DNase0.1 U/ml2 U/µl500 µl
SUPERaseIN1 U/ml20 U/µl500 µl
1. Prepare the buffer ahead of time by combining all but the italicized reagents (DTT, Turbo DNase, and SUPERaseIn), splitting into 449.5 µl aliquots, and storing at -20°C.

2. Just before use, thaw the prepared lysis buffer on ice and then add 0.5 µl of 1 M DTT, 25 µl of Turbo DNase, and 25 µl SUPERaseIn to the 449.5 µl aliquot for a total volume of 500 µl.

Count Cells
Count Cells
Determine the total number of cells in the culture that will be harvested using a hemocytometer.
Fix 200 µl of cells with 2 µl of 37% formaldeyde and vortex well.
Pipet up and down to homogenize cells, and pipet 12 µl of cells into the chamber of a hemocytometer.
Count the number of cells ( ) in the four corner quandrants of a Neubauer, bright-line hemocytometer.

Calculate the cell concentration ( cells/ml) according to this equation:

Determine the volume of the culture ( ) and then calculate the total number of cells in the culture ( ) according to this equation:

Calculate the volume of lysis buffer ( µl) to add to the cells for lysis:

Harvest Cells
Harvest Cells
Harvest cells of S. rosetta.

Centrifuge the cells in 50 ml conical tubes at Centrifigation2400 x g, 4°C, 00:05:00
Gently remove supernatant with a serological pipette, leaving a small amount of liquid of the pellet.
Gently remove the remaining supernatant with a fine-tip transfer pipet.
Lyse Cells
Lyse Cells
Lyse cells in preferential lysis buffer.
Resuspend the cell pellet (Go togo to step #3.3 ) in the calculated volume of (Go togo to step #2.6 ).

Pipet the cells gently up and down and then incubate TemperatureOn ice for Duration00:10:00 .

Homogenize the lysate by passing 5 times through a 30G needle attached to a luer lock syringe.
Clarify the lysate by centrifugation Centrifigation6000 x g, 4°C, 00:10:00

Separate the S. rosetta lysate from the bacterial pellet by using a gel-loading tip to gently transfer the supernatant into a new tube. Pay attention not to disturb the pellet.
Flash freeze lysate in liquid nitrogen and store at -80°C for long term storage.