Discard the fixative solution and perform three washes of 10 min with 50% ethanol (92% commercial ethanol may be used in this step)
Incubate the gel with 0,02% sodium thiosulphate solution for 1 min.
Wash the gel in distilled water 3 times
Incubate the gel in silver nitrate solution (0.2 g silver nitrate; 0.037 mL 37% formaldehyde; 100 mL water) for 20 min
Wash the gel for 20 s with water 3 times
Apply developer solution (2 g of sodium carbonate; 1 mL of 0.02% sodium thiosulfate solution; 0.025 mL of 37% formaldehyde; complete with water to 50 mL)
Wait for the bands to appear in a few seconds. In some cases, it takes a few minutes for the bands to become evident.
Once the gel reaches the required standard, stop the reaction by adding 3 mL of acetic acid.