May 14, 2024

Public workspacePhage screening - colorimetric test

  • 1Stanford University
Open access
Protocol CitationKesia da Silva, Jason Andrews 2024. Phage screening - colorimetric test.
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: May 13, 2024
Last Modified: May 14, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 99704
Keywords: Bacteriophage, detection, colorimetric assay, environmental surveillance
Phage Screening - Colorimetric Test protocol involves a series of steps designed to detect the presence of specific bacteriophages through a colorimetric assay. This comprehensive procedure aims to provide a robust method for screening and assessing bacteriophage activity within microbial cultures, essential for various research and diagnostic applications.
1. 15ml Falcon tube
2. 0.5% sodium hypochlorite
3. 70% ethanol
4. Cotton/Tissue paper
5. Gloves
6. Tube holder
7. Discard bag
8. Permanent marker
9. 0.22μm syringe filter
10. 5ml Syringe 11. LB broth
12. Pipette sets
13. Sterile tips - 200μl 1000μl
14. Disposable Serological Pipets, Sterile, 25 mL
Protocol materials
Reagent50ml AlamarBlue Cell Viability Assay ReagentG-BiosciencesCatalog #786-923
Step 10
Day 1
Day 1
Prepare LB-agar plates.
Prepare LB-broth.
To recover bacteria from stock open the tube and use a sterile loop, toothpick or pipette tip to scrap off some bacteria and streak on appropriate media plates using the overnight culture and grow atTemperature37 °C .

If using lyophilized strain skip step 3 and 5 and Go togo to step #6.1

Day 2
Day 2
Next, start overnight cultures by inoculating fresh liquid media (Amount5 mL ) with a single colony and grown for 14-16 hours at Temperature37 °C in a shaker incubator.
Note: Make sure you are using only one colony to start the experiment.

Day 3
Day 3
Inoculate Amount5 mL of fresh LB (1% inoculum) and grow at Temperature37 °C until the cells reach a density of OD600=0.2. The amount of host culture to add is not critical, but it should be enough that would normally produce a saturated culture over the period of the enrichment (0.2 OD is enough or 0.5 McFarland Standard i.e. 1.5x 10^8 CFU/ml).
If using lyophilized strain Go togo to step #6.1

Using a pipette, aseptically add Amount500 µL of the recommended growth medium to the freeze-dried material and mix well.

Transfer the entire suspension to a test tube containing Amount5 mL of the recommended media.

In a new falcon tube add Amount1 mL of filtered Samplewater sample to Amount900 µL of LB-broth and inoculate with Amount100 µL of a fresh host culture (0.2 OD) and mix gently.

If using lyophilized strain take Amount100 µL of host culture previously diluted in step 6.2.

In another falcon tube inoculate a positive control adding 10-50uL (this amount will depend of the concentration of your phage stock) of phage stock to Amount1900 µL of LB-broth with Amount100 µL of a fresh host culture and mix gently.

Incubate this enrichment culture at Temperature37 °C for at least 2 hours (or under whatever conditions the host favors). At the same time inoculate a new tube with Amount5 mL of fresh LB (1% inoculum) and grow atTemperature37 °C for 2 hours.

Filter the culture through a 0.22μm syringe filter. The filtrate is now ready for testing.

In a new falcon tube add Amount100 µL of sample (filtrate from previous step) to Amount1800 µL of LB-broth and inoculate with Amount100 µL of a fresh host culture (0.2 OD) and add Amount50 µL of Reagent50ml AlamarBlue Cell Viability Assay ReagentG-BiosciencesCatalog #786-923 (resazourin) and mix gently.

Incubate the culture at Temperature37 °C for 3 hours. Check the culture every hour to monitor color change.

If the sample is positive for phage culture will remain blue. If the sample is negative culture will change to pink color.