Nov 20, 2023

Public workspaceNuclei extraction for 10x Genomics Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression from frozen tissue using Singulator™ 100 or 200 (S2 Genomics) V2.0

Forked from a private protocol
Nuclei extraction for 10x Genomics Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression from frozen tissue using Singulator™ 100 or 200 (S2 Genomics) V2.0
  • 1Single-Cell Analytics Innovation Lab, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center;
  • 2Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Open access
Protocol CitationIgnas Masilionis, Ojasvi Chaudhary, Brigita Meskauskaite Urben, Ronan Chaligne 2023. Nuclei extraction for 10x Genomics Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression from frozen tissue using Singulator™ 100 or 200 (S2 Genomics) V2.0.
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: May 06, 2022
Last Modified: November 20, 2023
Protocol Integer ID: 62125
Keywords: Single Cell, 10x Genomics, Nuclei, Multiome, Singulator, S2 Genomics, snRNAseq, snATACseq, Single Nuclei
This protocol describes nuclei extraction from snap frozen tissue using Singulator, including washing nuclei suspension in buffer supplemented with sucrose, and nuclei FACS sorting. The resulting nuclei suspension is suitable for Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression using 10x Chromium platform. The protocol has been validated on various healthy and cancer snap frozen human and mouse tissues (lung, brain, prostate, core needle biopsies etc) .
Make sure to use Swinging bucket centrifuges to spin nuclei.
ReagentDTTMerck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #D0632
Reagent4,6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole, Dihydrochloride (DAPI)Thermo Fisher ScientificCatalog #D1306
ReagentTrizma hydrochloride solutionMerck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #T2194-100ML
ReagentSodium Chloride Solution 5 M Merck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #59222C
ReagentMagnesium chloride solution for molecular biology (1.00 M)Merck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #M1028
ReagentDigitonin (5%)Thermo FisherCatalog #BN2006
ReagentAlbumin, Bovine Serum, 10% Aqueous Solution, Nuclease-FreeMerck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #126615-25ML
Reagent7-AAD (7-Aminoactinomycin D)Thermo FisherCatalog #A1310
ReagentProtector RNase InhibitorMerck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #3335402001

Protocol materials
ReagentDTTMerck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #D0632
ReagentMagnesium chloride solution for molecular biology (1.00 M)Merck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #M1028
Reagent7-AAD (7-Aminoactinomycin D)Thermo FisherCatalog #A1310
Materials, Step 12
ReagentDigitonin (5%)Thermo FisherCatalog #BN2006
ReagentProtector RNase InhibitorMerck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #3335402001
Materials, Step 3
ReagentTrizma hydrochloride solutionMerck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #T2194-100ML
ReagentSodium Chloride Solution 5 M Merck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #59222C
ReagentAlbumin, Bovine Serum, 10% Aqueous Solution, Nuclease-FreeMerck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #126615-25ML
Reagent4,6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole, Dihydrochloride (DAPI)Thermo Fisher ScientificCatalog #D1306


- Turn on and pre-cool Singulator Duration00:10:00
- Make sure there is sufficient number of Nuclei cartridges (or NIC+ cartridges for samples <20mg) stored / pre-cooled at Temperature4 °C

Take the tissue out of LN2 or -80C freezer and place it on dry ice to keep it frozen
Ideally, piece should be <100mg (if not cut it in smaller pieces: <100mg and >10mg).

Cutting can be done with razor blade and within a petri dish on dry ice. Hold the tissue with cooled and RNAse free tweezers (be careful it might fly off). Work fast to not let the tissue thaw while cutting. Place tissue back in a tube on dry ice immediately after cutting.
Prepare 2mL of Nuclei Wash Buffer per sample:

Tris-HCl (pH 7.4): Concentration10 millimolar (mM) final
NaCl: Concentration10 millimolar (mM) final
MgCl2: Concentration3 millimolar (mM) final
Purified BSA: 1% final
DTT: Concentration1 millimolar (mM) final
0.2 - 1.0 U/ul RNAse inhibitor (depending on tissue type, see RNase Activity in Mouse Tissue below) (ReagentProtector RNase InhibitorSigma AldrichCatalog #3335402001 )
Top-off to 2mL with Ambion Nuclease-free water


Add the following directly into Nuclei Isolation Cartridge before adding your tissue:

RNAse inhibitor (0.2-1.0 U/uL final depending on tissue type - Final volume ~ 3.5 mL for standard nuclei isolation protocol)
DTT, 1mM final concentration (3.5uL of Concentration1 Molarity (M) DTT for standard nuclei isolation protocol).

Transfer tissue into the cooled Nuclei Isolation Cartridge and start standard nuclei isolation protocol.

Washes and Prep for FACS
Washes and Prep for FACS
When run is over on Singulator, transfer nuclei suspension (~3.5mL for standard protocol) into 5mL Protein LoBind eppendorf Tubes (or split 3.5mL evenly into four 1.5mL Protein LoBind eppendorf Tubes, conical bottom of the 1.5mL and 5mL tubes increase nuclei recovery).
Add 500uL Concentration2 Molarity (M) Sucrose solution to a tube (Concentration250 millimolar (mM) final conc). Adjust volume if using 1.5mL tubes.
Invert the tube slowly at least 10 times to mix sucrose and nuclei suspension (Do not vortex!).
Make sure sucrose is well mixed, if sucrose cushion is visible after centrifugation, mix again and repeat centrifugation.
Centrifigation500 x g, 4°C, 00:05:00 , Swinging bucket centrifuge

Nuclei Washes and FACS
Nuclei Washes and FACS
After centrifugation, a layer of debris might be visible at the top and a pellet of nuclei at the bottom (for lower yields it might not be noticeable).
Aspirate supernatant with a P1000 pipette, be really careful when removing the debris layer on the meniscus without disrupting nuclei pellet at the bottom of the tube (some liquid can be left to prevent pellet aspiration ~50uL).

Re-suspend Nuclei pellet in ~400uL Nuclei Wash Buffer.
This can be adjusted based on tissue input and pellet size.

A second wash with Nuclei Wash buffer can be performed to remove traces of sucrose (as it might impact FACS sorting).

A second wash with 250mM sucrose can be performed if high amount of debris or fat is still present in the sample.

Filter nuclei suspension through a 35 μm FACS tube cap filter (blue) or 30 μm Pre-separation filters (Miltenyi).
Count nuclei using DAPI on automated cell counter (Countess II for instance)
Trypan can also be used to count in Bright field, but in our experience DAPI count is more accurate.

Nuclei should be stained with Reagent7-AAD (7-Aminoactinomycin D)Sigma AldrichCatalog #A1310 , for sorting. Positive nuclei population can be FACS into 500uL of Nuclei wash buffer using 1.5mL Lobind Eppendorf as collection tube (see attached PDF for gating setup example).
Suggested nozzle size: 100um.
Ideally, aim to collect >200 000 nuclei.

Download Sort_Report_DAPI_pos_Nuclei.pdfSort_Report_DAPI_pos_Nuclei.pdf

Screen Shot 2021-11-12 at 3.56.20 PM.png

10x Genomics
10x Genomics
Concentrate the nuclei suspension post-sorting:
Centrifigation500 x g, 4°C, 00:05:00 , Swinging bucket centrifuge
Then, aiming for >=1000 nuclei/uL using FACS numbers, re-suspend sorted nuclei with nuclei Wash buffer .

Count nuclei using DAPI on Countess II cell counter.
Trypan can also be used to count in Bright field, but DAPI counts are more accurate.
Aliquot 200k nuclei in 0.2mL PCR tube.
Centrifigation500 x g, 4°C, 00:05:00 , Swinging bucket centrifuge
Remove supernatant leaving 5uL precisely (calculate: (Aliquot volume minus 5uL) and aspirate that amount, eyeballing it is highly discouraged).
Then continue to 10X Genomics Nuclei Isolation for Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression Sequencing protocol CG000365. Following "Low Cell Input Nuclei Isolation" in Appendix starting at step e., omit NP40 from lysis buffer and perform lysis for 30s.
