For the first layer, using the back of a swab or another device, drip the dental acrylic over the base of your implant, completely covering the hole it was inserted in, the fiber or electrodes, and extending to the skull screw and/or ground wires.
You want a little of the acrylic to come up to the bottom of the ferrule or the base of the DBS connector/electrode array connector.
In the case of the electrode array implant, while the acrylic is still soft, advance the last 100 microns to your target DV.
Do not touch the mouse or implant until the first layer of acrylic has hardened.
You can test whether it is ready by checking the residual acrylic in your silicone bowl, and if this is hard, probing the edge of the acrylic with your forceps. If it has completely hardened, then you can start the second layer.