Mar 25, 2024

Public workspaceMounting and Coverslipping Mouse Brain Sections

  • 1Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics;
  • 2Boston University
Open access
Protocol CitationNaveen Ouellette, daphne.toglia, Holly Myers 2024. Mounting and Coverslipping Mouse Brain Sections.
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: August 02, 2023
Last Modified: June 18, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 85883
Keywords: Histology, Immunohistochemistry, Coverslip, Tissue Mounting
This protocol details mounting thin sliced mouse brain tissue sections onto charged slides in a uniform orientation that does not create wrinkles or artifacts that might interfere with imaging, and then how to apply a coverslip. After mounting and coverslipping, slides will be ready for imaging.

Reagent10xPBSAmbionCatalog #AM9624
ReagentMilli-Q WaterContributed by users
ReagentTriton X-100Merck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #T8787-50ML
ReagentVECTASHIELD® Hardset™ Antifade Mounting MediumVector LaboratoriesCatalog #H-1400
ReagentVectashield hardset anti-fade mounting medium with dapiVector LaboratoriesCatalog #H-1200-10
ReagentProLong glass antifade mountantThermo Fisher ScientificCatalog #P36980

MaterialsProduct number
Fine tip paintbrushAmazon, PBR-01
Fisherbrand Tissue Path Superfrost Plus Gold SlidesFisher Scientific, 5158848
Petri dishThermofisher Scientific, 263991
Aluminum foilAmazon, B074NB5CDZ
Dissection scopeGrainger, 41111709
Well plateCostar, 3548
Squeeze bottleAmazon, B00WTHLR18
Cover glass signature seriesRichard-Allan Scientific, 12455S
Disposable transfer pipetFalcon, 52947-970


1L 1xPBS:

Combine the following reagents into a container with a stir bar. Mix well on a stir plate at high speed (300 RPM or higher) for Duration00:02:00 or until solution is mixed. Store at TemperatureRoom temperature for 1 month.

Milli-Q water900mL

1L 1xPBS & Triton X-100 0.2% :

Put 1xPBS into a container with a stir bar and slowly pipet Triton X-100 in. Mix well on a stir plate at high speed (300 RPM or higher) for Duration00:15:00 to ensure Triton X-100 goes into solution. Store at TemperatureRoom temperature for 1 month.

Triton X-1002mL

Safety warnings
Wear gloves and appropriate PPE as mouse brain tissue may contain trace amounts of Azide and Paraformaldehyde.
Before start
Mouse brain slices must first be fixed in 4% PFA and stained with desired dyes or antibodies, and typically stored in a well plate prior to mounting. Refer to protocols for sectioning and staining tissue to prepare tissue prior to mounting: Sectioning Mouse Brain with Sliding Microtome and Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Staining Mouse Brain Sections.
Prepare a petri dish filled with 1xPBS & Triton X-100 0.2%.
Place a drop of 1xPBS onto a 1"x3" slide.
Using a small paintbrush, lift the first tissue section to be mounted out of the storage well plate and place section into the petri dish so that it lays flat close to the surface of the 1xPBS & Triton X-100 0.2% solution.
Using paintbrush, lift the tissue section out of the petri dish and place it onto the slide. Arrange tissue section with paintbrush to ensure section is properly aligned, flat, and wrinkle-free with small paintbrush. This can usually be done by eye, but a dissection scope may be used if desired at times when it is difficult to see fine anatomical detail in the slices macroscopically (just by eye).
Repeat steps 2 -4 until all sections have been mounted onto the slides.

Mount sections onto each slide in one to three rows, so that they all have the same left/right orientation. Often the cerebral cortex will be shallowly notched during slicing on the left or right side to indicate left/right orientation, it will be helpful to refer to this.

Protect slides from light and allow slides to dry at TemperatureRoom temperature for a minimum of Duration01:00:00 or until adhered to the slide.

Slides can be protected from light by placing a sheet of aluminum foil or a box lid over the slides, or any other equivalent method of covering slides to shield from light.

Once sections are dry, rinse off 1xPBS residue by briefly rinsing the slide with Milli-Q water.
Blot off any residual Milli-Q water by pressing the edge of the slide onto a kimwipe.

Proceed to step 9 immediately -- slides should be coverslipped same day as mounting.

Choose requested mounting medium:

Frequently requested mounting mediaNotes
Vectashield hardset anti-fade mounting medium, Vector Laboratories (H-1400-10)
Vectashield hardset anti-fade mounting medium with dapi, Vector Laboratories (H-1500-10)Generally not requested if dapi was already used as a secondary stain. Staining with dapi as a secondary stain provides stronger staining than vecta shield with dapi.
ProLong Glass Antifade Mountant (P36980)Good for minimizing optical refraction and preserving fluorescent signal

Coverslip slide with mounted tissue:
Place a few drops of chosen mounting medium onto the slide to be coverslipped, making sure there are no bubbles. If mounting medium bottle does not have dropper attachment, use a pipette to place drops on slide.
Start with only one edge of the coverslip touching the corresponding edge of the slide, and slowly lay down the coverslip.
If re-coverslipping is required due to air bubbles overlapping onto tissue sections or other artifacts, soak slide in 1xPBS in a petri dish until coverslip comes off easily and repeat step 10. Do not use force to pull off a stuck coverslip; soak the slide longer.
Correctly coverslipped slide with no air bubbles overlapping tissue sections.
Allow slides to dry DurationOvernight at TemperatureRoom temperature , protecting from light by covering slides with a sheet of aluminum foil, a box top, or other material that will shield slides from light.
Store slides at Temperature4 °C protected from light until ready for imaging. Slides can be stored for several months.