Jul 26, 2022

Public workspaceMonkeypox virus multiplexed PCR amplicon sequencing (PrimalSeq) V.2.  V.2

  • 1Department of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases, Yale School of Public Health;
  • 2Massachusetts Department of Public Health;
  • 3Theiagen Genomics;
  • 4Broad Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts
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Protocol CitationNicholas F.G. Chen*, Luc Gagne*, Matthew Doucette, Sandra Smole, Erika Buzby, Joshua Hall, Stephanie Ash, Rachel Harrington, Seana Cofsky, Selina Clancy, Curtis J Kapsak, Joel Sevinsky, Kevin Libuit, Mallery I Breban, Chrispin Chaguza, Nathan D. Grubaugh, Daniel J. Park, Glen R. Gallagher#, Chantal B.F. Vogels# 2022. Monkeypox virus multiplexed PCR amplicon sequencing (PrimalSeq) V.2. . protocols.io https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.5qpvob1nbl4o/v2Version created by Nathan D Grubaugh
Manuscript citation:
Vatsyayan A, Arvinden VR, Scaria V, Systematic In-Silico Evaluation of the Diagnostic Impact of Mpox Genome Variants in the Current Outbreak. Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy doi: 10.1007/s40291-022-00629-8
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: In development
We are still developing and optimizing this protocol
Created: July 25, 2022
Last Modified: February 10, 2023
Protocol Integer ID: 67557
Keywords: Monkeypox, MPXV, Amplicon sequencing, PrimalSeq
The protocol content here is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, medical, clinical, or safety advice, or otherwise; content added to protocols.io is not peer reviewed and may not have undergone a formal approval of any kind. Information presented in this protocol should not substitute for independent professional judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any action you take or refrain from taking using or relying upon the information presented here is strictly at your own risk. You agree that neither the Company nor any of the authors, contributors, administrators, or anyone else associated with protocols.io, can be held responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked to this protocol or any of our Sites/Apps and Services.
Version 2 Updates:
  • Optimized the Library Clean Up section of the Illumina DNA Prep branch to use the 'small PCR amplicon input' option rather than the 'standard DNA input' option following a paired comparison of both methods
  • Updated Figure 1 to reflect the paired library clean up comparison

Background: The current global outbreak of Monkeypox virus (MPXV) concurrent with an ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has further highlighted the need for genomic surveillance and pathogen whole genome sequencing. While metagenomic and hybrid capture sequencing approaches were used to sequence many of the early MPXV cases, the viability of these methods is dependent on samples with high viral DNA concentrations. Given the atypical clinical presentation of cases associated with the current outbreak and uncertainty regarding viral load across both the course of infection and anatomical body sites, there is a strong need for a more sensitive and broadly applicable sequencing approach. Amplicon-based sequencing (PrimalSeq) was initially developed for sequencing of Zika virus, and later adapted as the main sequencing approach for SARS-CoV-2. Here, we used PrimalScheme to design a primer scheme for MPXV and we validated it with widely used SARS-CoV-2 sequencing protocols. Based on initial validation, our approach shows notably higher depth and breadth of coverage across the genome, particularly with higher PCR cycle threshold (Ct) samples, as compared to metagenomic sequencing. While further testing is needed, the early success of this approach has significant implications for sequencing efforts of the current MPXV outbreak and serves as a proof of concept of amplicon-based sequencing for use with other large-genome DNA viruses and potentially bacterial genomes.

Overview of Design: We used PrimalScheme (https://primalscheme.com/) to generate an MPXV primer scheme using a pre-outbreak A.1 clade reference genome (GenBank accession: MT903345). The primer scheme comprises a total of 163 primer pairs with an amplicon length ranging between 1597 and 2497 bp (average length of 1977 bp). The primer scheme is compatible with current ARTIC and COVIDSeq SARS-CoV-2 sequencing protocols, and while validated only with Illumina library prep methods and sequencing platforms, it would likely see a high degree of success with other sequencing platforms such as the Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION.

Initial Validation: We validated our MPXV primer scheme with clinical specimens at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory under the IRB Project Titled “Rash Illness: Alternate Specimen Types and Sequencing” (protocol number 1917413). A total of 25 clinical specimens were included in this initial validation comprised of both throat and swabs of fluid from lesions of 8 individuals, belonging to the current outbreak-associated hMPXV B.1 clade as determined by prior characterization at the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Ct values were determined with the non-variola orthopox diagnostic qPCR assay developed for use by the Laboratory Response Network (Rapid Diagnostic Testing for Response to the Monkeypox Outbreak — Laboratory Response Network, United States, May 17–June 30, 2022 | MMWR (cdc.gov)). Clinical samples ranged in cycle threshold (Ct) values from 15.03 (high viral concentration) to 34.63 (low viral concentration), and each sample was sequenced in parallel using a metagenomics approach and the provided amplicon-based approach. Extractions and sequencing analysis were performed in accordance with current biosafety guidance including extraction in a BSL-3 setting. An evaluation of site-specific biosafety practices should be developed in consultation with your organization’s biosafety officer. Libraries were prepared with the Illumina DNA prep kit and sequenced on the MiSeq (v2 kit running 2x150 nt reads). Consensus genomes were generated at 10X coverage using the TheiaCoV_Illumina_PE Workflow Series on Terra.bio. A MPXV “fork” was developed for us by Curtis Kapsak from Theiagen, which included the MPXV reference sequence, primer scheme, and consensus genome length, and can currently be accessed at: https://github.com/theiagen/public_health_viral_genomics/tree/cjk-MPXV-theiacov. We found comparable genome coverage between amplicon and metagenomic sequencing with low Ct (<18) samples, yet a significant increase in genome coverage with amplicon sequencing in higher Ct samples (>18; Figure 1A.) The library clean up stage of the amplicon based Illumina DNA prep protocol was conducted using the ‘standard DNA input’ option for comparison to metagenomics. Following optimization with 15 additional paired samples unrelated to the initial 10 samples, we found improved genome coverage with higher Ct samples (>25) using the ‘small PCR amplicon input’ option of the Illumina DNA prep protocol (Figure 1B.) Our findings highlight how amplicon-based approaches can significantly expand MPXV sequencing to a wider variety of samples.

Amongst samples with a low Ct (<18), genome coverage via amplicon sequencing was consistently >97%, with minimal amplicon drop-outs (Figure 2). Amplicons 11, 75, and 118 showed consistent drop-out across the sequenced samples, while none of the primers had mismatches, except for a single nucleotide mismatch in the 11_RIGHT primer. We did obtain coverage for these amplicons when sequencing clade 2 DNA from cultured virus (strain USA-2003; NR-4928) obtained from BEI Resources (NIAID, NIH). This suggests that the dropouts of these primers may be a specific issue related to the current hMPXV B.1 clade genomes. As this protocol is still in development, we will further investigate performance as we continue to sequence additional samples.

Conclusion: We developed an amplicon-based sequencing (PrimalSeq) approach for MPXV that improved the depth and breadth of genome coverage with low viral concentration specimens as compared to metagenomic sequencing.

This protocol represents the second iteration of development. Further versions will be uploaded to protocols.io with an accompanying description of changes as appropriate.

MPXV Primer Scheme
Download MPXV-primer_genome-positions.tsvMPXV-primer_genome-positions.tsv
For instructions on how to prepare MPXV Primer Pool 1 and 2 (10 uM) see step 1 of the protocol.

Library Preparation Method: Illumina DNA Prep

Library Preparation Method: CovidSeq

Illumina COVIDSeq Test Box 1 – 3072 Samples, Part # 20044408
ReagentDescription Storage
ITBIllumina Tune Beads Room Temperature
ST2 HT Stop Tagment Buffer 2 HTRoom temperature, post-amp environment
Illumina COVIDSeqTest Box 2 – 3072 Samples, Part # 20044409
EBLTS HTEnrichment BLT HT 2°C to 8°C post-amp environment
TWB HT Tagmentation Wash Buffer HT 2°C to 8°C post-amp environment
RSB HTResuspension Buffer HT2°C to 8°C, post-amp environment
Illumina COVIDSeq Test Box 3 – 3072 Samples, Part # 20044410
IPM HT Enhanced PCR Mix HT-25°C to -15°C, pre-amp environment
TB1 HT Tagmentation Buffer 1 HT-25°C to -15°C, post-amp environment
EPM HTEnhanced PCR Mix HT-25°C to -15°C, pre-amp environment
Index Adapater Part Numbers : 20043132, 20043133, 20043134, 20043135
Index AdaptersIDT for Illumina- PCR Indexes Set 1-4Room Temperature

Additional Materials

ReagentDescription Storage
80% EtOH 80% Ethanol Room Temperature
Nuclease-free waterRoom Temperature

Safety warnings
Processing of any sample type which could potentially be positive for MPXV should be conducted in BSL2+ settings. Before starting work with these samples, please contact your local EHS (environment, health and safety) or biosafety office for proper guidance on how to work with these samples in your laboratory.
Before start
This protocol is currently in the developmental phase. It is for research purposes only and should not be used in a diagnostic capacity.

If using clinical samples, DNA will need to be extracted and purified prior to beginning library preparation.

Primer diluting and pooling requires several hours and may be conducted well in advance so long as the pooled primers are stored at -20°C.
Following primer dilution and pooling, this workflow can be completed in one day, however, it is recommended to be conducted across two, with the amplicon generation step on the first day and all subsequent wet-lab steps on the second day.

Dilute and Pool Primers
Dilute and Pool Primers
Primers should be ordered lyophilized or resuspended (100 uM; recommended). Lyophilized primers should be resuspended to 100 uM in nuclease-free water.
Primer Scheme: Download MPXV-primer_genome-positions.tsvMPXV-primer_genome-positions.tsv

If not already done, separate odd and even numbered primer pairs into two separate boxes. These will constitute the two pools

For example:
Primer Pool 1: 1 left, 1 right, 3 left, 3 right, etc.
Primer Pool 2: 2 left, 2 right, 4 left, 4 right, etc.

Label 164, 8-strip tubes with the corresponding odd-numbered primer name (e.g. 3 left)
To each tube add Amount90 µL of nuclease-free water
This will comprise the 10X dilution to arrive at a final primer concentration of 10uM

For each odd-numbered primer tube:
  • Spin down
  • Pipette 10 times to mix
  • Add Amount10 µL to the corresponding labeled tube
  • Pipette 10 times to mix

After all 164 primers have been aliquoted, combine 10uL from each tube into a 2mL tube. This will be the odd-numbered primer pool
To most efficiently pool all 164 primers, use a multi-channel pipette to remove 10uL from each 8-strip and pool into a new 8-strip.
Then combine each of the pooled 8 strip tubes into a single 2mL tube

Repeat steps 1.2-1.5 with the even -numbered primers (NOTE: There will be two fewer primers in the even set than the odd)
*Safe Stopping Point: Pooled Primers Can Be Stored at -20°C*
Library Preparation Method
Step case

Illumina CovidSeq Test (RUO)
53 steps

Amplicon Generation
Amplicon Generation

In two separate tubes, prepare the following master mixes:

Master mix volumes are for one reaction and do not account for lost volume due to pipetting. Multiply volumes by reaction number accordingly.

Label two sets of PCR tubes/plates for Pool 1 and Pool 2
Add the following:
  • Amount20 µL Pool 1 master mix to each Pool 1 tube/well
  • Amount20 µL Pool 2 master mix to each Pool 2 tube/well

Add Amount5 µL DNA to each tube in both sets
  • Mix by pipetting up and down 10 times
  • Briefly centrifuge tubes/plates
Be sure to include a negative PCR control (NTC; nuclease-free water) for each pool

Place on thermocycler and run the following program (choose preheat lid option):

*Safe Stopping Point: Amplified DNA may remain in the thermocycler at 4°C or stored at -20°C until ready to use*

Amplicon Tagmentation and Clean Up
Amplicon Tagmentation and Clean Up

Spin down PCR tubes/plates
Prepare the following master mix:

In each PCR tube add:
  • Amount30 µL Master mix
  • Amount10 µL Pool 1 amplicons
  • Amount10 µL Pool 2 amplicons

For a total reaction volume of Amount50 µL per PCR tube/well
Pooling of amplicons should be conducted on a dedicated post-PCR bench to prevent contamination

Mix by pipetting up and down and briefly centrifuge
Place on thermocycler and run the following program (choose preheat lid option):

Once the thermocycler reaches Temperature10 °C , remove tubes/plates and spin down

Add Amount10 µL ST2 to each tube/well, mix by pipetting up and down, and briefly centrifuge

Incubate at TemperatureRoom temperature for Duration00:05:00

Place on magnetic stand and wait until liquid is clear (a few minutes)
Remove and discard all supernatant
Remove tubes/plates from magnetic stand and add Amount100 µL TWB to each tube/well
  • Mix by pipetting up and down 10 times and spin down. Be careful to not introduce bubbles.

Repeat steps 4.9 - 4.11. Leave the supernatant after the second wash so that the beads don’t dry out

Amplify Tagmented Amplicons
Amplify Tagmented Amplicons

Prepare the following master mix:

Place the tubes/plates with tagmented amplicons on the magnetic stand and remove the supernatant once the liquid is clear
Use a 20µL pipette to remove any residual TWB from tubes/wells
Remove the tubes/plates from the magnetic stand
Add Amount40 µL master mix to each tube/well

Add Amount10 µL dual-barcoded index adapters to each tube/well
Note which set of indexes are used for each tube for bioinformatic processing

Pipette up and down to mix and spin down
Place on thermocycler and run the following program (choose preheat lid option):

Pool and Clean Up
Pool and Clean Up

Briefly centrifuge tubes/plates
Place on magnetic stand and wait until liquid is clear (a few minutes)
Pool libraries by equal volume:

Pipette up and down to mix pooled libraries and briefly spin down
Calculate the volume of ITB to reach a 0.6X beads:total pool volume ratio
For example: Total pooled volume is 400 µL (10 samples x 40 µL/sample)
then add 0.6 x 400 µL = 240 µL ITB

Mix by pipetting up and down, briefly centrifuge, and incubate at TemperatureRoom temperature for Duration00:05:00

Place on magnetic stand and wait until liquid is clear (a few minutes)
Transfer supernatant to a new tube (do not discard, this is your final library). This volume will be slightly lower than the total combined volume
For example: 400µL+ 240µL = total 640µL > transfer 630µL

Calculate the volume of beads to add to the supernatant to attain a second clean-up beads:sample ratio of 0.9X:

Vo = total volume of sample + beads from step 5.5
Vt = transferred volume of supernatant
For example: 630µL of supernatant is transferred to a new tube

Add 118µL of ITB to 630µL of transferred supernatant

Add beads to supernatant, mix by pipetting up and down, briefly centrifuge, and incubate at TemperatureRoom temperature for Duration00:05:00
Place on magnetic stand and wait until liquid is clear (a few minutes)
Carefully discard supernatant
Add Amount1000 µL 80% EtOH

Wait Duration00:00:30

Repeat steps 6.12 - 6.14
Remove supernatant using a 20µL pipette to remove all residual EtOH
Add Amount55 µL of RSB to the tube, mix by pipetting up and down, and briefly centrifuge

Incubate at TemperatureRoom temperature for Duration00:02:00

Place on magnetic stand and wait until liquid is clear (a few minutes)
Transfer Amount50 µL of final pooled library to a new 1.5mL tube

Quantify library on a Qubit and obtain fragment distribution using a Bioanalyzer/Tape Station

Qubit SOP: Download Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit Guide.pdfAgilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit Guide.pdf
Bioanalyzer SOP: Download Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit Guide.pdfAgilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit Guide.pdf

Protocol validated on the MiSeq (v2 kit running 2x150 nt reads)
Sequencing may be performed on Illumina (and potentially Oxford Nanopore Technologies) sequencing platforms following standard protocols

Sequencing results may be analyzed utilizing a standard amplicon sequencing bioinformatics pipeline, including those employed for SARS-CoV-2 sequencing.
If utilizing a SARS-CoV-2 based bioinformatics pipeline, adjustments may be required to account for the consensus genome length

Optional bioinformatics pipeline: Terra.bio_TheiaCov_Illumina_PE_workflow
Reference Sequence: Download MPXV.reference.fastaMPXV.reference.fasta
Bed file: Download MPXV.primer.bedMPXV.primer.bed