Apr 15, 2024

Public workspaceMo'orea Surf Tourism Research Protocol

  • 1UC Berkeley
Open access
Protocol CitationFlynn Ryan Dartland 2024. Mo'orea Surf Tourism Research Protocol. protocols.io https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.kqdg3258qv25/v1
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: In development
We are still developing and optimizing this protocol
Created: April 14, 2024
Last Modified: April 15, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 98168
Keywords: Tourism, Surf Tourism, Surfing, Surf, Mo'orea, Moorea, Tahiti, French Polynesia, development
This is just an idea of a study that I would like to carry out on Mo'orea. None of this research has actually been done, yet.
This protocol describes a method of understanding the attitudes of Mo'orea locals towards the development of surf tourism on the island of Mo'orea, French Polynesia. The research involves interviewing local surfers, residents, and business owners to assess their opinions on surf tourism development. These locals will then be brought together to create a potential plan for surf tourism development on Mo'orea that is sustainable for them. The research is designed to facilitate locals taking the lead on surf tourism development, rather than have foreign entities dictate Mo'orea's surf tourism future.

Questions that will be asked to locals during interviews:
Each interview would consist of three general questions:
  • How do you envision surf tourism developing in Mo’orea in the next 10 years?
  • What would a sustainable surf tourism industry in Mo’orea look like to you?
  • How does surf tourism impact your life currently and how will it continue to impact your life in the future?
If the interviewee expresses interest or concern about facilitating surf tourism on Mo’orea, I would then ask these follow-up questions as appropriate:
  • When do you expect or want visiting surfers to visit Mo’orea?
  • Where do you think visiting surfers will stay on Mo’orea?
  • How do you expect visiting surfers to access the surf breaks (Boat, kayak, paddle?)
If the interviewee expresses interest or concern about the environmental impacts of surf tourism on Mo’orea, I would then ask these follow-up questions as appropriate:
  • How do you foresee surf tourism having an impact on reef and ocean health?
  • Can surf tourism be a platform for environmental protection and if so, how?

Respecting the subjects of the study (Mo'orea locals) is the number one priority in this study. Making sure locals feel heard, valued, and understood during the study is crucial to its success.
Surfboard, Kayak (or boat), Moped (or Car), notebook, laptop, a positive attitude!
Below are three protocols for interviewing the three different types of subjects in my proposal: Surfers, Residents Near Surf Breaks, and Surf-Related Business Owners.
Interviewing Surfers
Interviewing Surfers
The first step is to identify surf breaks on Mo’orea. To locate surf breaks, you can use a map to identify reef passes where waves break, the Surfline app, the internet, and/or ask locals in the area about where surf breaks are located.
Paddle, kayak, or boat out to a surf break.
Introduce yourself to surfers in the water.
Catch some waves with them, making sure they get the majority of waves so they know you are appreciative of them sharing their surf break with you.
Respectfully ask individual surfers if they would be interested in doing an interview about surf-tourism development in the area.
Make it clear to them that you are asking them because you value their opinion regarding surf tourism development on Mo’orea.
If they say yes, ask to conduct the interview with them in a comfortable setting for them where you can transcribe the interview on paper, or digitally.
Conduct the interview with the surfer, asking the three general questions first. (See questions in abstract)
If they express interest or concern in the facilitation of surf tourism or the environmental aspects of surf tourism, ask them the more specific questions regarding these topics.
Once finished with the interview, thank the interviewee for their time, and respectfully ask for their contact information to reach out to them for any further questions, and to share results of your research.
Ask the interviewee if they have any other contacts who they think would be interested in doing an interview about surf tourism development on Mo’orea.
Repeat this process at each of the surf breaks on Mo’orea. Make sure to visit each break numerous times (5 minimum), and at different times in the day to interview as many surfers as possible.
Keep a running list of the surfers you have interviewed, and which surf break you saw them at.
Interviewing Residents Near Surf Breaks
Interviewing Residents Near Surf Breaks
Identify residences near surf breaks on Mo’orea. Once you have established where surf breaks are, use google maps to establish a two square kilometer area of land in front of the surf break containing local residences.
Start knocking on doors of these residences, and ask individuals if they would do an interview regarding the development of surf-tourism on Mo’orea.
Make it clear to them that you are asking to interview them because of their proximity to the surf break, and with the possibility of development in their area, you value their opinions on the matter.
If they say yes, ask to conduct the interview with them in a comfortable setting for them where you can transcribe the interview on paper, or digitally.
Conduct the interview with the resident, asking the three general questions first. (see questions above)
If they express interest or concern in the facilitation of surf tourism or the environmental aspects of surf tourism, ask them the more specific questions regarding these topics.
Once finished with the interview, thank the interviewee for their time, and respectfully ask for contact information to reach out to them for any further questions, and to share results of your research.
Ask the interviewee if they have any other contacts, particularly nearby neighbors, who they think would be interested in doing an interview about surf tourism development on Mo’orea.
Repeat this process at each of the residences in the 2km area surrounding each surf break. Note that you may have to return on a different day to certain homes if residents are not home when you attempt to interview them.
Keep a list of which residents you have interviewed.
Interviewing Surf-Related Business Owners
Interviewing Surf-Related Business Owners
Identify surf-related businesses on Mo’orea. Using google maps and word of mouth from surfers, locate surf-related businesses on Mo’orea.
Visit each surf-related business and ask the owner if they would do an interview regarding the development of surf-tourism on Mo’orea.
Make it clear to them that you are asking to interview them because of their involvement in surf-related business on Mo’orea and you value their opinions on the development of surf tourism.
If they say yes, ask to conduct the interview with them in a comfortable setting for them where you can transcribe the interview on paper, or digitally.
Conduct the interview with the business owner, asking the three general questions first. (see questions above)
If they express interest or concern in the facilitation of surf tourism or the environmental aspects of surf tourism, ask them the more specific questions regarding these topics.
Once finished with the interview, thank the interviewee for their time, and respectfully ask for contact information to reach out to them for any further questions, and to share results of your research.
Ask the interviewee if they have any other contacts who they think would be interested in doing an interview about surf tourism development on Mo’orea.
Repeat this process at each of the surf-related businesses on Mo’orea. Note that you may have to return on a different day if businesses are not open when you attempt to interview them.
Keep a list of which business owners you have interviewed.
Expected Results
Expected Results
I would expect to see some common themes amongst certain groups of interviewees. For example, I would expect surf-related business owners to want Mo'orea surf tourism to develop quickly in order to support their businesses. I would expect local surfers to be against the development of surf-tourism on Mo'orea because it would mean waves would become more crowded.
Follow Up
Follow Up
The overarching goal is to bring together all interviewees, present findings from the study, and facilitate a group discussion amongst locals about how to best develop (or not develop) surf tourism on Mo'orea. This discussion would then hopefully turn into direct action regarding surf tourism development.