May 23, 2024

Public workspaceMetabarcoding Fecal Swabs or Stomach Contents for Fish and Crustaceans using 2-PCR protocol and Illumina MiSeq V.3

Metabarcoding Fecal Swabs or Stomach Contents for Fish and Crustaceans using 2-PCR protocol and Illumina MiSeq
  • 1University of Arizona
Open access
Protocol CitationEldridge Wisely 2024. Metabarcoding Fecal Swabs or Stomach Contents for Fish and Crustaceans using 2-PCR protocol and Illumina MiSeq. created by Eldridge Wisely
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: November 19, 2023
Last Modified: May 23, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 100405
This protocol describes a method to metabarcode a 170bp region of the mitochondrial16S rRNA gene of crustaceans and a 163-185bp region of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene of fishes. These regions are subjected to PCR separately in multiple replicates and the resulting PCR products are pooled by sample and then indexed for sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq platform.
Image Attribution
Haley Capone
The PCR conditions described here are different from the PCR conditions described by Miya et al., and Berry et al. in their respective publications introducing the primers used here. This difference is due to the use of the Takara High Fidelity PCR EcoDry Premix in this protocol.
96-well PCR plates
Adhesive foil PCR plate covers

1.5mL tubes

Glenn et al. Adapterama I iNext indexing primers A-H and 1-12.

PCR machine

Equipment to run gels
optionally: equipment for fluorometric quantification

Protocol materials
ReagentCrustacean16S-RIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #custom
In 2 steps
ReagentAgencourt AMPure XPBeckman CoulterCatalog #A63880
Step 16.1
Reagent2x Kapa HiFi Hotstart Readymix Kapa BiosystemsCatalog #KK2602
Step 22
ReagentMiFish-FIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #custom
In 2 steps
ReagentMiFish-RIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #custom
In 2 steps
ReagentCrustacean16S-FIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #custom
In 2 steps
ReagentBuffer EBQiagenCatalog #19086
In 2 steps
ReagentNuclease-free waterIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #11-05-01-14
In 2 steps
ReagentTakara High Fidelity PCR EcoDry PremixTakara Bio Inc.Catalog #639280
Step 5.1
Before start
Work in a pre-PCR lab, as separated as possible from post-PCR products.

Clean work area with 10% bleach solution before beginning work for the day, then change gloves so that no bleach carryover to your samples or reactions occurs.
Prepare Primers
Prepare Primers
Order metabarcoding primers with diversity spacers and Illumina overhang sequences (Illumina, 2013):ReagentMiFish-FIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #custom (Miya et al., 2015):

ReagentCrustacean16S-FIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #custom Berry et al., 2017): TCGTCGGCAGCGTCAGATGTGTATAAGAGACAGNNNGGGACGATAAGACCCTATA

ReagentCrustacean16S-RIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #custom (Berry et al., 2017): GTCTCGTGGGCTCGGAGATGTGTATAAGAGACAGNNNATTACGCTGTTATCCCTAAAG

We got ours from as 4 nmole Ultramer DNA Oligos, with standard desalting.

Briefly centrifuge primer tubes, then reconstitute primers to Concentration100 micromolar (µM) stock solutions by adding Amount40 µL (number of nano moles of primer *10) of ReagentNuclease-free waterIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #11-05-01-14

Make Concentration5 micromolar (µM) working solutions of each primer by adding Amount95 µL of ReagentNuclease-free waterIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #11-05-01-14 and Amount5 µL of primer stock solution for each Amount100 µL of primer that you intend to use within the next week or so.

Create Plate Map
Create Plate Map
Determine which sample will go into each well. This should be the same for each primer set and each replicate. Include at least one extraction control (you can combine aliquots of the extraction controls from each round of DNA extraction into one tube, and use that as your single extraction control), and include a PCR negative control for each plate of PCR. See example below of 21 samples, a field negative sample, a combined extraction control, and a PCR negative.
PCR neg_rep1
Ext Con_rep1
Field Neg_rep1
PCR neg_rep2
PCR neg_rep3
Ext Con_rep2
Ext Con_rep3
Field Neg_rep2
Field Neg_rep3

Do not mix sample types between invasively sampled methods (fecal swabs, or stomach contents) and non-invasively sampled methods (eDNA from water or sediment) in the same PCR procedure. And don't plan to sequence both types in the same sequencing run with the combinatorial indexing scheme used here. The potential for contamination of the lower quantity eDNA samples by the higher quantity fDNA samples is too high.
MiFish Takara PCR Recipe
MiFish Takara PCR Recipe
Make your MiFish Mastermix:
For each PCR replicate of each sample you intend to process (+10% overage), mix:
Amount0.7 µL Concentration5 micromolar (µM) ReagentMiFish-FIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #custom
Amount0.7 µL Concentration5 micromolar (µM) ReagentMiFish-RIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #custom
Amount22.6 µL ReagentNuclease-free waterIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #11-05-01-14
For a full plate of 96 reactions, multiply 105.6*the per-sample volumes in the recipe to make the mastermix.

Add Amount24 µL of your MiFish metabarcoding mastermix to each well of ReagentTakara High Fidelity PCR EcoDry PremixTakara Bio Inc.Catalog #639280
Add Amount1 µL DNA extracted from stomach contents or fecal swabs.
Mix and stir together with pipette tip, swirling to make sure the liquid is in the bottom, and bringing any bubbles to the surface of each reaction.
Cap each row of reaction tightly before beginning any other PCR reaction in the same room.
MiFish Takara PCR Conditions
MiFish Takara PCR Conditions
Temperature95 °C for Duration00:01:00
35 cycles of:
Temperature95 °C for Duration00:00:30
Temperature66 °C forDuration00:01:00
followed by:
Temperature68 °C forDuration00:01:00
Hold at Temperature4 °C

3m 30s
Crustacean_16S Takara PCR Recipe
Crustacean_16S Takara PCR Recipe
Make your Crustacean_16S Mastermix:

For each PCR replicate of each sample you intend to process (+10% overage), mix:
Amount2 µL Concentration5 micromolar (µM) ReagentCrustacean16S-FIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #custom
Amount2 µL Concentration5 micromolar (µM) ReagentCrustacean16S-RIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #custom
Amount20 µL ReagentNuclease-free waterIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #11-05-01-14

For a full plate of 96 reactions, multiply 105.6*the per-sample volumes in the recipe to make the mastermix.

Add Amount24 µL of your Crustacean_16S metabarcoding mastermix to each well of ReagentTakara High Fidelity PCR EcoDry PremixTakara Bio Inc.Catalog #639280
Add Amount1 µL DNA extract

Mix and stir together with pipette tip, swirling to make sure the liquid is in the bottom, and bringing any bubbles to the surface of each reaction.
Cap each row of reaction tightly before beginning any other PCR reaction in the same room.
Crustacean_16S Takara PCR Conditions
Crustacean_16S Takara PCR Conditions
Temperature95 °C for Duration00:01:00
35 cycles of:
Temperature95 °C for Duration00:00:30
Temperature50 °C for Duration00:01:00
Temperature68 °C for Duration00:00:30
followed by:
Temperature68 °C for Duration00:01:00
then hold at Temperature4 °C

Combine PCR Products of Biological Samples by Sample and Negatives by Primer
Combine PCR Products of Biological Samples by Sample and Negatives by Primer
Briefly vortex to mix and lightly centrifuge PCR products to get any bubbles from the bottom and any droplets off of the lids.
8-strip tubes can be put into a plate holder and spun down as a plate if this option is available.
Get a new sterile 96-well plate out of its packaging and immediately cover with foil (a 15-minute treatment under a UV light is helpful to sterilize before covering with foil).
For biological samples (not PCR negative controls): combine Amount10 µL of each of the 6 PCR products by sample into the new sterilized plate.
Peel back one row of foil at a time and using a multitip pipette, open only one row of PCR products at a time to combine. Cap the resulting combined row of the new plate with a strip-cap and close the PCR products of the previous row before opening a new row.

This should result in 60uL of an equal volume of MiFish and Crustacean-16S PCR products, each from the same original sample.
For negative controls: combine Amount20 µL of each of the 3 negative PCR controls by primer. You should have one MiFish combined negative and one Crustacean-16S negative, each with a total of Amount60 µL

Visualize PCR Products
Visualize PCR Products
Make a 1.7% to 2% agarose gel and run a representative sample of reactions on it to make sure the PCRs worked, producing bands in the 250-300bp range. Use a ladder than allows you to distinguish small bands between 100-500bp. Check some PCR negatives to see that they don't have bands. Be very careful opening the PCR plate wells at this point to avoid cross-contamination.
Run the gel at 100V until the dye band has traveled ¾ of the length of the gel, then visualize.
Any DNA smaller than 250 bp will be excess primer and oligos and will need to be cleaned with SPRI beads. Check that the initial PCR worked before continuing on with the library-building procedure.
Prepare EtOH for bead cleanup, and bring beads to room temperature
Prepare EtOH for bead cleanup, and bring beads to room temperature
12m 30s
Get AmpureXP beads out of the refrigerator, and bring to room temp, swirl to mix occasionally, or use a rocking platform.
Make fresh 80% EtOH so that you will have at least Amount200 µL of EtOH per well of the combined plate.

Get 2 sterile DNAase/RNAse free 96-well PCR plates out of their packaging and immediately cover with adhesive foil or if possible, UV clean the plates for Duration00:15:00 , then immediately cover with adhesive foil.

One plate will be for the bead-cleanup steps, and the other will be for the final, cleaned reactions.
Perform a 1.5x bead cleanup with Ampure XP beads.
Perform a 1.5x bead cleanup with Ampure XP beads.
12m 30s
In the bead-cleanup plate, do the following steps for one 8-sample row of the plate at a time, pulling back the foil cover for each row after the previous one has been completed.

Add 1.5x the sample volume of Ampure XP beads.

In this case you have 60uL of combined PCR products per well, so you will add Amount90 µL of room temperature, well-mixed ReagentAgencourt AMPure XPBeckman CoulterCatalog #A63880 to each well, and pipette mix very thoroughly, by stirring and pipetting up and down ten times.

Incubate Duration00:05:00 at room temperature.
After the Duration00:05:00 incubation, place 96-well plate on a
forDuration00:02:00 or until liquid is clear.

remove and discard liquid from the row, being careful not to touch the beads with the pipette or to let the beads dry for more than 30 seconds.

Tip: If you do get beads in your pipette tip, just put the liquid and beads back into the well and wait until the solution clears before trying again.
Add Amount100 µL of fresh 80%EtOH to each well of beads, without disturbing the beads or removing the plate from the magnet. Incubate at TemperatureRoom temperature for Duration00:00:30

Remove the EtOH, then immediately add another Amount100 µL of 80% EtOH to the wells, incubate for Duration00:00:30 TemperatureRoom temperature .

Remove ALL EtOH, and let the row of beads dry just enough to lose some shine but not enough to start cracking. This should be approximately Duration00:00:30 to Duration00:01:00 .

1m 30s
Remove the plate with new row of cleaned beads from the magnetic plate, and add Amount30 µL of ReagentBuffer EBQiagenCatalog #19086
to each well of beads, pipette mixing each well thoroughly. Incubate Duration00:05:00 at TemperatureRoom temperature

Place back on the magnetic rack for Duration00:01:00 until liquid is clear again.

Roll back the foil on the final cleaned reactions plate for the appropriate row. Remove Amount28 µL clear eluate from the bead-cleanup plate, and place in the appropriate wells of the final cleaned reactions plate. Immediately cover this cleaned PCR product with 8-strip caps.

uncover the next row of samples for cleaning and Go togo to step #16 until all rows are cleaned.
Safe stopping point. Samples can be stored at 4C after this step.

Prepare Indexing PCR
Prepare Indexing PCR
Work in a pre-PCR area, preferably a cleaned and UV-sterilized hood to prepare your indexing reactions before going into the post-PCR area to add the PCR1 products.
Create an indexing plate map and make sure your chosen indexes (iNext indexes) are color balanced if you aren't doing full 96-well plates at one time.

S8 iNextA-F + iNext1-R
S16 iNextA-F + iNext2-R
MiFishPCRneg iNextAF+4R
S7 iNextB-F + iNext1-R
S15 iNextB-F + iNext2-R
Crust..PCRneg iNextBF+4R
S6 iNextC-F + iNext1-R
S14 iNextC-F + iNext2-R
S5 iNextD-F + iNext1-R
S4 iNextE-F + iNext1-R
S3 iNextF-F + iNext1-R
S2 iNextG-F + iNext1-R
S1 iNextH-F + iNext1-R

See: Glenn, Travis C., Roger A. Nilsen, Troy J. Kieran, Jon G. Sanders, Natalia J. Bayona-Vásquez, John W. Finger, Todd W. Pierson, et al. 2019. “Adapterama I: Universal Stubs and Primers for 384 Unique Dual-Indexed or 147,456 Combinatorially-Indexed Illumina Libraries (iTru & iNext).” PeerJ 2019 (10). Supplemental file S10
for information and spreadsheet to help color-balancing the indexes.

Prepare working solutions of Concentration5 micromolar (µM) of each indexing primer you intend to use.
Indexing PCR Mastermix Recipe:
Amount6 µL Reagent2x Kapa HiFi Hotstart Readymix Kapa BiosystemsCatalog #KK2602
Amount2.1 µL ReagentNuclease-free waterIntegrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT)Catalog #11-05-01-14
per sample.

Multiply by number of wells *10% as explained above, to create master mix.
In a new, clean 96-well plate (UV before use if possible and prepare in a pre-PCR space):
Add Amount8.1 µL Indexing Mastermix to each well that will be used and add Amount0.7 µL of the Concentration5 micromolar (µM) iNext forward indexed primer for each horizontal row of the plate (8 letters), and Amount0.7 µL Concentration5 micromolar (µM) of the iNext reverse indexed primer for each vertical column of the plate (12 numbers) according to the indexing plate map.
Take the prepared indexing reactions to the post-PCR space to add the cleaned PCR product.

In the post-PCR area, add 2.5uL of cleaned PCR 1 product to their associated wells from the indexing plate map.
Indexing PCR Conditions
Indexing PCR Conditions
Temperature95 °C Duration00:03:00
8 cycles of:
Temperature98 °C Duration00:00:20
Temperature65 °C Duration00:00:15
Temperature72 °C Duration00:00:15
final extension of:
Temperature72 °C Duration00:01:00

then hold Temperature4 °C

4m 50s
Gel to check Indexing PCR Products
Gel to check Indexing PCR Products
Visualize PCR products in a 1.7-2% gel. Bands should be around 350-400bp.
Combine and Clean all indexed samples from each plate
Combine and Clean all indexed samples from each plate
Combine 10uL of up to 70 indexed samples (library) into a single 1.5mL (or 1.7mL) tube. If there are more than 70 samples, you will need another tube.
Multiply the volume of the pooled libraries in each tube by 0.9 to get the volume of Ampure XP beads needed to clean up the reactions.

For 70 uL of combined libraries you will need 63uL of beads for a total of 133uL of beads+library pool.
Perform a 0.9x bead cleanup with Ampure XP beads
Perform a 0.9x bead cleanup with Ampure XP beads
In the 1.5mL tube of pooled libraries, add 0.9x volume of Ampure XP beads and pipette mix well. incubate TemperatureRoom temperature for Duration00:10:00

Make enough fresh 80% EtOH to have 2x the total volume of the beads+library pool plus a bit extra.
Place 1.5mL tube into a magnetic rack
and incubate TemperatureRoom temperature for Duration00:05:00

Discard liquid and add an equal or greater volume of 80% EtOH. Incubate TemperatureRoom temperature for Duration00:01:00

Repeat the ethanol wash a second time Go togo to step #34 , then after the second 80% EtOH wash, remove all EtOH and dry the beads slightly (just until no longer wet-looking but not cracking either).

Resuspend beads with Amount100 µL ReagentBuffer EBQiagenCatalog #19086 by pipette mixing thoroughly. Incubate TemperatureRoom temperature Duration00:10:00

Place 1.5 mL tube back on magnet rack and wait until liquid is clear, approximately Duration00:02:00

remove 100uL of the clear eluate from the tube with beads while on the magnet and place in a new 1.5mL tube.
If you had more than one 1.5mL tube, combine equal volumes of the resulting cleaned pooled libraries (the clear eluates) into a new tube.
Quantify with Qubit Broad range and visualize in a gel, then send an aliquot of the cleaned, pooled libraries for sequencing. Check with the sequencing core you're working with for their minimum concentration and volume and try to exceed it by a decent (10-50%) margin if possible.
Optional Quantification and Visualization
Optional Quantification and Visualization
If you have a Qubit available, quantify with the Broad Range chemistry so that you know that the aliquot you send for sequencing is at least the sequencing core's minimum concentration. If it's below that concentration, Go togo to step #29 and elute in Amount30 µL instead of 100uL in step 34.

Send for Illumina MiSeq Sequencing
Send for Illumina MiSeq Sequencing
Send 100uL of cleaned, pooled libraries for sequencing on the MiSeq platform. (This combinatorial indexing strategy is not compatible with NovaSeq).

Tip: We have sequenced up to 1.75 plates of diet samples per MiSeq run, and still gotten sufficient coverage.
Protocol references
Berry, Tina E., Sylvia K. Osterrieder, Dáithí C. Murray, Megan L. Coghlan, Anthony J. Richardson, Alicia K. Grealy, Michael Stat, Lars Bejder, and Michael Bunce. 2017. “DNA Metabarcoding for Diet Analysis and Biodiversity: A Case Study Using the Endangered Australian Sea Lion (Neophoca Cinerea).” Ecology and Evolution 7 (14): 5435–53.

Miya, M., Y. Sato, T. Fukunaga, T. Sado, J. Y. Poulsen, K. Sato, T. Minamoto, et al. 2015. “MiFish, a Set of Universal PCR Primers for Metabarcoding Environmental DNA from Fishes: Detection of More than 230 Subtropical Marine Species.” Royal Society Open Science 2 (7): 150088.

Glenn, Travis C., Roger A. Nilsen, Troy J. Kieran, Jon G. Sanders, Natalia J. Bayona-Vásquez, John W. Finger, Todd W. Pierson, et al. 2019. “Adapterama I: Universal Stubs and Primers for 384 Unique Dual-Indexed or 147,456 Combinatorially-Indexed Illumina Libraries (iTru & iNext).” PeerJ 2019 (10).