Prepare aliquots for each plasmid at a concentration of 15 nM for the L1 plasmids and of 7.5 nM for the acceptor pCs vector. With this final concentration, 1 µL of each plasmid is added to the plasmids mix (see step 6).
To calculate the concentration in ng/μL:
- For a final concentration of 15 nM, the concentration in [ng/ul] equals N (the length in bp of the plasmid) divided by 110. This is an approximation of the formula:
15∙10^(-9)mol/L x ((607.4 x N ) + 157.9)g/mol x 10^(-6)L/μL x 10^9ng/g = concentration (ng/μL)
- For a final concentration of 7.5 nM, the concentration in [ng/ul] equals N divided by 220.