1- We will base our researches on a collection of articles related to the COVID-19 pandemic published on the Stephen B. Thacker CDC Library of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) of the the United States website4. These articles were collected on the following databases : Medline (Ovid and PubMed), PubMed Central, Embase, CAB Abstracts, Global Health, PsycInfo, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, Africa Wide Information, CINAHL, ProQuest Central, SciFinder, the Virtual Health Library, LitCovid, WHO COVID-19 website, CDC COVID-19 website, China CDC Weekly, Eurosurveillance, Homeland Security Digital Library, ClinicalTrials.gov, bioRxiv (preprints), medRxiv (preprints), chemRxiv (preprints), and SSRN (preprints). The search strategy used to select the data is updated daily (on working days) and available on the same website.
2- We will download, every day (until the end of June 2020), the CDC collection and will import it on Zotero to sort the data with a request in English (Table 1). Requests in other languages (French and Spanish) have not proven to be relevant or effective. The request in English will be designed in consultation with two librarians from the University of Montreal.
3 - The selected data will then be classified by the ATCER tool5,6. In view of the large number of data, we decided to only retain data with an empirical degree greater than or equal to 90.