Sep 11, 2020

Public workspaceIsolation, Identification, and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Streptococcus pneumoniae

  • 1Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology;
  • 2Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology
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Protocol CitationKorrie Salsabila, Wisnu Tafroji, Wisiva Tofriska Paramaiswari, Miftahuddin majid khoeri, Dodi Safari 2020. Isolation, Identification, and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Streptococcus pneumoniae.
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
Created: September 04, 2020
Last Modified: September 11, 2020
Protocol Integer ID: 41570
Keywords: Streptococcus pneumoniae, isolation, identification, antimicrobial,
Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) is a major cause of bacterial pneumonia and meningitis globally. This bacterium is a normal flora of nasopharynx but can move to sterile sites such as cerebrospinal fluid, blood, and pleural fluid then causes invasive pneumococcal diseases. However, antibiotics resistance causes the failure of pneumococcal disease treatment. S. pneumoniae penicillin-resistant is one of the priority antimicrobial resistant (AMR) pathogens in WHO list. Since pneumococcus is a fastidious bacteria, isolation and identification of S. pneumoniae is challenging. This bacteria need good quality of blood agar plate to grow and proper method to identify S. pneumoniae. Performing antimicrobila susceptibility testing of S. pneumoniae isolates is important to monitor and handle its resistance. Therefore, we decided to write the protocol regarding isolation, identification, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing of S. pneumoniae.
ReagentTSA II Trypticase Soy Agar ModifiedBecton-DickinsonCatalog #212305
ReagentDD1 OptochinOxoid Microbiology Products - Thermo FischerCatalog #X3483A
ReagentSodium deoxycholateSigmaCatalog #SRE0046-100G
ReagentMueller-Hinton AgarOxoid Microbiology Products - Thermo FischerCatalog #CM0337
ReagentTris-EDTA buffer solutionSigma – AldrichCatalog #933283
ReagentSkim MilkBecton-DickinsonCatalog #232100
ReagentTryptone Soya BrothOxoid Microbiology Products - Thermo FischerCatalog #CM0129
ReagentDextroseBecton-DickinsonCatalog #215530
ReagentGlycerolSigmaCatalog #G5516
ReagentMcFarland Equivalence Turbidity StandardCatalog #R20421
ReagentClindamycinOxoid Microbiology Products - Thermo FischerCatalog #CT0064B
ReagentErythromycinOxoid Microbiology Products - Thermo FischerCatalog #CT0020B
ReagentOxacillinOxoid Microbiology Products - Thermo FischerCatalog #CT0159B
ReagentChloramphenicolOxoid Microbiology Products - Thermo FischerCatalog #CT0013B
ReagentTetracyclineOxoid Microbiology Products - Thermo FischerCatalog #CT0054B
ReagentSulphametoxazole/TrimethoprimOxoid Microbiology Products - Thermo FischerCatalog #CT0052B
ReagentGentamicin SolutionSigmaCatalog #G1397
ReagentFLOQ SwabCopanCatalog #503CS01
Nasopharyngeal Swab Collection
Nasopharyngeal Swab Collection
Nasopharyngeal swab collection follow method as described previously
Satzke C, Turner P, Virolainen-Julkunen A, Adrian PV, Antonio M, Hare KM, et al. (2013). Standard method for detecting upper respiratory carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae: Updated recommendations from the World Health Organization Pneumococcal Carriage Working Group. Vaccine. 2013 Dec;32(1):165–79..
. A flexible nasopharyngeal flocked swab is slowly passed into nasopharynx. The swab should not be resistant before it was reached nasopharynx (NP). The nasopharynx distanced one-half to two-third from nostril to ear lobe
Once the swab reaches nasopharynx, it is rotated 3-5 times to let the mucus absorb into the swab
The swab is removed slowly and immadiately placed into 1 mL of Skim milk Tryptone Glucose and Glycerol (STGG). STGG Amount100 mL was made by mixing Amount2 g skim milk powder, Amount3 g Tryptone Soya Broth, Amount0.5 g glucose/dextrose, glycerol Amount10 mL and distilled water Amount90 mL

The NP-STGG is vortexed for 10-20 sec to disperse the bacteria from swab to the STGG then placed it in cryobox that filled by ice packs. The temperature should beTemperature4 °C and it is regularly monitored through the digital temperature controller

The inoculated STGG is kept at Temperature4 °C for 4-6 hours after collection until reaches targeted laboratory. After that, the swab-STGG is frozen at Temperature-80 °C to secure survival of pneumococcus

The specimens are shipped to Molecular Bacteriology Unit, Eijkman Institute using dry ice.
Once it is arrived Eijkman Institute, the swabs were immadiately stored at Temperature-80 °C until culture.

Optochin Susceptibility Test
Optochin Susceptibility Test
NP-STGG medium that stroed in Temperature-80 °C is thawed and vortexed to disperse the bacteria from the swab.

Amount20 µL of of swab-inoculated STGG was transferred and streaked onto blood agar plate (TSA II Trypticase Soy Agar Modified) with Concentration8 % (v/v) sheep blood and supplemented with 5 mg/L gentamicin.
Hadinegoro SR, Prayitno A, Khoeri MM, Djelantik IGG, Dewi NE, Indriyani SAK, et al.. Nasopharyngeal Carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Healthy Children Under Five Years Old in Central Lombok Regency, Indonesia.. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2016;47(3):9..

The plate is incubated at Temperature37 °C with 5% CO2 for 18-24 hoursConcentration0 Mass Percent

Single colony of alpha-hemolytic and flat-depressed colony resembling pneumococci is picked and streaked onto blood agar plate (TSA II Trypticase Soy Agar Modified) with Concentration8 % (v/v) sheep blood.

Quadran 1 and 2 is overlapped to test optochin susceptibility of the isolate. If there are 2 different colonies in the plate, each of them should be tested for optochin susceptibility separately.
Optochin disk (ethylhydrocupreine hydrochloride) is placed on the overlap area between quadran 1 and 2.
Susceptible isolate (zone ≥14 mm) with distinct characteristics of pneumococci (flat depressed center, shiny or wet colonies), is defined as Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae)
Overnight culture is harvested and put into STGG then stored in Temperature-80 °C

Bile Solubility Test
Bile Solubility Test
Resistant optochin isolate (zone ≤ 14 mm) which has characteristics of S. pneumoniae or susceptible isolate which has no pneumococcus disticnt characteristics (too dry colonies), is contined to bile solubility testing

For each isolate tested, two glass tubes are prepared and labeled as ‘test tube’ and ‘control tube’
2 mL and 1 mL of saline 0.85% are added into test tube and control tube, respectively
Bacterial suspension that equvialent to MacFarland standard 1 is made in the test tube. Bacterial density is measued by densitometer (make sure to calibrate prior to using)
1 mL of bacterial suspension from test tube is transferred into control tube then vortexed.
Amount1 mL of bile salt or sodium deoxycholate Concentration2 Mass Percent is added into test tube. The final volume of test tube and control tube are Amount2 mL for each

ATCC 49619 of S. pneumoniae must be included in every bile testing
Test tube and control tube are incubated room temperature for 10 minutes. If the solution in the test tube of isolate is as clear as the test tube of ATCC 49619 (the soulution should be as clear as water), the isolate is bile-soluble and defined as S. pneumoniae. Otherwise, if there is no turbidity difference between test tube and control tube of the isolate, the isolate was not bile-soluble
If the isolate is negative for the first 10 minutes incubation, then continue for incubation at room temperature for 2 hours
Bile soluble isolate is streaked onto blood agar plate (TSA II Trypticase Soy Agar Modified) with Concentration8 % (v/v) sheep blood and incubated at Temperature37 °C with 5% CO2for 18-24 hours

Bile-soluble isolates were harvested and put into labeled STGG for freezing stock then vortexed. The bacteria should be well-hemogenized in STGG
STGG-inoculated isolate is stored in -80°C
DNA Extraction of S. pneumoniae
DNA Extraction of S. pneumoniae
The DNA extraction ofS. pneumoniae is performed by boil method as described previously
Pai R, Gertz RE, Beall B. Sequential Multiplex PCR Approach for Determining Capsular Serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolates. J Clin Microbiol. 2006;44:8..
Pure colonies ofS. pneumoniaestored in STGG at-80°C are streaked onto 8% sheep blood agar plate. Inoculated STGG must be kept at Temperature4 °C

Incubation at Temperature37 °C for 18-24 h with 5% CO2.

Single colony of the isolate is picked and streaked onto 8% sheep blood agar plate then incubated for 18-24 h at Temperature37 °C with 5% CO2.

Fresh culture is harvested into TE buffer in Amount1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube and vortexed until homogenized

Bacterial suspension is heated at Temperature100 °C for Duration00:05:00 and immadiately placed at freezer Temperature-20 °C Duration00:05:00

Centrifuge at Centrifigation13000 x g, 00:10:00 then kept at Temperature-20 °C until serotyping

Serotyping of S. pneumoniae
Serotyping of S. pneumoniae
Serotyping ofS. pneumoniaewas performed by sequential multiplex conventional PCR targeted wzy gene and consisted of 8 reactions
Carvalho M d. G, Pimenta FC, Jackson D, Roundtree A, Ahmad Y, Millar EV, et al. (2010). Revisiting Pneumococcal Carriage by Use of Broth Enrichment and PCR Techniques for Enhanced Detection of Carriage and Serotypes. J Clin Microbiol. 2010 May 1;48(5):1611–8.
. Latin America scheme as described by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is followed for serotyping the isolatesDownload Latin America Scheme Multiplex PCR.pdfLatin America Scheme Multiplex PCR.pdf . Every reaction should be detect cpsA gene. Each reaction has different serotypes to be identifiedDownload PCR Oligonucleotide Primers.pdfPCR Oligonucleotide Primers.pdf .

Reaction 1: serotype14, 6A/6B/6C/6D, 23F, 19A, and 9V/9A.
Reaction 6C: serotype 6A/6B/6C/6D and 6C/6D.
Reaction 2: serotype 19F, 3, 15B/15C, 18C/18F/18B/18A, and 17F.
Reaction 3: serotype 1, 5, 9N/9L, 7F/7A, and 16F.
Reaction 4: serotype 8, 2, 4, 20, and 22F/22A.
Reaction 5: serotype 7C/7B/40, 12F/12A/44/46, 11A/11D, 10A, and 23A.
Reaction 6: serotype 21, 33F/33A/37, 15A/15F, 35F/47F, and 13.
Reaction 7: serotype 39, 23B, 35A/35C/42, 38/25F/25A and 35B.
Reaction 8: serotype 24F/24A/24B, 10F/10C/33C, 34, 19Fvar, and 31.

Mastermix for each reaction (25 μl) is prepared as described in Latin America scheme spreadsheet. For example, reaction 1 is performed by adding PCR H2O Amount0.5 µL of 5× PCR buffer (Promega), Amount3.5 µL of MgCl2 25 mM, Amount1 µL of dNTPs (Promega) 5 mM, varied volume for 25 μM forward primer and 25 μM reverse primer, Amount0.2 µL Taq Polymerase 2U and Amount2.5 µL of DNA template, into 1.5 mL of microsentrifuge tube.

For isolates serotyping, conventional PCR is run under following condition: pre-denaturation at Temperature94 °C for Duration00:04:00 , followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at Temperature94 °C for Duration00:00:45 , annealing at Temperature54 °C for Duration00:00:45 , and extention at Temperature65 °C for Duration00:02:30 .

The DNA is visualized through electrophoresis. Agarose Concentration2 Mass Percent is made by adding 2 gram of agarose into 100 mL of Tris Acetat EDTA (TAE) 1× then heated in the microwave.

Agarose is poured into electrophoresis tank with the comb.
Agarose gel is placed into electrophoresis tank filled with cold TAE 1×
PCR product and DNA ladder 50 bp are added into each well of agarose gel
Voltage is set to 100V and run for 90 minutes
DNA bands are visualized using GelDoc machine
Isolate that serotype-negative is confirmed by real-time PCR targeting lytA to confirm that the isolate wasS. pneumoniae. For isolate with positive lytA is assigned as non-typeable (NT) by PCR S. pneumoniae
Carvalho M d. GS, Tondella ML, McCaustland K, Weidlich L, McGee L, Mayer LW, et al (2007). Evaluation and Improvement of Real-Time PCR Assays Targeting lytA, ply, and psaA Genes for Detection of Pneumococcal DNA. J Clin Microbiol. 2007 Aug 1;45(8):2460–6.

Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing is performed by following Clinical Laboratory Standard Institutes (CLSI) 2017 guidelines
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. M100 Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing 27th Edition (2017).
. Frozen isolate in STGG was streaked onto Concentration8 % (v/v) sheep blood agar plate. The STGG must be kept at Temperature4 °C condition.

Single colony of pneumococci is picked and cultured onto 8% sheep blood agar plate then incubated for 18-24h at 37°C with 5% CO2.
Bacterial suspension is made by harvesting freshly grownS. pneumoniaeand put into 5 mL saline Concentration0.85 Mass Percent

The suspension is adjusted to be equivalent as McFarland standard 0.5. Densitometer is used to measure the turbidity. Calibration using McFarland standards is done prior to measurement.
When the suspension reaches 0.5 McFarland standard, sterile cotton swab is dipped into bacterial suspension then pressed gently on the wall of glass tube to remove excess fluid.
The cotton swab is lawned confluently onto Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA) plate with Concentration5 % (v/v) sheep blood and streaked 3 times by rotating in 60° direction.

Antibiotic disks are placed onto the agar and pressed gently by sterile pinset.
Clindamycin 2 μg, chloramphenicol 30 μg, oxacillin 1 μg, tetracycline 30 μg, erythromycin 15 μg, and trimethophrim/sulfamethoxazole 1,25/23.75 μg, are used. Oxacillin disk is applied to measure susceptibility of isolates to penicillin.

Inoculated MHA is incubated at Temperature37 °C with 5% CO2 for 20-24 h.

Inhibition zone is measured and recorded. Interpretation of clear zone follow Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute guideline 2017.

Step 1
Satzke C, Turner P, Virolainen-Julkunen A, Adrian PV, Antonio M, Hare KM, et al.. Standard method for detecting upper respiratory carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae: Updated recommendations from the World Health Organization Pneumococcal Carriage Working Group
Step 28
Pai R, Gertz RE, Beall B. Sequential Multiplex PCR Approach for Determining Capsular Serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolates
Step 34
Carvalho M d. G, Pimenta FC, Jackson D, Roundtree A, Ahmad Y, Millar EV, et al.. Revisiting Pneumococcal Carriage by Use of Broth Enrichment and PCR Techniques for Enhanced Detection of Carriage and Serotypes
Step 43
Carvalho M d. GS, Tondella ML, McCaustland K, Weidlich L, McGee L, Mayer LW, et al. Evaluation and Improvement of Real-Time PCR Assays Targeting lytA, ply, and psaA Genes for Detection of Pneumococcal DNA
Step 44
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. M100 Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing 27th Edition (2017)
Step 9
Hadinegoro SR, Prayitno A, Khoeri MM, Djelantik IGG, Dewi NE, Indriyani SAK, et al.. Nasopharyngeal Carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Healthy Children Under Five Years Old in Central Lombok Regency, Indonesia.