Setup the surgical/perfusion equipment in an applicable BSC utilizing aseptic technique throughout procedure:
Unwrap outer wrapping of sterilized cutdown tray and fold the wrapping underneath the tray as a sterile barrier.
Connect cold water “in” and “out” lines to ports on cutdown tray. Tighten with wrench. Unclamp circulating cold water lines and turn on cold water bath (set to operate at 3°C).
Remove air inside cutdown tray by raising water outlet port to allow air to escape.
Open surgical pack (kidney bowl, mosquito forceps (x6), tissue forceps - toothed and non toothed, drummond forceps, silicon nitride marble set (9 marbles), micro scissors, Metzenbaum scissors (x2), 8x11 stainless steel tray) and open all sterile instruments and disposables for use during the decontamination and perfusion.
Open cutdown tray screens
Place decontamination pack (3 sterile glass 500ml beakers) and pancreas container inside BSC.
Open wrap of decontamination pack and pour decontamination medias 1, 2, and 3 into three separate sterile beakers.
Label a sterile 15 mL conical tube as “Biopsy” with Isolation number (R#).
Remove wrap from sterilized perfusion tray inside BSC.
Connect cold water “in” line to bottom port on left side of perfusion chamber, and “out” line to top port.
Connect the line in and line out water lines to perfusion tray inlet and outlet ports.
Open perfusion tubing set and attach it to the perfusion tray and perfusion apparatus.