Nov 25, 2024

Public workspaceINTERCEPT (INTERnational mediCal graduatE comPrehensive inducTion) programme Evaluation study - Evaluating a bespoke comprehensive induction with a focus on integration of International Medical Graduates Beginning Work in the UK

  • 1Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, BAPIO Training Academy,;
  • 2Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, BAPIO Training Academy, University of Manchester, University of Central Lancashire
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Protocol CitationDr Roshelle Ramkisson, Deepali Sharma, Dr Thomas Hewson, Dr Nadeem Gire, Ishrat Pabla, Dileep Kumar, Professor Martin Steggall, Professor Parag Singhal, Dr Samir Shah, Professor Subodh Dave, Janet Allison, Sridevi Sira Mahalingappa, Dr Antigoni Elisseou, Roshelle Ramkisson 2024. INTERCEPT (INTERnational mediCal graduatE comPrehensive inducTion) programme Evaluation study - Evaluating a bespoke comprehensive induction with a focus on integration of International Medical Graduates Beginning Work in the UK.
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: November 22, 2024
Last Modified: November 25, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 112609
Keywords: International Medical Graduates, induction programme, clinical training, educational orientation, pastoral support, cultural competency, medical supervisors, healthcare integration, onboarding.
Funders Acknowledgements:
The MPS Foundation
Grant ID: TMPSFC202301
International Medical Graduates (IMGs) play a critical role in the support and delivery of healthcare services in the UK. However, their integration into the healthcare system poses significant challenges due to differences in clinical practices, educational methodologies, and cultural contexts. A comprehensive induction programme is crucial to facilitate the smooth transition of IMGs into their new professional environments. The following study outlines a multifaceted induction programme designed to address the clinical, educational, and pastoral needs of IMGs, aiming to enhance their competence, confidence, and overall wellbeing.
Methods and analysis:
This feasibility mixed methods study, as part of work package 1, will aim to recruit a total of n=58 participants in the evaluation of INTERCEPT (INTERnational mediCal graduatE comPrehensive inducTion) programme for New to the UK IMGs. The intervention, INTERCEPT Programme, will include both asynchronous and synchronous online teaching, an individual wellbeing meeting and a one-day in-person simulation training session. In the feasibility context the study will be conducted across interconnected streams. The evaluation will be largely descriptive involving a pre-post comparative analysis against the baseline measures, in-programme individual session evaluation and a longitudinal qualitative exploration of impact via semi-structured interviews, stakeholder views and a log of resource utilisation.
Work package 2 will include an evaluation of clinical educator workshops called EQiT (Embedding Compassionate, Courageous, Cross-cultural Conversations into Training) Masterclasses for enabling educators in undertaking sensitive culturally aware conversations with their IMG trainees, based on existing work delivered to psychiatric supervisors.
Analysis in both the work packages will include descriptive statistics and framework analysis.
Impact and Dissemination:
The dissemination plan aims to outreach to a wide audience including healthcare professionals, policymakers, educators and the IMGs themselves. The study proposes to promote effective integration practices for IMGs through a comprehensive induction programme and influence policy changes to support the needs of IMGs.
Keywords: International Medical Graduates, induction programme, clinical training, educational orientation, pastoral support, cultural competency, medical supervisors, healthcare integration, onboarding.

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