Jul 31, 2024

Public workspaceImmunohistochemistry against p62 and LBP110

  • 1Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
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Protocol CitationDennis de Bakker 2024. Immunohistochemistry against p62 and LBP110. protocols.io https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.kqdg32b47v25/v1
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: July 30, 2024
Last Modified: July 31, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 104292
Keywords: Immunohistochemistry, mouse hippocampus, cryosections
Immunohistochemistry staining co-labeling LBP110 and p62/SQSTM1 and DAPI.
Buffer PEM (pH 7.4):
80 mM PIPES (Roth 9156.3)
5 mM EGTA (AppliChem (A0878,0025))
1 mM MgCl2 (Merck A748033 703)

Buffer PEMTx:
PEM (described above) + 0.2% Triton X-100

Sodium citrate solution (10mM) (pH 6.0)
10mM sodium citrate
Adjust pH to 6 with 1M Citric Acid

Blocking buffer (to make 1mL, which is good for 2 slides):
890ul PEMTx
100ul Fetal Calf Serum
10ul DMSO

- Mouse anti-p62/SQSTM1 (clone 2C11) (Novus Biologicals, catalog no. H00008878-M01). Used 1:500.
- Rabbit anti-LBP110. Used 1:100. Antibody produced as described in: Kibbey, M. C., Jucker, M., Weeks, B. S., Neve, R. L., van Nostrandi, W. E., & Kleinman, H. K. (1993). f8-Amyloid precursor protein binds to the neurite-promoting IKVAV site of laminin. In Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (Vol. 90).
- Anti-mouse Alexa555 (used 1:500) (Invitrogen)
- Anti-rabbit Alexa647 (used 1:500) (Invitrogen)
Tissue preparation
Tissue preparation
Day 1: Whole mouse brain (2 years old, male) was fixed overnight in 4%PFA.
Day 2: Brain was washed 3x 5' in PBS + 4% Sucrose

Day2: Brain was incubated overnight in PBS + 30% Sucrose
Day3: Brain was embedded into optimal cutting medium (OCT)
Day3: Brain was cut with a cryostat in 10um thick sections and stored at -80C
Antibody staining protocol day 1
Antibody staining protocol day 1
Slides with brain tissue sections were thawed Duration00:15:00 TemperatureRoom temperature

Add slides to glass coplin Jar.
Wash 3x Duration00:10:00 in PEMTx

Move slides to plastic coplin jar for antigen retrieval
Perform antigen retrieval Duration00:15:00 Temperature85 °C

Let plastic coplin jar cool down to room temperature Duration00:20:00

Place slides back in original glass complin jar
Wash 2x Duration00:10:00 in PEMTx

Place slides horizontally in box humidified with MQ. Use hydrophobic pen to outline tissue sections.
Add blocking buffer to the slides and incubate Duration01:00:00

Add antibody solution (blocking buffer + 1:100 LBP110 + 1:100 p62) and incubate DurationOvernight Temperature4 °C

Antibody staining protocol day 2
Antibody staining protocol day 2
Wash slides 4x Duration00:15:00

Incubate with secondary antibody solution in humidified box (PEMTx + 2% BSA + 1:500 secondary antibodies + 1:1000 DAPI) for Duration01:00:00

Place slides back in coplin jar (keep in dark)
Wash 3x Duration00:10:00 in PEMTx

Wash 2x Duration00:07:00 in PEM

Mount slides using Prolong Gold mounting medium and store at Temperature4 °C

Protocol references
LBP110 antibody: Kibbey, M. C., Jucker, M., Weeks, B. S., Neve, R. L., van Nostrandi, W. E., & Kleinman, H. K. (1993). f8-Amyloid precursor protein binds to the neurite-promoting IKVAV site of laminin. In Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (Vol. 90).