May 22, 2024

Public workspaceHTTM : Transposon mutagenesis V.4

CheckPeer-reviewed method
  • 1Université de Sherbrooke
Open access
Protocol CitationAntoine Champie, Amélie De Grandmaison, Sebastien Rodrigue 2024. HTTM : Transposon mutagenesis. created by Antoine Champie
Manuscript citation:

License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: October 03, 2023
Last Modified: May 22, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 100188
Keywords: HDTM, TnSeq, HTTM
Part of the HTTM protocol dedicated to the transposon mutagenesis of targets cells.

The last step in this version contains a supplemental video with extra context and tips, as part of the Spotlight series, featuring conversations with protocol authors.
Image Attribution
Make with
Before start
Per plate refers to the number of 96 well plates of target cells that need to be processed.
Day 1
Day 1
(1-A) Make a Amount15 mL LB (Diaminopimelic acid [Dap], Ampicillin [Amp], Spectinomycin [Spec]) pre-culture ( Amount2 mL per plate minimum) of the donor strain eAC494 and incubate with agitation at Temperature37 °C overnight.

(1-B) Prepare the 96 deep-well plates for conjugation :

  • Preheat the deep-well plates at Temperature60 °C in a sterile incubator for Duration00:10:00
  • Prepare Amount50 mL of LB-Agar for each plate and keep it above Temperature70 °C

Using a multichannel pipette transfer Amount300 µL of molten LB-Agar in each well of the deep-well plates, paying attention not to create bubbles by keeping the tips on the side of the wells and not dispensing all the liquid.

Let dry in a biological hood for 3 days or until well dried but not cracked. (Optional : can be placed on a heating mat set at Temperature30 °C to shorten the drying time to 2 days).

Day 2
Day 2
(2-A) Prepare a Amount500 mL LB (Dap, Amp, Spec) culture of the donor strain per plate by making a 1/250 dilution of the pre-culture and incubate overnight at Temperature37 °C with Shaker180 rpm .

(2-B) Fill the deep-well plates with chosen medium (Amount1.5 mL per well) and inoculate each well with the recipient strains. Incubate overnight at Temperature37 °C with Shaker180 rpm .

Day 3
Day 3
(3-A) Pellet the donor strain by centrifugation Centrifigation6000 x g, 00:10:00 and discard the liquid.

(3-B) Resuspend the pellet in Amount10 mL LB per plate.

(3-C) Dispense Amount100-150 µL (total volume) donor culture into each recipient well.

(3-D) Pellet the cells by centrifugation Centrifigation3270 x g, 00:10:00 and remove the supernatant with the Aspir-8 + 50 µL guide.
If not using the Aspir-8 + 50 µL guide, remove all supernatant and add 50 µL of LB to each well.
(3-E) Resuspend by agitating on a shaker Shaker900 rpm, 00:10:00 and do a quick spin to recover all the cells at the bottom of the plate.

(3-F) Take Amount50-100 µL (total volume) from the resupended cells and deposit them on the dried agar at the bottom of the prepared deep-well plate. Let dry Duration01:00:00 at Temperature30 °C in a biological hood and cover with a gas permeable plate seal.

(3-G) Incubate the deep-well plates Duration02:00:00 at Temperature37 °C for conjugation.

(3-H) Add Amount400 µL of selection media to each well and resuspend by agitating on a shaker at Shaker900 rpm, 00:10:00 and do a quick spin to recover all the cells at the bottom of the plate.

(3-I) Transfert Amount400 µL (total volume) of the resuspended cells to a new deep-well filled with Amount1500 µL of selection media (with antibiotics to select for newly obtained mutants). Cover with a gas permeable plate seal and incubate at Temperature37 °C with Shaker180 rpm DurationOvernight .

(3-J)/(3-K) (Optional) Using Amount20 µL of the conjugation mix make serial dilutions and spot on selective plates to estimate the number of mutants obtained per well.
Selection markers :
- Donor strain : Dap, Amp, Spec
- Recipient : Target-dependant
- Transposon mutants : Target-dependant + Spec
Days 4 to 7
Days 4 to 7
Make a passage from the previous plate to a new deep-well plate filled with selective medium.
The volume of the passage (optimized to pass 3 millions mutants in E.coli) varies from day to day :
  • Amount200 µL of day 4 (4-A)
  • Amount100 µL on day 5 (5-A), 6 (6-A) and 7 (7-A)

(7-B) (Optional) In order to have a backup in case of an issue during DNA extraction, make a glycerol stock: pellet cells of the culture after passage Centrifigation3270 x g and remove supernatant, add Amount75 µL of 50 % glycerol solution and resuspend by agitating Shaker900 rpm Duration00:10:00 . Store it atTemperature-80 °C .

Day 8
Day 8
(8-A)/(8-B) Pellet cells by centrifugation Centrifigation3270 x g, 00:10:00 and remove the supernatant. Aspir-8 can be used to accelerate this step. Cells are ready for DNA extraction and can be stored at Temperature-80 °C until ready to process.

Spotlight video
Spotlight video