Aug 23, 2024

Public workspaceHigh-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription

  • 1University of Minnesota
  • Team Lee
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Protocol CitationHector Martell Martinez 2024. High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription.
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: August 21, 2024
Last Modified: August 23, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 106358
Keywords: ASAPCRN
Funders Acknowledgements:
Grant ID: 000592
This protocol details the high-capacity cDNA reverse transcription.
  • ReagentApplied BiosystemsTM High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription KitApplied Biosystems (ThermoFisher Scientific)Catalog #4368814

Master Mix:
1) Nuclease-free Water3.2 µL
2) 10X RT Buffer2.0 µL
3) 10X Random Primers2.0 µL
4) RNase Inhibitor1.0 µL
5) 25X dNTP Mix0.8 µL
6) MultiScribe Reverse Transcriptase1.0 µL ***add last!!
TOTAL per reaction10 µL
Nanodrop each isolated sample of RNA.
A good concentration of RNA is between Amount200 µL - Amount2000 µL .

  • If the concentration is above Amount2000 µL then dilute the sample with water for a final concentration belowAmount2000 µL .

A good 260/280 value is ~2.0.
A good 260/230 value is ~2.0-2.2.
cDNA Calculations
cDNA Calculations
cDNA for all brain regions is made with Amount2000 ng of RNA. cDNA for isolated cells is made with the highest amount of RNA that can be made from the least concentrated sample.

TV per reaction = Amount20 µL (Amount10 µL of RNA/Water + Amount10 µL of Master Mix)

  • Calculate the RNA amount needed to make Amount2000 ng of RN for each sample

Ex. For a RNA concentration of Amount1250.0 µL .
2000/1250 = Amount1.6 µL of RNA

Calculate the amount of water to be added to the RNA for a TV = Amount10 µL

Ex. For Amount1.6 µL of RNA
Amount10 µL Amount1.6 µL of RNA = Amount8.4 µL of Water

Making cDNA
Making cDNA
Thaw the isolated RNA and the following components of the High-Capacity cDNA reverse transcription kit TemperatureOn ice .

  • 10X RT Buffer
  • 25X dNTP Mix (Concentration100 millimolar (mM) )
  • 10X Random Primers – Can thaw at TemperatureRoom temperature
  • RNase Inhibitor

  • DO NOT thaw MultiScribe Reverse Transcriptase – it does not freeze at Temperature-20 °C and is prone to denaturing at higher temperatures. Keep at Temperature-20 °C until creating your master mix in Go to below.

While the above components thaw TemperatureOn ice pipette the calculated amount of water (from Go to of cDNA calculations) to PCR tubes. This step can be done at TemperatureRoom temperature .

Place the PCR tubes with water TemperatureOn ice and then add the calculated amount of RNA (from Go to of cDNA calculations) to its respective PCR tube.

Create the following master mix TemperatureOn ice . Make enough master mix for each sample plus a little extra (if you have 10 samples, make enough master mix for 11).

  • Add reagents to a 1.5 mL tube in the following order.

1) Nuclease-free Water3.2 µL
2) 10X RT Buffer2.0 µL
3) 10X Random Primers2.0 µL
4) RNase Inhibitor1.0 µL
5) 25X dNTP Mix0.8 µL
6) MultiScribe Reverse Transcriptase1.0 µL ***add last!!
TOTAL per reaction10 µL

Mix gently.
Add Amount10 µL of master mix to each PCR tube TemperatureOn ice .

Mix PCR tubes gently then spin down briefly.
Keep TemperatureOn ice until performing the reverse transcription.
Perform Reverse Transcription
Perform Reverse Transcription
Place PCR tubes into the thermal cycler.
Set the Reaction Volume to Amount20 µL .

Set the following conditions:

Start the thermal cycler run.
When the samples reach Go to take the PCR tubes out and store at Temperature4 °C for short term use and at Temperature-20 °C for long term use.

Protocol references
Refer to the applied biosystems “High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit User Guide” for reference.