Aug 09, 2020

Public workspaceHematoxylin & Eosin Protocol For Leica ST5020 Automated Stainer V.1

  • 1La Jolla Institute for Immunology
  • La Jolla Institute Microscopy and Histology Core
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Protocol CitationAngela Denn 2020. Hematoxylin & Eosin Protocol For Leica ST5020 Automated Stainer.
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: May 06, 2020
Last Modified: June 07, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 36646
Keywords: hematoxylin, eosin, h&e
This Hematoxylin and Eosin protocol is for the Leica ST5020 Automated multistainer. You can use it as a guide to developing your own protocol, catered to the needs of your researchers. This template can be modified for manual staining but best and most reproducible results are easier to achieve with an automated stainer.
Daily Maintenance for ST5020
Filter reagent cup 21 (Hematoxylin 560) using a funnel, Whatman #1 filter paper, and 500ml Erlenmeyer flask
Dispose of reagent cup 1 (Pro-par) into aqueous waste
Move reagent cup 2 into the 1 position
Move reagent cup 3 into the 2 position
Fill a clean, dry reagent cup with fresh Pro-par and place in reagent cup 3 position
Dispose of reagent cup 4 (100%IPA) into aqueous waste
Move reagent cup 5 into the 4 position
Fill a clean, dry reagent cup with fresh (100%IPA) and place in reagent cup 5 position
Dispose of reagent cup 6 into aqueous waste and replace with fresh 90%IPA
Dispose of reagent cup 33 (Define) into aqueous waste and replace with fresh Define
Dispose of reagent cup 32 (Blue Buffer 8) into aqueous waste and replace with fresh Blue Buffer 8 in a clean, dry reagent cup
Dispose of reagent cup 31 (70% IPA) into aqueous waste and replace with fresh 70% IPA
Dispose of reagent cup 29 (90% IPA) into aqueous waste and replace with fresh 90% IPA
Dispose of reagent cups 16 and 17 (100% IPA) into aqueous waste
Move reagent cup 15 into the 17 position
Move reagent cup 28 into the 16 position
Move reagent cup 27 into the 15 position
Fill clean, dry reagent cups with fresh 100% IPA and place into the 27 and 28 position
Add approximately 20 grams of DriRite to reagent cups 27 and 28
Dispose of reagent cup 26 (50:50 Propar/100% IPA) into aqueous waste
Fill clean, dry reagent cup with 50:50 Propar/100% IPA. Add ~20 grams of DriRite and place in position 26
Dispose of reagent cup 14 (Pro-par) into aqueous waste
Move reagent cup 13 into the 14 position and add ~20 grams of Dri-Rite
Move reagent cup 25 into the 13 position
Fill clean, dry reagent cup with fresh Pro-par and place in position 25
Record maintenance performed on the maintenance sheet
Weekly Maintenance for ST5020
Remove cups 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12
Hand wash in hot soapy water using a sponge and Dawn dish detergent
Rinse thoroughly in hot water
Soak cups in a 10% bleach solution for ten minutes
Rinse thoroughly in hot water
Replace cups into position
Record maintenance performed onto the maintenance sheet
Monthly Maintenance for ST5020
Dispose of reagent cup 21 (Hematoxylin 560) into aqueous waste
Fill clean, dry reagent cup with fresh Hematoxylin 560 and place into the 21 position
Dispose of reagent cup 18 (Eosin Phloxine 515) into aqueous waste
Fill clean, dry reagent cup with fresh Eosin Phloxine 515 and place into the 18 position
Record maintenance performed on the maintenance sheet

ReagentPro-Par ClearantAnatech LTPCatalog #510
ReagentIsopropyl Alcohol 99%Pacific Southwest Lab EquipmentCatalog #104B
ReagentSelecTech HematoxylinLeica BiosystemsCatalog #3801571
ReagentSelecTech Eosin 515 PhloxineLeica BiosystemsCatalog #3801606
ReagentSelecTech DefineLeica BiosystemsCatalog #3803591
ReagentSelecTech Blue Buffer 8Leica BiosystemsCatalog #3802916
Solutions and Reagents:
  1. Leica SelecTech Hematoxylin
  2. Leica SelecTech Eosin 515 Phloxine
  3. Leica SelecTech Define
  4. Leica SelecTech Blue Buffer 8
  5. Isopropyl Alcohol, 99%
  6. Pro-Par Clearant

Prepare working Define solution by mixing 2 capfuls of Define filled to the fill line with 500 mls of deionized water.

Prepare working Blue Buffer 8 solution by mixing 2 capfuls of Blue Buffer 8 filled to the fill line with 500 mls of deionized water.

Hematoxylin and Eosin solutions are ready to use.

Automated Multistainer
Leica ST5020

H&E Stain
H&E Stain
Reagent layout for multistain function

138Oven station5:00nono
237Oven station5:00nono
64100% IPA1:30noyes
75100% IPA1:30noyes
8690% IPA1:30noyes
912DI Water Wash1:30nono
1021SelectTech Hematoxylin 5601:30yesyes
1111DI Water Wash1:30nono
1233SelectTech Define1:00yesno
1310DI Water Wash2:00nono
1432SelectTech Blue Buffer 81:30yesno
159DI Water Wash1:30nono
163170% IPA1:00noyes
1718ST Alcoholic Eosin Y 5150:10yesyes
182990% IPA0:20yesyes
1917100% IPA0:30yesyes
2016100% IPA1:00noyes
2115100% IPA1:30noyes
2228*100% IPA1:30noyes
2327*100% IPA1:30noyes
2426*50:50 Pro-par/100% IPA1:00yesyes