Apr 15, 2024

Public workspaceGenerating stably-expressing Cas9 cancer organoid lines V.1

  • 1Wellcome Sanger Institute
Open access
Protocol CitationJade Smith, Tessa Fowler, Agnieszka Andres, Adam Jackson, Emily Souster, Hazel Rogers, Alexandra Beck, Charlotte Beaver, Mathew Garnett 2024. Generating stably-expressing Cas9 cancer organoid lines. protocols.io https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.6qpvr3ydovmk/v1
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: December 29, 2023
Last Modified: April 15, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 92810
Keywords: Cancer Organoids, CRISPR/Cas9, Antibiotic Titrations, Cas9 Transduction, Cas9 Activity Assay, Stably Expressing Cas9, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Organoids
This protocol aims to establish a robust Cas9 expression system in cancer organoids through a three-stage process. The first stage involves titrating blasticidin to determine the optimal concentration for eliminating wild-type cells while supporting the survival and growth of Cas9-expressing cells. The second step introduces the Cas9 gene, and the specified blasticidin concentration selects and maintains Cas9-positive cells. The final stage assesses Cas9 activity, ensuring functionality is above 75%. This established system facilitates precise and genome-wide gene modification using the 'lentiCas9-Blast' CRISPR-Cas9 guide RNA system.

Image of a cancer organoid derived from a colon tumour sample

Process Diagram

Process Diagram

  • Ensure the cell suspension is mixed thoroughly at each step to create an even single-cell suspension before plating, using reservoirs and multi-channel pipettes where possible to minimise ergonomic strain and to maintain homogenous solutions throughout.

  • Avoid prolonged maintenance of organoids in a single-cell state.

  • Refrain from the freeze/thaw cycle of virus stocks.

  • Prioritise using freshly prepared virus stocks to maintain optimal viral integrity.

  • Ensure the correct concentration of virus is used in the experimental setup.

  • Adequate dissociation is critical for efficient viral exposure and subsequent gene delivery.

  • Be aware that some cell lines may exhibit lower uptake of viral particles; which may make them unsuitable for this process.

  • Black-walled 96-well plates are used in this protocol, as we have found luminescence can carry over into neighbouring wells in clear plates.
Reagent1X Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS) Thermo Fisher ScientificCatalog #14190094
ReagentTrypLE™ Express Enzyme (1X), no phenol redThermo FisherCatalog #12604021
Reagent10mg/ml BlasticidinInvivoGenCatalog #ant-bl-1
Reagent3.7% FormaldehydeMerck MilliporeSigma (Sigma-Aldrich)Catalog #11-0705
ReagentCultrex Reduced Growth Factor Basement Membrane Extract, Type 2, SelectBio-TechneCatalog #3533-005-02
ReagentCellTiter-Glo(R) 2.0 AssayPromegaCatalog #G9243
ReagentY-27632 ROCK InhibitorSelleckchemCatalog #S1049
Reagent10mg/ml PolybreneMerck Millipore (EMD Millipore)Catalog #TR-1003-G
ReagentTrypsin-EDTA (0.25%) phenol redThermo Fisher ScientificCatalog #25200072
ReagenteBioscience™ Fixable Viability Dye eFluor™ 780Thermo FisherCatalog #65-0865-14
ReagentAnti-Adherence Rinsing SolutionSTEMCELL Technologies Inc.Catalog #07010
ReagentlentiCas9-BlastaddgeneCatalog #52962
ReagentBlack walled 96 well plateFisher ScientificCatalog #10419822
ReagentCostar® 6-well Clear TC-treated Multiple Well Plates, Individually Wrapped, SterileCorningCatalog #3516
ReagentCorning® 50 mL Mini BioreactorCorningCatalog #431720
ReagentFalcon Round bottomed 5ml tube with cell strainer lidVWR InternationalCatalog #734-0001
ReagentCell scraperCorningCatalog #3011
Organoid specific culture media - Made to specification
Transduction media - Organoid specific culture media + Y-27632 ROCK Inhibitor (final concentration 2.5 micromolar (µM))
GFP/mCherry V4 (Control Vector) - Addgene 67981
BFP/GFP V4 (Control Vector) - Addgene 67979
BFP/GFP/gGFP V4 (Reporter Vector) - Addgene 67980
GFP/mCherry/gGFP V4 (Reporter vector) - Addgene 67982


Temperature37 °C 5% CO2 Incubator
Light microscope
Microbiological safety cabinet (CLASS II)
Pipette boy
Pipettes and tips
Cell counter

Safety warnings
  • Lentiviral vectors can infect human cells. However, they are not able to replicate, so the pathogenicity is considered negligible and the risk is reduced by ensuring the correct use of PPE i.e. correct gloves, lab coat and eye protection.

  • If centrifuge buckets are available they must be sealed using safety caps, which then must only be opened in a microbiological safety cabinet this is to prevent any biohazard aerosol exposure post-centrifugation.

  • Many steps involve repetitive movements, ensure the use of multichannel and electronic pipettes where possible to reduce ergonomic stress.

  • All lentiviral waste should be inactivated with recommended local waste routes.

Before start
  • If required, ensure that all media is pre-warmed before use.

  • If required, Cell Titer-Glo 2.0 reagent is light-sensitive, so try to avoid exposure when using it.

  • If needed, thaw an aliquot of polybrene.

  • When needed, thaw an appropriate amount of Cas9 lentivirus for the number of transductions you will carry out.

Blasticidin titration
Blasticidin titration
Day 1: Titration plate set up

This assay is set up using previously expanded organoids.

Pre-warm organoid specific culture media to room temperature or place in a water bath at Temperature37 °C for Duration00:10:00

Aspirate media from well plates and add Amount2 mL TrypLE to each well. 

Using a cell-scraper, detach BME2 drops containing the cancer organoids from the plate and transfer organoid suspension to an appropriately sized tube.

Pipette suspension up and down multiple times to dissociate organoids from the BME2.
Incubate at Temperature37 °C 5% CO2.

Check organoid suspension under the microscope every Duration00:15:00 , to assess and monitor the dissociation of the organoids.

Mix the cell suspension to help dissociate the organoids. Stop the incubation once the organoids have broken down to single cells.

Centrifuge at Centrifigation800 x g for Duration00:02:00 .

Aspirate supernatant and resuspend in Amount5 mL organoid specific culture media.

Resuspend 2.4x106 cells in 2.7ml of organoid specific culture media + Amount300 µL BME2 (This will give a final seeding density of 8x104 cells per well once plated, Rows B-F of Fig.1).

Prepare a control stock solution containing organoid specific culture media with 5% BME2 (Row A of Fig.1).

The titration is carried out in triplicate. Therefore, a 96-well plate can be used to titrate up to 4 cell lines at a time.

Make up enough volume to plate all required wells for running each required antibiotic concentration in triplicate (plus extra 10% for dead volume).

Fig.1: Layout of blasticidin titration plate

Row A: Control (Step 1.13)
Row B-F: 100 µL of cells per well + 100 µL media containing blasticidin per well (Step 1.14).

Add Amount100 µL of the cell suspension containing BME2 to Rows B-F (according to Fig.1).
Incubate plate at Temperature37 °C , 5% CO2 for Duration00:10:00 to allow the BME2 to polymerise.

Plate control wells (in triplicate) containing Amount200 µL organoid specific culture media containing 5% BME2 and no cells.

Make up blasticidin antibiotic solutions at 2x concentration in organoid specific culture media, containing no BME2 in 5 mL tubes.

Fig.2: Table showing antibiotic concentrations

Safety information
Blasticidin is toxic if swallowed, and harmful if it comes into contact with skin.

Add Amount100 µL of the blasticidin antibiotic stock into the corresponding wells in Fig.1.

Incubate the plate for Duration72:00:00 at Temperature37 °C , 5% CO2.

Day 4: Assess cell viability using CellTiter-Glo 2.0 assay

Run a CellTiter-Glo 2.0 viability assay following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Download celltiterglo-2-0-assay-protocol.pdfcelltiterglo-2-0-assay-protocol.pdf

We dilute the reagent 1:5 rather than 1:2 with the cell suspension. It is recommended by the manufacturer to use white plates. However, we found the luciferase signal to be too strong, therefore we recommend using black plates instead.

Generate a kill curve graph using the data collected. The ‘kill concentration’ is the concentration of an antibiotic at which organoid growth is completely inhibited.

Row A is used as negative control to show background luminescence
Row B is the positive control to compare against wells without antibiotics
Expected result

Fig.3: Kill concentration for this example organoid line is equal to 25 µg/ mL

Cas9 transduction of cancer organoids
Cas9 transduction of cancer organoids
Day 1: Transduction setup
Prepare transduction media, add Amount5 µL ROCKi Y-27632 (10 mM) to Amount20 mL of organoid specific culture media (2.5 µM final concentration; dilution 1:4000).

Aspirate media from well plates and add Amount2 mL TrypLE to each well of a 6 well plate. 
Using a cell-scraper, detach BME2 drops containing the cancer organoids from the plate and transfer organoid suspension to an appropriately sized tube.
Pipette suspension up and down multiple times to dissociate organoids from the BME2.
Incubate at Temperature37 °C 5% CO2.
Check organoid suspension under the microscope every Duration00:15:00 , to assess and monitor the dissociation of the organoids.

Mix the cell suspension to help dissociate the organoids. Stop the incubation once the organoids have broken down to single cells.

Centrifuge at Centrifigation800 x g for Duration00:02:00 .
Aspirate supernatant and resuspend in Amount10 mL of transduction media (more or less can be added depending on the size of the cell pellet).

Perform a cell count to calculate the total number of cells.
Prepare a preparation mix using the cell suspension and transduction media to achieve a final concentration of between 2x106 and 4x106 cells (with the minimum cells needed to perform a Cas9 transduction being 2x106).

We use 2x106 (for good growing lines) or 4x106 (for difficult lines) cells for Cas9 transduction.

Please consult Fig.4 for the overall volumes, where the transduction media constitutes the remaining volume. Please consult Fig.4 for the overall volumes, where the transduction media constitutes the remaining volume. Add preparation mix, Cas9 transduction virus and polybrene into a Amount50 mL bioreactor tube using the table below.

Safety information
Lentiviral vectors can infect human cells. Ensure correct use of PPE to reduce the risk.

Please refer to Fig. 4 for the total volumes, where the transduction media constitutes the remaining volume.

Cell count Amount of virus (mL) Amount of polybrene (µL) Total volume (mL)
2x10 1.5 5 3.5
3x10 2.25 7.5 5.25
4x10 3 10 7
Fig.4: Table showing transduction reagent volumes per required cell number. (Final concentration for polybrene is 10 μg ml^−1 and Y-27632 ROCKI 2.5 µM).
Incubate the 50 mL bioreactor tube prepared in step 3.11 DurationOvernight at Temperature37 °C , 5% CO2.

Day 2: Plating cells
Centrifuge at Centrifigation800 x g for Duration00:02:00 .

Aspirate the supernatant.
Seed 2x106 cells in Amount230 µL of 80% BME2. Seed as Amount15 µL drops in a one well of 6 well plate (230 μl per well).

Incubate at Temperature37 °C for Duration00:15:00 then add 2 mLs of transduction media.

Incubate cells at Temperature37 °C , 5% CO2.

Day 6: Blasticidin selection
Prepare relevant organoid specific culture media with blasticidin (using the concentration based on the results obtained from the kill curve refer to Fig.3).
Safety information
Blasticidin is toxic if swallowed and harmful if it comes into contact with skin.

Replace media on plates or flasks with media containing blasticidin at Concentration25 mg/mL (obtained at Fig.3). For example: if the concentration is 25 µg/mL add 12.5 µl to 5 mL media ((volume x 2.5) / 1000 (to convert mL to µL)).

From this point onwards, cells should be maintained in a medium containing antibiotics.

Full selection level is often not achieved until after the lines have been passaged. It is advised not to passage organoid lines at the point of selection despite density or confluence. 

Expand until required number of cells for endpoint experiments has been reached (e.g. assessment of Cas9 activity).

Organoids usually need one week post-passage to recover before further manipulation.

Assessment of Cas9 activity assay
Assessment of Cas9 activity assay
Day 1: Assay set up
Prepare transduction media, by adding Amount7.5 µL of ROCKi Y-27632 Concentration10 millimolar (mM) to Amount30 mL of organoid specific culture media.

Cells need to remain in transduction media throughout this protocol.

The final concentration of ROCKi Y-27632 should be Concentration2.5 micromolar (µM) (dilution 1:4000).

Aspirate media from well plates and add Amount2 mL TrypLE to each well. 
Using a cell-scraper, detach BME2 drops containing the cancer organoids from the plate and transfer organoid suspension to an appropriately sized tube.
Pipette suspension up and down multiple times to dissociate organoids from the BME2.

Incubate at Temperature37 °C 5% CO2.
Check organoid suspension under the microscope every Duration00:15:00 , to assess and monitor the dissociation of the organoids.

Mix the cell suspension to help dissociate the organoids. Stop the incubation once the organoids have broken down to single cells.

Centrifuge at Centrifigation800 x g for Duration00:02:00 .
Aspirate supernatant and resuspend in Amount10 mL of transduction media (more or less can be added depending on the size of the cell pellet).

Perform a cell count to calculate the total number of cells.

Prepare a preparation mix using the cell suspension and transduction media to achieve a final concentration of 2.8x106 cells in Amount5.95 mL (equivalent to 8x105 cells in 1.7 mL accounting for dead volume) and polybrene.

Transfer Amount1.7 mL of the preparation mix into 3 x Amount50 mL bioreactor tubes to include; Mock, Control and Reporter transductions with the final cell numbers, add Amount300 µL of each respective reagent to the tubes as shown in the table below.

Fig.5: Table showing reagents per 50 mL bioreactor tube.

Place bioreactor tubes in the incubator at Temperature37 °C , 5% CO2 forDurationOvernight incubation.

Day 2: Plating cells
Transfer the 3 x Amount50 mL bioreactor tubes to the centrifuge.

Centrifuge at Centrifigation800 x g for Duration00:02:00 .
Aspirate the supernatant for each bioreactor tube.
Resuspend the cells in each Amount230 µL of organoid specific culture media containing 80% BME2 (to account for pipetting loss) into each Mock / Reporter / Control tube.

Plate into 1 well of a 6 well plate for each Mock / Reporter / Control, dispensing small Amount15 µL droplets using a pipette.

Place plate in incubator at Temperature37 °C , 5% CO2 for Duration00:10:00 until the BME droplets solidify.

Add Amount2 mL of transduction media to each well.

At this stage, the plated cells should need no further intervention until Day 6 when they are to be harvested for flow cytometry. However, it is best practice to keep checking the organoids and culture as required.

Formaldehyde fixation of organoids
Formaldehyde fixation of organoids
Day 6: Fixing and staining organoids for flow cytometry analysis
Prepare Live/Dead stain solution or antibodies.
This protocol uses an e780 viability dye. For this reagent prepare a 1:10,000 dilution of e780 dye in PBS. Mix well and store at Temperature4 °C (Solution can be used for 1 week from the time it was prepared).

Aspirate media from wells and resuspend in Amount1 mL of Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%) in a 2 mL tube.

Incubate for Duration00:15:00 , until organoids have broken down to single cells.

Mix the solution every few minutes during the incubation. Some lines take longer to dissociate so do not leave any longer than 30 minutes.

Once organoids have broken down to single-cells stop the reaction by adding Amount1 mL (diluting 1:1) in media containing serum.

Centrifuge at Centrifigation800 x g for Duration00:02:00 .
Aspirate supernatant and resuspend pellets in Amount200 µL Live/Dead dye solution (or specific antibody of choice).

For the Live/Dead solution, incubate at room temperature for Duration00:05:00 . (Follow specific guidelines for your antibodies).

Add Amount1.8 mL of PBS (1:10 dilution).

Centrifuge at Centrifigation800 x g for Duration00:02:00 .
Aspirate supernatant and resuspend in Amount500 µL of 3.7% formaldehyde. Mix well by pipetting to ensure cells are fixed as single cells.

Safety information
3.7% formaldehyde must be prepared and used only in the chemical fume hood, using chemical resistant gloves. Waste must be kept in the fume hood and disposed of via the recommended route.

Incubate at Temperature4 °C for Duration00:10:00 .

Centrifuge at Centrifigation800 x g for Duration00:02:00 .
Carefully aspirate supernatant (in chemical fume hood).

Cell pellets may become transparent and therefore difficult to see. It may also be sticky so can easily stick to pipette tips.

Resuspend the pellet in Amount500 µL (dependant on pellet size) PBS or alternative FACs buffer, and store it at Temperature4 °C until ready for analysis by flow cytometry.

Here we are measuring the expression of fluorescent proteins (in this case mCherry and GFP) using a flow cytometer. A reporter virus and control virus is used as guide to detect the presence of mCherry and the absence of GFP in the same cell population indicating successful Cas9-mediated gene editing (Refer to Fig.6). The mock is used as the negative control to help gate the un-transduced cells during FACS.

Expected result
If the cell line has >75% Cas9 activity, the line has passed our Cas9 activity assessment.

Fig. 6: Flow plot showing the presence of mCherry and GFP in the control and suppression of GFP expression in the reporter.

Protocol references
Emily Souster, Verity Goodwin, Adam Jackson, Charlotte Beaver, Rizwan Ansari, Fiona Behan, Mathew Garnett 2020. Cas9 transduction of cancer cell lines. protocols.iohttps://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.bg4ijyue

Behan, F.M., Iorio, F., Picco, G. et al. Prioritization of cancer therapeutic targets using CRISPR–Cas9 screens. Nature 568, 511–516 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1103-9

Sanjana NE, Shalem O, Zhang F. Improved vectors and genome-wide libraries for CRISPR screening. Nat Methods. 2014 Aug;11(8):783-784. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.3047. PMID: 25075903; PMCID: PMC4486245.