This protocol is for extraction of slime (a.k.a exopolysaccharides, EPS) from a filamentous cyanobacterial microbial community (from a freshwater environment) that forms extensive biofilms and granular structures.1 For other cyanobacterial samples, the protocol can be adapted / simplified.
This protocol is based on the slime extraction method described in Plude et al. 19912, and the EPS extraction method described in Olenska et al. 20213 (therefore this protocol uses these original papers’ definitions of EPS and slime). Both papers perform cyanobacterial slime/EPS extraction and perform GC-MS based analytical studies - via hydrolysis - on the extracts, however, details of some of the preparation and analysis steps are limited. Here, elements of hydrolysis method descriptions from the above two papers have been combined with a more rigorous and hopefully total hydrolysis method4, so to further optimise this process.
The protocol also contains steps for preparation of a selection of monosaccharide standards for analysis, to be used as comparison against the samples and treated using the same GC-MS based analytical methods.
Associated protocols / media sheets:
DSMZ_Medium_BG11+_1593 (omitting Vitamin B12 and replacing with full vitamin mix supplement as described below in Table 1) (1) Duxbury, S. J. N.; Raguideau, S.; Rosko, J.; Cremin, K.; Coates, M.; Quince, C.; Soyer, O. S. Reproducible spatial structure formation and stable community composition in the cyanosphere predicts metabolic interactions. bioRxiv 2022.
(2) Plude, J. L.; Parker, D. L.; Schommer, O. J.; Timmerman, R. J.; Hagstrom, S. A.; Joers, J. M.; Hnasko, R. Chemical Characterisation of Polysaccharide from the Slime Layer of the Cyanobacterium Microcystis flos-aquae C3-40. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1991, 57 (6).
(3) Olenska, E.; Malek, W.; Kotowska, U.; Wydrych, J.; Polinska, W.; Swiecicka, I.; Thijs, S.; Vangronsveld, J. Exopolysaccharide Carbohydrate Structure and Biofilm Formation by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii Strains Inhabiting Nodules of Trifoliumrepens Growing on an Old Zn-Pb-Cd-Polluted Waste Heap Area. Int J Mol Sci 2021, 22 (6).
(4) Becker, M.; Ahn, K.; Bacher, M.; Xu, C.; Sundberg, A.; Willfor, S.; Rosenau, T.; Potthast, A. Comparative hydrolysis analysis of cellulose samples and aspects of its application in conservation science. Cellulose (Lond) 2021, 28 (13), 8719-8734.
(5) Nakagawa, M.; Takamura, Y.; Yagi, O. Isolation and Characterization of the Slime from a Cyanobacterium,Microcystis aeruginosaK-3A. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry 2014, 51 (2), 329-337.
(6) Zhu, R.; Lin, Y. S.; Lipp, J. S.; Meador, T. B.; Hinrichs, K. U. Optimizing sample pretreatment for compound-specific stable carbon isotopic analysis of amino sugars in marine sediment. Biogeosciences Discuss 2014, 11, 593–623.