Feb 11, 2020

Public workspaceDNA extraction from whole blood using simple salting out procedure

  • 1Department Pathology, Stanford University School of Medicine
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Protocol CitationSchuele Lab, Faria Zafar 2020. DNA extraction from whole blood using simple salting out procedure. protocols.io https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.bbzqip5w
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol in our group and it is working.
Created: January 31, 2020
Last Modified: February 11, 2020
Protocol Integer ID: 32528
Keywords: DNA, DNA extraction, blood, whole blood, human blood, salting out, nuclei lysis,
The purpose of this protocol is high-molecular weight DNA extraction from whole blood for genetic analyses, including no amplification long-range sequencing.

S. A. Miller, D. D. Dykes, H. F. Polesky (1988). A simple salting out procedure for extracting DNA from human nucleated cells. Nucleic Acids Research.

Storage Vial labeling:

3 lines, 6pt bold font; 1.5” label
a) Subject ID#: four digit SUSL ID (e.g. SUSL-2345), Sample type: WBC
b) Date of blood draw: MM/DD/YY
c) Study: [Name Study], Initials
ReagentSodium chlorideSigma AldrichCatalog #S3014
ReagentAmmonium chloride ( ≥ 99.5 %)Sigma AldrichCatalog #A9434
ReagentPotassium bicarbonate (≥ 99.5 %)Sigma AldrichCatalog #90339
ReagentEDTA 500 mM Solution pH 8.0 ULTROL® GradeMerck MilliporeCatalog #324504
ReagentTrizma® hydrochloride / Tris-HClMerck Millipore SigmaCatalog #T5941
ReagentEthyl Alcohol 200 Proof (GR ACS)Millipore SigmaCatalog #EX0276
Reagent2-Propanol (99.5 %)Millipore SigmaCatalog #278475
ReagentProteinase K from Tritirachium albumMillipore SigmaCatalog #P2308

If using different vendors, choose molecular biology grade reagents.

Buffers and Solution Recipes

10X Red blood cell (RBC) lysis buffer (1l)
NH4Cl82.91 g
KHCO310.01 g
EDTA 0.5 M20 ml
complete to 1000 ml with autoclaved dH2O
* dilute to 1x before use with autoclaved dH2O

1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8 (used to make nucleolysis buffer and TE)
Tris -HCl15.7 g
Bring volume to ~ 95ml with autoclaved ddH2O
measure & adjust pH to 8
Bring final volume up to 100 ml with autoclaved ddH2O

10X Nucleus lysis buffer (100ml)
NaCl23.38 g
Tris-HCl (1 M, pH = 8)10 ml
EDTA 0.5 M4 ml
complete to 100 ml with autoclaved ddH2O
* dilute to 1x before use with autoclaved ddH2O

20 % SDS (used end of Day 1 for DNA extraction to poke holes in cell membrane)
SDS20 g
autoclaved ddH2O80 ml

5 M NaCl
NaCl146.1 g
Bring volume to 500 ml with autoclaved dH2O

70 % EtOH (used Day 2 of DNA extraction to “clean” DNA)
100 % EtOH35 ml
ddH2O15 ml

TE (used at end of DNA extraction to re-suspend DNA and prepare for storage)
1 M Tris-HCl1 ml
0.5 M EDTA0.2 ml
Bring volume to 100 ml with autoclaved ddH2O

Proteinase K reconstitution:
Solutions can be prepared in Concentration25 millimolar (mM) Tris-HCl buffer , Ph8.0 , containing Concentration1 millimolar (mM) Calcium chloride . Amounts for typical usage is Concentration50 μg/ml Concentration200 μg/ml . Solutions are stable at Ph8 at Temperature4 °C . It is stable in a broad range of environments: pH, buffer salts, detergents (SDS), and temperature. In the presence of 0.1 – 0.5 % SDS, proteinase K retains activity and will digest a variety of proteins and nucleases in DNA preparations without compromising the integrity of the isolated DNA.

  • 10 ml EDTA collection tube (K2EDTA, 5.4mg; 16 x 100mm; 10mL; Pink)
  • 50 ml conical tube (Fisher catalog # 12565268)
  • 1.5 ml clear Eppendorf tube (Fisher catalog # 5408129)
  • 1000 µl filter pipette tips
  • 5.0 ml serological pipette (Fisher catalog # 13-678-11D)
  • 50 ml serological pipette (Fisher catalog # 13-678-11F)
  • Gloves
  • Bleach (e.g. Clorox, as 20 % fresh solution)

  • Centrifuge: Sorvall Legend XTR, or SorvallT 6000B, H10000B
  • Centrifuge: Eppendorf 5417R
  • Rotator
Safety warnings
Please see SDS (Safety Data Sheet) for hazards and safety warnings.
Before start
Prepare buffers and solutions (for recipes see 'Materials').
If you use FROZEN blood, start with step-case 'FROZEN blood'. If FRESH blood is used, select step-case 'FRESH blood'.

Step case

FROZEN blood
37 steps

In the morning take out tubes of blood from the Temperature-80 °C freezer. Record ID numbers and put in fridge (Temperature4 °C ) to thaw until later in the afternoon.
Once blood has thawed, invert several times or place on rotator for a couple of minutes.
Decant the blood sample into 50 ml conical tube.
Rinse blood tube with Amount1 mL of 1x RBC lysis buffer and add to 50ml conincal tube.
Add 1x RBC lysis buffer up to Amount50 mL .
Place on shaker at TemperatureRoom temperature for Duration00:30:00 .
Note: Blood solution becomes transparent.

Centrifuge Duration00:15:00 at Centrifigation2000 rpm at TemperatureRoom temperature .
Discard supernatant in container with Concentration20 % bleach .
Note: The pellet contains the nuclei.

If direct processing with Nuclei lysis, day 1, then continue after this step with Nuclei lysis (step 12).

Add Amount700 µL 1x RBC lysis buffer and close the tube tightly. Pipette up and down to resuspend the pellet (cleans up the nuclei pellet from additional RBCs and allows for storage in small tubes).
Transfer to 1.5 ml pre-labeled clear Eppendorf tube.
Centrifuge Duration00:05:00 at Centrifigation2000 rpm at TemperatureRoom temperature .
Using a 1000 µl pipette tip, discard the supernatant in container with Concentration20 % bleach .
Pellets can be frozen at this point at Temperature-80 °C .
Nuclei lysis (Day 1, afternoon)
Nuclei lysis (Day 1, afternoon)
Add Amount3 mL Nucleus Lysis Buffer and close tube tightly.
Pipette up and down to resuspend pellet.
Add Amount300 µL of Concentration10 % SDS and Amount70 µL Proteinase K (Concentration10 mg/ml ).
Mix by gently swirling tube.
Incubate DurationOvernight in water bath at Temperature55 °C .
DNA extraction (Day 2, morning)
DNA extraction (Day 2, morning)
Add Amount1 mL of Concentration5 Molarity (M) NaCl to the tubes.
Close caps tightly and shake vigorously.
Note: Very important to shake thoroughly at this step to precipitate proteins.

Centrifuge for Duration00:20:00 at Centrifigation3000 rpm at TemperatureRoom temperature .
While centrifuging, label 2x 15ml conical tubes per sample.
Transfer supernatant to a 15 ml conical tube and then repeat centrifugation for Duration00:20:00 at Centrifigation3000 rpm
Note: The supernatant contains the DNA.

Transfer supernatant to next 15 ml conical tube.
Add equal volume of ice-cold isopropanol (usually about Amount4 mL ).
Invert tubes several times and DNA will precipitate.
Note: You should be able to see white strings (this is the DNA!).

Centrifuge for Duration00:05:00 at Centrifigation3000 rpm .
Discard supernatant.
Add Amount1 mL Concentration70 % ethanol to each tube.
Centrifuge for Duration00:05:00 at Centrifigation3000 rpm .
Carefully pipette off ethanol to not dislodge the DNA pellet.
Leave DNA to dry in uncapped tubes overnight.
Dissolve DNA
Dissolve DNA
Add Amount250 µL TE and allow DNA to dissolve in 15 ml conical tube stored in fridge (Temperature4 °C ).
Once completely dissolved, transfer to labeled sterile Eppendorf tube.
Label top with subject ID. Label side with date of extraction and concentration.
Spec all samples using Nanodrop. Dilute samples to stock at Concentration250 ng/μl Concentration350 ng/μl and to working dilution at Concentration10 ng/μl .
Transfer samples into barcode tubes and log into DNA bank.
Computational step
S. A. Miller, D. D. Dykes, H. F. Polesky. A simple salting out procedure for extracting DNA from human nucleated cells