Jun 06, 2023

Public workspaceDifferentiation of RGC Induced Neurons (RGC-iNs) V.1

This protocol is a draft, published without a DOI.
  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, United States
  • Devansh Agarwal: Correspondence: d4agarwa@ucsd.edu
  • Karl Wahlin: Correspondence: kwahlin@ucsd.edu
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Protocol CitationDevansh Agarwal, Karl Wahlin 2023. Differentiation of RGC Induced Neurons (RGC-iNs). protocols.io https://protocols.io/view/differentiation-of-rgc-induced-neurons-rgc-ins-cu5jwy4n
Manuscript citation:
Devansh Agarwal, Nicholas Dash, Kevin W. Mazo, Manan Chopra, Maria PA. Garcia, Amit Patel, Ryan M. Wong, Cairang Jia, Hope Do, Jie Cheng, Colette Chiang, Shawna L. Jurlina, Mike Perry, Jong Rho, Risa Broyer, Cassidy Lee, Robert N. Weinreb, Cezar Gavrilovici, Nick W. Oesch, Derek S. Welsbie, Karl J. Wahlin. Human Retinal Ganglion Cell Neurons Generated by Synchronous BMP inhibition and Transcription Factor Mediated Reprogramming. 2023 (in press).
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: June 02, 2023
Last Modified: September 26, 2023
Protocol Integer ID: 82827
This protocol is designed to create induced retinal ganglion cells neurons (RGC-iNs) using a doxycycline-inducible polycistronic transcription factor cassette containing NEUROG2, ATOH7, ISL1, and POU4F2 and TetO integrated at the CLYBL safe harbor site. The cassette is integrated into the CLYBL safe harbor site using a CRISPR-Cas12a ribonucleoprotein. This process of generating neurons is greatly enhanced by the inclusion of the BMP blocker LDN193189.
Apart from observation under the microscope, counting, and centrifugation, all steps should be carried out in a sterile biological safety cabinet.
Table: Key resources or reagents required.
All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) (for enhancing cell survival) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# R2625
Accutase (single cell passaging of hPSCs) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# A6964
B27 vitamin A (-) (neural supplement) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 12587010
B27 vitamin (neural supplement) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 17504044
BDNF (growth factor for RGC growth and survival) Qkine Cat# Qk050
Blebbistatin (ROCK inhibitor for improving cell survival) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# B0560
BrainPhys Neuronal Medium (basal media for supporting long-term growth of neurons) StemCell Technologies Cat# 05790
CultureOne supplement (for enhancing neural conversion) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# A3320201
DMEM (basal media ) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 11965
DMEM/F12 50:50 (basal media) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 11330
Doxycycline hyclate (antibiotic for transgene induction) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# D5207
F12 (basal media) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 11765
GDNF (growth factor for enhancing RGC growth and neuronal survival) Qkine Cat# Qk051
Insulin-Human Recombinant (N2 supplement component) Roche Cat# 11376497001
L-ascorbic acid (N2 supplement component) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# A8960
LDN-193189 (pre-patterning BMP pathway inhibitor) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# SML0559
Matrigel® Growth Factor Reduced (GFR) Basement Membrane Matrix (cell attachment/differentiation of hPSCs) Corning Cat# 354230
mTeSR1 (maintenance and propagation of hPSCs) Stem Cell Technologies Cat# 85850
N-2 Supplement (neural supplement) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 17502048
NEAA (non-essential amino acids for supporting neuronal growth) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 11140
Nicotinamide (NIC) (vitamin B3 supplement to enhance differentiation) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 72340
Poly-L-ornithine (PLO) hydrobromide (for neural attachment) Sigma Aldrich Cat# P3655
Sodium selenite (N2 supplement component) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# S5261
Thiazovivin (alternate ROCK inhibitor for cell survival) LC Labs Cat# T-9753
holo Transferrin Human (N2 supplement component) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# T0665
GlutaMAX Supplement (auxiliary energy source for cells) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 35050061
Before start
For media/reagent recipes see the last section of the protocol.
PSC expansion step
PSC expansion step
Grow iPSCs in hypoxia (Concentration5 % (v/v) O2/Concentration10 % (v/v) CO2) or normoxia (Concentration20 % (v/v) O2/Concentration5 % (v/v) CO2) at Temperature37 °C .
12-well plate (3.5 cm2): Plate 5,000 iPSCs into each well of 12 well plates in the presence of blebbistatin. Feed daily in mTeSR1 and grow for ~4 more days. Typically, we can get 200,00 – 500,000 cells per well when cells are ready for passaging.
6-well plate (9.6 cm2): Plate 15,000 iPSCs into each well of 6-well plates in the presence of blebbistatin. Feed daily in mTeSR1 and grow for ~4 more days. Typically, we can get 750,000 – 1,000,000 cells per well when cells are ready for passaging.
For PSC expansion make sure that colonies are not overgrown (70-80 % confluent) and not touching.

Day -1: Priming of stem cells for neural induction
Day -1: Priming of stem cells for neural induction
One day prior to neural induction, pre-coat TC plates overnight with Concentration0.1 mg/mL poly-L-ornithine (PLO). Add Amount1 mL 20x PLO to Amount19 mL cell culture grade H2O, use Amount1 mL per well of 1x PLO for 6-well plates (Amount0.5 mL per well for 12 well plates) and incubate coated plate overnight at Temperature37 °C .
For long-term experiments, you need better adhesion of cells so you can dilute Amount1 mL 20x PLO into Amount9 mL cell culture grade H2O for a final concentration of Concentration0.2 mg/mL .

Day 0: Neural Induction
Day 0: Neural Induction
Wash overnight PLO-coated plates >3 times with culture grade H2O. Let plates dry in the back of the TC hood for Duration01:00:00 , then coat with Concentration1 % (v/v) Matrigel (recommended >Duration03:00:00 ).
Prepare Neural Induction Medium Initiation Cocktail (NIM) with Concentration2 µg/mL doxycycline (500x stock), Concentration100 nanomolar (nM) LDN, 1x CultureOne (100x stock) and Concentration5 micromolar (µM) blebbistatin (blebb; 2,000x stock). Place in Temperature37 °C bead bath to warm during the dissociation process.
Throughout the protocol instead of Concentration5 micromolar (µM) blebbistatin, Concentration2 micromolar (µM) thiazovivin (Concentration10 millimolar (mM) or 5000x stock) can be used alternatively as a ROCK inhibitor. Doxycycline is light-sensitive, so keep cool (Temperature4 °C ) and dark when not in use.

Aspirate the media from the wells and add Accutase prewarmed for Duration00:05:00 (the volume of Accutase to use is 1/2 the volume that you maintain the cells in).
Put the cells with the Accutase back into the incubator for Duration00:12:00 .
Gently rinse the wells using a P1000 and pipet up and down 3 times to further break up the cell clumps into single cells.
Put the cells into a Amount5 mL tube with 2 times the volume of mTeSR+ Concentration5 micromolar (µM) blebb (e.g. Amount1 mL Accutase + Amount2 mL mTeSR) to quench the Accutase, then pellet the cells for Duration00:05:00 at Centrifigation80 x g .

Aspirate the supernatant and resuspend the cell pellet in Amount1 mL NIM + blebb.
Filter cells with a Amount35 µm or Amount40 µm cell strainer (for e.g., Greiner #542040).
Count the cells with a hemocytometer.
To make a 6-well plate (9.6 cm2/well; 57.6 cm2 total; 7,000 cells/cm2): Add 403,200 cells into Amount12 mL (67,200 cells per well) of NIM initiation cocktail (NIM + doxy, LDN, CultureOne, blebb) in a Amount15 mL conical tube, mix well and distribute across the wells.
To make a 12-well plate (3.5 cm2/well; 42 cm2 total; 7,000 cells/cm2): Add 294,000 cells into Amount12 mL (24,500 cells per well) of NIM initiation cocktail in a Amount15 mL conical tube, mix well and distribute across the wells.
To make a 24-well plate (1.9 cm2/well; 45.6 cm2 total; 7,000 cells/cm2): Add 319,200 cells into Amount12 mL (13,300 cells per well) of NIM initiation cocktail in a Amount15 mL conical tube, mix well and distribute across the wells.

Day 1: Maintenance
Day 1: Maintenance
Do nothing.
Day 2: Feed – exchange 1/3 of media
Day 2: Feed – exchange 1/3 of media
For 12 well plate: Add Amount0.5 mL NIM + Concentration1 µg/mL doxy + 1xCultureOne to each well.
For 6 well plate: Add Amount1 mL NIM + Concentration1 µg/mL doxy + 1xCultureOne to each well.
Do this very carefully by adding media to the sides of the dish. If you are not very careful cells will detach.

Day 3: Maintenance
Day 3: Maintenance
Do nothing.
Day 4: Feed – exchange 1/3 of media.
Day 4: Feed – exchange 1/3 of media.
For 12 well plate: Remove 0.5ml media and replace with fresh Amount0.5 mL NIM + Concentration1 µg/mL doxy + 1xCultureOne + NIC (Concentration10 millimolar (mM) ).
For 6 well plate: Remove 1 ml media and replace with fresh Amount1 mL NIM + Concentration1 µg/mL doxy + 1xCultureOne + NIC (Concentration10 millimolar (mM) ).

Beyond day 4, plates need to be fed every other day.
Day 6: Feed – exchange 1/3 of media.
Day 6: Feed – exchange 1/3 of media.
For 12 well plate: Remove Amount0.5 mL media and replace with fresh Amount0.5 mL BrainPhys + B27 (50x) + Concentration1 µg/mL doxy + BDNF (Concentration50 ng/mL ) + GDNF (Concentration10 ng/mL ) + NIC (Concentration10 millimolar (mM) ).
For 6 well plate: Remove Amount1 mL media and replace with fresh Amount1 mL BrainPhys + B27 (50x) + Concentration1 µg/mL doxy + BDNF (Concentration50 ng/mL ) + GDNF (Concentration10 ng/mL ) + NIC (Concentration10 millimolar (mM) ).
Day 8: Feed – exchange 1/3 of media.
Day 8: Feed – exchange 1/3 of media.
For 12 well plate: Remove Amount0.5 mL media and replace with fresh Amount0.5 mL BrainPhys + B27 (50x) + Concentration1 µg/mL doxy + BDNF (Concentration50 ng/mL ) + GDNF (Concentration10 ng/mL ) + NIC (Concentration10 millimolar (mM) ).
For 6 well plate: Remove Amount1 mL media and replace with fresh 1 Amount1 mL BrainPhys + B27 (50x) + Concentration1 µg/mL doxy + BDNF (Concentration50 ng/mL ) + GDNF (Concentration10 ng/mL ) + NIC (Concentration10 millimolar (mM) ).
Neurons tend to easily dissociate from the dish, so be very careful when aspirating. Take care to aspirate and dissociate by tilting the dish so that the medium accumulates on one side. Then, aspirate/dispense with the pipette directed toward the wall of the dish (i.e., away from the cells at the bottom).

For long-term experiments >1 week, continue feeding by 1/3 media exchange every other day with BrainPhys + B27 (50x) + Concentration1 µg/mL doxy + BDNF (Concentration50 ng/mL ) + GDNF (Concentration10 ng/mL ) + NIC (Concentration10 millimolar (mM) ).
Media/Reagent Recipes
Media/Reagent Recipes
Neural Induction medium (NIM medium):
Component Catalog # Volume
DMEM/F12 Thermo Fisher Scientific # 11330 485 ml
N2 supplement (100x) Thermo Fisher Scientific # 17504044 or recipe below5 ml
NEAA (non-essential amino acids, 100x) Thermo Fisher Scientific # 111405 ml
GlutaMAX supplement (100x)Thermo Fisher Scientific # 350500615 ml
Total 500 ml

N2 supplement (100X) recipe:
Component 100 ml 125 ml 200 ml 250 ml 500 ml
Transferrin 1g 1.25 g 2 g 2.5 g 5.0 g
Insulin 50 mg 62.5 mg 100 mg 125 mg 250 mg
Progesterone 63 µg 78.5 µg 126 µg 157 µg 315 µg
Putrescine 161 mg 201.5 mg 322 mg 403 mg 806 mg
Sodium Selenite 50.2 µg   62.75 µg 100.4 µg 125.5 µg 251 µg
DMEM/F12 to 100ml to 150ml to 200ml to 250ml to 500ml
Reagent Stock Dilutions:

Recombinant Human BDNF Protein (Qkine, Cat# Qk050): Concentration50 µg/mL stock in Concentration10 millimolar (mM) HCl with Concentration0.1 % (v/v) BSA; 1,000X; use at Concentration50 ng/mL . Store aliquots in Temperature-80 °C .
Recombinant Human GDNF Protein (Qkine, Cat# Qk051): Concentration10 µg/mL stock in cell culture grade H2O with Concentration0.1 % (v/v) BSA; 1,000X; use at Concentration10 ng/mL . Store aliquots in Temperature-80 °C .
Doxycycline (doxy) (Sigma-Aldrich, Cat# D5207): Make Concentration1 mg/mL stock (working concentration is Concentration0.5-2 µg/mL ) in cell culture grade ddH2O and filter sterilize; 1,000X; use at Concentration1 µg/mL . Store Amount1 mL aliquots at Temperature-20 °C .
LDN-193189 hydrocholoride (BMP blocker - Noggin replacement – 10,000X stock (Concentration1 millimolar (mM) ); Sigma SML0559-5MG): g = Molecular Weight (g/mol) * Molarity (M) * Volume (ml) 0.005 g = (406.48) * (0.001 M) * (Volume) 0.005 g = 0.41 * Volume Volume = Amount0.012 L or Amount5 mg LDN in Amount12 mL DMSO; Store aliquots in Temperature-80 °C .
Matrigel (GF reduced) (Concentration1 % (v/v) ) (Corning, Cat# 354230):
Thaw stock bottle overnight TemperatureOn ice before aliquoting. Always keep on ice and never let come to room temperature or it will gel.
Make Amount200 µL aliquots. Store aliquots in Temperature-80 °C .
Add Amount200 µL matrigel to Amount24 mL ice-cold DMEM/F12 (~Concentration1 % (v/v) final).
Add Amount1 mL per well of 6-well plate or Amount0.5 mL per well of 12-well plate.
NIC (Nicotinamide) (Sigma #72340): Concentration1 Molarity (M) (100x) stock solution (Concentration10 millimolar (mM) working solution). Soluble in water to ~ 1g/10ml. g = Molecular Weight (g/mol) * Molarity (M) * Volume (L); g = (122.12)*(1M)*(0.05L) = Amount6.11 g NIC in Amount50 mL of DMEM/F12 (or water); filter sterilize and store at Temperature4 °C .
poly-L-ornithine hydrobromide (PLO) - 20X stock (Concentration2 mg/mL ; mol wt 30,000-70,000; Sigma P3655-500MG):
Add Amount500 mg PLO to Amount250 mL cell culture ddH2O.
Make Amount1 mL aliquots. Store aliquots in Temperature-80 °C .