Jun 26, 2024

Public workspaceCore Genome Multilocous Sequence Typing Development Workflow

  • made.krisna1,2,
  • William Monteith1,3,
  • odile.harrison4,
  • Martin C. J. Maiden1
  • 1Biology Department, University of Oxford, UK;
  • 2Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford, UK;
  • 3Biology Department, University of Bath, UK.;
  • 4Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, UK
Open access
Protocol Citationmade.krisna, William Monteith, odile.harrison, Martin C. J. Maiden 2024. Core Genome Multilocous Sequence Typing Development Workflow. protocols.io https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.4r3l22o64l1y/v1
Manuscript citation:
MA Krisna, KA Jolley, W  Monteith, A Boubour, RL Hamers, AB Brueggemann, OB Harrison, MCJ Maiden. Development and Implementation of a Core Genome Multilocus Sequence Typing (cgMLST) scheme for Haemophilus influenzae. bioRxiv 2024.04.15.589521
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: July 25, 2023
Last Modified: June 26, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 85467
Keywords: population genetics, typing scheme, core genome, cgMLST
Core genome MLST (cgMLST) is a high-resolution typing approach that enables the evaluation of bacterial population structure for research and public health-related purposes, such as outbreak confirmation and routine surveillance. Currently, many pangenome analysis tools are available, with each tool employing distinct strategies for clustering orthologous genes and identifying paralogs. This protocol aims to describe a step-by-step process of developing the computational pipeline for pangenome analyses utilising a combination of software, namely PIRATE, Panaroo, chewBBACA, PEPPAN, and Genome Comparator from BIGSdb.
Developing a computational pipeline for pangenome analysis tools using complete, reference genomes
Developing a computational pipeline for pangenome analysis tools using complete, reference genomes
Annotation of complete, reference genomes
  • SampleInput file FASTA files of complete, reference genomes

  • The dataset of these genomes, FASTA files and metadata included, can be accessed through PubMLST H. influenzae Isolate Database below:

Reference genomes for cgMLST development

  • The list of IDs:


  • Annotation was done with Prokka software:
CentOS 8.1
Torsten Seemann
  • Command:
Genome annotation with Prokka (CentOS 8.1)
prokka	--outdir	[Output directory]	--cpus [number of core/CPU] --compliant --prefix	[Genome ID]	[Path to FASTA file]

  • Important output file: GFF file, one per genome
Pangenome analysis 1: PIRATE (Pangenome Iterative Refinement and Threshold Evaluation)

  • SampleSample GFF file from annotation step using Prokka

  • Software:
CentOS 8.1
Sion Bayliss
  • Command:
Pangenome analysis using PIRATE (CentOS 8.1)
PIRATE    -i    [Path to GFF files]    -o    [Output directory]    -a    -r    -t    [number of core/CPU]

  • Key output file:
Download PIRATE.gene_families.ordered.tsvPIRATE.gene_families.ordered.tsv
Also available as csv file.
Pangenome analysis 2: Panaroo

  • SampleSample GFF file from annotation step using Prokka

  • Software:
CentOS 8.1
Sion Bayliss
  • Command:
Pangenome analysis using Panaroo (CentOS 8.1)
panaroo    -i    [path to gff files]/*.gff    -o    [output directory]   -t    16    --clean-mode strict    -a    core    --search_radius    1000    --refind_prop_match    0.7 

  • Key output file:
Download gene_presence_absence.csvgene_presence_absence.csv

Pangenome analysis 3: PEPPAN (Phylogeny Enhanced Pipeline for PAN-genome)

  • SampleSample GFF file from annotation step using Prokka OR separate FASTA files and annotation file (i.e. annotation by BIGSdb)

  • Software:
CentOS 8.1
Sion Bayliss
  • Command:

Pangenome analysis using PEPPAN (CentOS 8.1)
PEPPAN    --match_identity    0.7    --orthology    ml    [Path to gff files]/*.gff    -t 
#output directory is automatically set up as current/working directory

PEPPAN_parser    -g    [Path to PEPPAN output file]/PEPPAN.PEPPAN.gff    -s  
  [output directory]    -t    -c    -a    95

  • Key output file:
Download PEPPAN.PEPPAN.gene_content.csvPEPPAN.PEPPAN.gene_content.csv

Pangenome analysis 5: chewBBACA

  • SampleSample FASTA files

  • Software:
CentOS 8.1
Instituto de Microbiologia, Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa

  • Command:
Pangenome analysis using chewBBACA ver 2.8.5 (CentOS 8.1)
#Make training file from reference genome (NC_016809.1)

prodigal    -i    [Path to reference genome FASTA file]    -t    hinf_training_file.trn   
 -p    single

#Create schema

chewBBACA.py    CreateSchema    -i    [Path to FASTA files]    -o 
   [Output directory for schema]    --n    [New directory name for schema]    --ptf  
  [Path to prodigal training file]    --st    0.1    --cpu 4
#st = size threshold = CDS size variation threshold. Added to the schema's config file and used to identify alleles with a length value that deviates from the locus length mode during the allele calling process (default: 0.2)

#Allele calling

chewBBACA.py    AlleleCall    -i    [Path to schema directory]    -o    [Output directory for allele calling]    --ptf    [Path to prodigal training file]    --fc

#Test genome quality

chewBBACA.py    TestGenomeQuality    -i  
  [Path to allele calling result]/results_alleles.tsv    -n    12    -t    300    -s    5
#Results of this module will be available in the working directory. Main output files: RepeatedLoci.txt and RemovedGenomes.txt

#Determine cgMLST

chewBBACA.py    ExtractCgMLST    -i    [Path to allele calling result]/results_alleles.tsv    -o  
  [Output directory]    --r    [Path to TestGenomeQuality result]/RepeatedLoci.txt  
  --g    [Path to TestGenomeQuality result]/RemovedGenomes.txt    --t    0.95

  • Key output files:
Download results_statistics.tsvresults_statistics.tsv Download cgMLST.tsvcgMLST.tsv Download Presence_Absence.tsvPresence_Absence.tsv

Comparison of pangenome analysis from different tools
Comparison of pangenome analysis from different tools
  • Table 1. Summary of pangenome analysis results (N = 14)

Core genes141313288491318
Shell genes14527461029819
Cloud genes3878769671325
Putative paralogous loci have been excluded from each gene group classification.
Core genes: genes present in >= 95% of the genomes.
Shell genes: gene present in 15 >= but < 95% of the genomes.
Cloud genes: genes present in < 15% of the genomes.

  • Based on chewBBACA pangenome analysis in step 5 above, two genomes were suggested to be excluded: 10P129H1 and 84P36H1 (PubMLST id: 2222 and 19836, respectively) due to a lower number of annotated genes. Please refer to this output file of the TestGenomeQuality step: Download removedGenomes.txtremovedGenomes.txt1KB

  • The pangenome analysis (Steps 1-5) was redone with the 12 genomes.

  • Table 2. Summary of pangenome analysis results (N = 12)

Core genes1400137612651397
Shell genes964761803950
Cloud genes539388777636
  • Bar graph comparison of results from Table 1 and 2:

Core genes: genes present in >= 95% of the genomes.
Shell genes: gene present in 15 >= but < 95% of the genomes.
Cloud genes: genes present in < 15% of the genomes.
Core genes: genes present in >= 95% of the genomes.
Shell genes: gene present in 15 >= but < 95% of the genomes.
Cloud genes: genes present in < 15% of the genomes.
  • Based on this comparison: Although they were still affected by the quality of genomes included in the analysis, PIRATE's pan- and core genome analysis showed the most stable results, with the total number of pan genes approximating the number discovered in previous literature.
Core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST) development
Core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST) development
Compiling dataset for cgMLST development and validation

The dataset of these genomes, FASTA files and metadata included, can be accessed through PubMLST H. influenzae Isolate Database, with the following IDs:

Development dataset PubMLST IDs:
Download development dataset_id_public.txtdevelopment dataset_id_public.txt4KB

Validation dataset PubMLST IDs:
Download validation dataset_id_public.txtvalidation dataset_id_public.txt7KB

Combining multiple pangenome analysis pipelines

The final workflow for core genome identification combining multiple pangenome analysis pipelines, based on the results obtained from the Part 1-6 above, is as follows:

PIRATE was the primary tool used for core gene identification. At the same time, analysis with Panaroo and PEPPAN was done to account for possible annotation errors and increase the sensitivity of detecting paralogous loci, respectively.
PIRATE was the primary tool used for core gene identification. At the same time, analysis with Panaroo and PEPPAN was done to account for possible annotation errors and increase the sensitivity of detecting paralogous loci, respectively.

Consolidating results from multiple pangenome analysis pipelines

Step by step on how to identify core genes, combining automatic and manual curation:

1. Choosing several "model" genomes based on PIRATE key output
2. Preparing input file format
3. Python script to generate output file
4. Repeat step 1-3 for different pangenome analysis tools
5. Compare each output file from step 4 in Excel with VLOOKUP function.
6. If needed, compare the output file from step 4 with PubMLST annotation to identify the core gene(s) not defined in the database yet.

Step 1-4 will be detailed further below.
Choosing several "model genomes" based on PIRATE key output*

1. Excluding genes (or "gene family", a term in PIRATE) which:
  • were not present in at least 95% of the genomes.
  • underwent duplication event ("genomes_containing_duplication" column > 0)
This will be the temporary core gene lists.

2. Find genome(s) with the most core genes annotated and with the least "fission events".
The fission event for each locus (if there are any) will be notable as loci with more than one allele (usually two) whose sequences do not overlap with each other.

These genomes will be our "model genomes" and their annotation results will cover the total core genes in our temporary core gene lists.

*See Part 2 above for an example of PIRATE key output

Preparing input file format

There will be two types of input files: CSV file and the modified gff files from the pangenome analysis.

1. CSV file
Template, with example: Download input_file_format-consolidation_step.csvinput_file_format-consolidation_step.csv0B
Each row represents 1 (temporary) core loci/core gene, as distinguished by the "gene_family" column and 1 core gene is represented at least once.
Note on each column:
  • gene_family: unique ID from the pangenome analysis output for each core gene.
  • consensus_gene_name: the gene name of the core gene, when available. This is not a unique identification measure for the core gene.
  • isolate_id: the ID of one of the model genomes that "covers" the corresponding core gene. It is possible to have one core gene covered by more than one model genome. See examples below.
  • locus_id: locus id from the corresponding model genome and core gene it represents. See examples below.

Example 1
There were 4 core genes, each represented by one different model genome.

Example 2
There were 4 core genes, with 1) one core gene (g02211) represented by 2 different model genomes (isolate1 and isolate2) and 1) two core genes (g01156 and g00998) represented by the same model genome (isolate3)

2. Modified gff files
Copy modified gff files (one of the outputs of pangenome analysis) for all the model genomes to a new folder.

Python script to generate output file

This script was run via Jupyter Notebook and structured according to PIRATE pangenome analysis output files structure. There are slight modifications of the script to process output from other pangenome analysis tools (i.e. Panaroo and PEPPAN).

What the script does: Look up modified gff files to find the start and end location of each core gene in the corresponding model genomes. This information allows for comparison with any pangenome analysis and/or genome annotation tools.

##by Krisna, M & Monteith, W 2023

import pandas as pd
import os

df_p2 = pd.read_csv('/path/to/input_file.csv')
core_gene_list_p2 = df_p2['locus_id'].to_list()

files_p2 = os.listdir()

result_p2 = {}
for locus in core_gene_list_p2:
for filename in files_p2:
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
content = f.readlines()
for line in content:
if locus in line:
if locus not in result_p2:
result_p2[locus] = line
if len(result_p2) != len(core_gene_list_p2):
for locus in core_gene_list_p2:
if locus not in result_p2:
print(locus, 'not found in gffs')

start_loc_p2 = []
end_loc_p2 = []
note = []
for locus in core_gene_list_p2:
result = result_p2[locus]
result = result.split('\t')

note2 = []
prev_locus = []
for data in note:
split_data = data.split('prev_locus=',1)[1]

for data in note2:
split_data1 = data.split(';')

pirate_output = pd.DataFrame (
'gene_family' : df_p2['gene_family'],
'locus_id' : df_p2['locus_id'],
'isolate_id' : df_p2['isolate_id'],
'start_loc' : start_loc_p2,
'end_loc' : end_loc_p2,
'prokka_locus_name' : prev_locus


Output file structure, with example: Download output_file_format-consolidation_step.csvoutput_file_format-consolidation_step.csv0B

Protocol references
Seemann T. Prokka: rapid prokaryotic genome annotation. Bioinformatics. 2014;30(14):2068-2069. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu153

Sion C Bayliss and others, PIRATE: A fast and scalable pangenomics toolbox for clustering diverged orthologues in bacteria, GigaScience, Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2019, giz119, https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giz119

Silva M, Machado MP, Silva DN, Rossi M, Moran-Gilad J, Santos S, Ramirez M, Carriço JA. chewBBACA: A complete suite for gene-by-gene schema creation and strain identification. Microb Genom. 2018 Mar;4(3):e000166. doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000166. Epub 2018 Mar 15. PMID: 29543149; PMCID: PMC5885018.

Tonkin-Hill, G., MacAlasdair, N., Ruis, C. et al. Producing polished prokaryotic pangenomes with the Panaroo pipeline. Genome Biol 21, 180 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-020-02090-4

Zhou Z, Charlesworth J, Achtman M. Accurate reconstruction of bacterial pan- and core genomes with PEPPAN. Genome Res. 2020;30(11):1667-1679. doi:10.1101/gr.260828.120