Oct 20, 2019

Public workspaceCell-ELONA

  • 1AEGIS - Madrid iGEM 2019
  • AEGIS - Madrid iGEM 2019
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Protocol CitationGuillermo Fernández Rodríguez 2019. Cell-ELONA. protocols.io https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.7umhnu6
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
Created: October 01, 2019
Last Modified: October 20, 2019
Protocol Integer ID: 28269
Keywords: Cell-ELONA, ELONA, Aptamer characterization, Biochemistry, cell-SELEX, Automation
ELONA (Enzyme-Linked Oligonucleotide Assay), is a biochemical method based on enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that allows to demonstrate that aptamers selected by SELEX can be effective and useful as biorecognition molecules and laboratory tools. The ELONA format choosed uses an anti-digoxigenin antibody to recognize an aptamer previously labelled with digoxigenin. This antibody is conjugated with a peroxidase enzyme, and once it adds ABTS solution, it will be responsible for the colourimetric reaction which will be detected.
(We used 5 replicates per dilution)

ReagentMGaddgeneCatalog #26528
ReagentAnti-Digoxigenin-AP, Fab fragmentsSigma – AldrichCatalog #11093274910
ReagentSodium bicarbonateSigma – AldrichCatalog #S6014
ReagentPBST (PBS 1:1000 Tween-20)
ReagentBSASigma Aldrich
ReagentCentrifugeEppendorf CentrifugeCatalog #5415D
ReagentLBResearch Products International (rpi)Catalog #L24400-2000.0
ReagentABTS, solutionThermo FisherCatalog #002024
ReagentWhite 96-Well Immuno Plates, Maxisorp, Flat-Bottom, MaxiSorp, 350μLThermo FisherCatalog #436110
Before start
Clean all the working surface with ethanol.
Inoculate a single colony of E.Coli DH5α from LB agar plate in Amount10 mL of LB. Use a sterile pipette tip, selecting a single colony from LB agar plate. The liquid culture is incubated overnight Temperature37 °C

Spin at 4000 rpm for Duration00:05:00 . Discard the supernatant, collect pellet and re-suspend in Amount10 mL of NaHCO3-Na2CO3, 50mM, pH 9,6. Mix by inverting the tube.

Spin at 4000 rpm forDuration00:05:00 . Discard the supernatant, collect pellet and re-suspend in Amount8 mL of NaHCO3-Na2CO3, 50mM, pH 9,6. Mix by inverting the tube.

Read the absorbance (600nm). Dilute the sample with NaHCO3-Na2CO3, 50mM, pH 9,6, and adjust the absorbance to 1.
Coating (Automated)
Coating (Automated)
Dilute the sample 1:4 with NaHCO3-Na2CO3, 50mM, pH 9,6 in a eppendorf tube.
Add Amount200 µL of the bacterial sample into Nunc MaxiSorp 96-well plate and Coating buffer for the negative control. Incubate overnight at Temperature4 °C with agitation (260rpm).

Cell-ELONA (Automated)
Cell-ELONA (Automated)
Remove Coating buffer. CAUTION: Be careful to do not touch the well and remove the bacteria.
Wash 3xAmount200 µL with PBS 1x-Tween 0,1%. Remove the drops after the last wash. CAUTION: Be careful to do not touch the well and remove the bacteria.

Block the plate with Amount200 µL PBS 1x BSA 5% for Duration01:00:00 (260 rpm).

Structure digoxigenin-labelled aptamers (denatured for 10 min at 95°C and then cooled for 10 min on ice), previously prepared in different concetrations.
Wash 3xAmount200 µL with PBS 1x tween 0,1%. Remove the drops after the last wash. CAUTION: Be careful to do not touch the well and remove the bacteria.

Add Amount100 µL /well of the structured aptamers. Incubated for Duration01:00:00 .

Wash 3xAmount200 µL with PBS 1x tween 0,1%. Remove the drops after the last wash.

Add anti-body antidigoxigenin (Amount100 µL /well) preparing 1:1000 dilution in Aptamer buffer-BSA 0,2%. Incubate at room temperature for Duration01:00:00 .

Wash 3 x Amount200 µL with PBS 1x Tween 0,1%.

Add 100 µL/wall of ABTS solution. Read the absorbance (405 nm) every Duration00:10:00 for Duration01:00:00 . ADVICE: We recomend you to buy the ABTS than comes diluted and with the oxygene peroxide.