Refrigerator storage (4°C)
Pipettes and filtered pipette tips
KingFisherTM Deep Well 96 Plate, barcoded (catalog# 95040450B)
KingFisherTM 96 Tip Comb for DW Magnets (catalog# 97002534)
Thermo Scientific KingFisherTM Flex (catalog# N07669)
Round-bottom sterile 96-well plates (e.g., Cell Treat catalog# 229590)
Plate sealing film (e.g., Axygen‱ catalog# PCR-AS-600) 50% Ethanol solution (using 200 Proof absolute non-denatured ethanol and sterile molecular-grade water)
Custom Promega Maxwell‱ HT Environmental TNA Kit, catalog# AX9190 [Includes: Alkaline Protease solution, Cell Lysis Buffer (CLD), Resin, Wash Buffer, and 25mM Tris-HCL (pH 8.0). The HT Environmental TNA kit can be purchased here.] ELIMINaseTM (or another reagent that hydrolyzes DNA and RNA)
70% Ethanol solution (e.g., 200 Proof absolute non-denatured ethanol and sterile molecular-grade water)
KingFisherTM Promega Maxwell HT RNA Wastewater V1:
Promega_Maxwell_HT_RNA_Wastewater_V1.bdz3KB Ceres Nanosciences, Inc. has published recommendations for use of the Promega Maxwell‱ HT Environmental TNA Kit in this protocol (starting at Step 2 of the procedure). Our laboratory follows Ceres's extraction recommendations with a few exceptions: using the Thermo Scientific KingFisherTM Flex, adding isopropanol after the sample in the Lysis/Bind (Bead Binding) plate, eluting in 200μL of Tris-HCl, and using the Promega_Maxwell_HT_RNA_Wastewater_V1.bdz software program.