Maintain sterile culture technique throughout.
Avoid reaching pipettes inside stock bottles or flasks - use a pipette gun and stripette to minimize the risk of contamination.
Avoid touching the neck of the flask with your pipette - this is a primary source of contamination.
Avoid liquid touching the filter inside the flask and pipette gun. If they are touched, replace the pipette gun filter and flask lid.
When new to this technique, check your proficiency by growing cells without antibiotic. Infections will rapidly arise if there is a problem. Deep clean incubators, biological safety cabinets and pipette guns (swapping out their filters) if an infection arises to avoid it spreading.
Maintain a cell culture log with calculated doubling times to identify if there are changes to the growth pattern of your cells. Changes to growth patterns can indicate infections or inappropriate split ratios (cells reaching confluence too quickly or being seeded too sparsely).