May 11, 2024

Public workspaceAD BONCAT-FCM Screening & Coupled SYBR+ FCM Cell-Counting - 2022 V.1

AD BONCAT-FCM Screening & Coupled SYBR+ FCM Cell-Counting - 2022
  • 1University of British Columbia
Open access
Protocol CitationMaxwell Madill 2024. AD BONCAT-FCM Screening & Coupled SYBR+ FCM Cell-Counting - 2022.
License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Protocol status: Working
We use this protocol and it's working
Created: February 18, 2022
Last Modified: May 11, 2024
Protocol Integer ID: 58450
This protocol provides a detailed description of all steps required to label, analyze and quantify the absolute abundances of BONCAT-labelled (i.e. translationally active) cells within samples collected from anaerobic-digester (AD) BONCAT microcosms. Specifically, this protocol overviews the click-chemistry labeling of AD BONCAT microcosm samples, followed the flow-cytometric analysis of BONCAT+ cell fractions within these samples, and the quantification of absolute cell densities in the bulk and post-clicked samples. The combined analyses of both BONCAT+ cell fractions with absolute cell counts allows the absolute abundance (i.e. cell#/volume) of translationally-active BONCAT+ cells within the original microcosm sample matrix to be calculated.
Reagent and Materials Preparation
Reagent and Materials Preparation
Long-Term Stored BONCAT Reagents

20mM Copper sulfate solution:
Prepare Amount500 mL of stock by adding Amount2.4968 g of CuSO4*5H2O to a Amount500 mL volumetric flask, rinsing the weigh boat and funnel thoroughly with DI water, and filling the flask to just above the neck with DI water. Sonicate to fully dissolve the reagent into solution, then fill flask up to Amount500 mL mark with DI water. Filter-sterilize Amount200 mL of the prepared stock through a 0.2um syringe filter into a clean and sterile Amount250 mL pyrex bottle. Cap bottle and store at Temperature4 °C prior to use.

50 mM THPTA solution:
Dissolve Amount100 mg of THPTA into YYuL of DI water and vortex thoroughly to dissolve. Filter-sterilize through 0.2um PES syringe filter. Aliquot into Amount50 µL portions and store aliquots at Temperature-20 °C .

Glycerol + TE (GlyTE) Cryopreservation Buffer:
Working by a flame, transfer Amount100 mL of molecular-biology grade glycerol to a clean and sterile 250mL graduated cylinder - prior to reaching 100mL mark, warm the cylinder by passing over a flame to remove air bubbles and achieve an accurate volumetric measurement. Transfer Amount40 mL of sterile 50X TE buffer and Amount40 mL of sterile DI water to the graduated cylinder by pipetting with a calibrated 10mL pipette. Cap the graduated cylinder with flame-sterilized aluminum foil. Mix the solution thoroughly by capping the foil-covered end of the graduated cylinder with palm of hand and shaking while intermittently passing the cylinder over the flame to gently heat. Working by the flame, filter-sterilize the prepared buffer through a 0.2um syringe filter into a clean and sterile 250mL Pyrex bottle. Aliquot into Amount40 mL portions by transfering each portion into a sterile Amount50 mL Falcon tube. Cap tubes and/or bottle and store at Temperature-20 °C prior to use.

Fluorescent Probes/Dyes:
**Minimize light exposure during preparation and storage of all fluorescent probes

1.5mM Calfluor 488 Azide - BONCAT labeling fluorogenic probe:
Remove tube containing 1mg portion of Calfluor 488 Azide from Temperature-20 °C freezer and wrap in a small piece of aluminum foil. Add Amount797.505 µL of 0.2um filter-sterilized DMSO directly to the tube, cap the tube, and vortex at maximum speed until fully dissolved (2-3min). Aliquot by pipetting out 5X Amount160 µL portions each into a sterile 1.5mL microtube. Wrap each microtube with aluminum foil and store at Temperature-20 °C .

100X Diluted SYTO 59 (50uM) - DNA probe for BONCAT Counterstaining:
Prepare 1X Amount1000 µL portion of 100X diluted, or Concentration50 micromolar (µM) , SYTO59 by adding Amount10 µL of Invitrogen Concentration5 millimolar (mM) SYTO59 stock into Amount990 µL of filter-sterilized and UV-treated 1X TE buffer. Prepare at least 5X portions during each preparation to reduce freeze-thaw and contamination of the original Concentration5 millimolar (mM) SYTO59 stock.

100X SYBR Green - DNA probe for absolute cell counting:
Prepare 1X Amount1000 µL portion of 100X SYBR Green by adding Amount10 µL of Invitrogen 10,000X SYBR Green stock into Amount990 µL of filter-sterilized and UV-treated 1X TE buffer. Prepare at least 5X portions during each preparation to reduce freeze-thaw and contamination of the original 10,000X SYBR Green stock.

Freshly-Prepared BONCAT Reagents

Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS):
To prepare Amount1 L or Amount2 L of 1X PBS, first weigh out the respective portions of each of the four salts following the table below.

Reagent (Salt) Reagent Mass (g) / 1L PBSReagent Mass (g) / 2L PBS
NaCl 8.0116.02
Na2HPO4 * 7H202.68075.3614
KH2PO4 0.2450.490
KCl 0.2010.402

Add the weighed portions of all salt reagents to the respectively sized volumetric flask (Amount1 L or Amount2 L ), rinsing each weigh boat and the funnel thoroughly with DI water. Fill the volumetric flask up to the neck with DI water and cap the flask. Mix to dissolve all salts by placing flask into sonicating water bath and removing every Duration00:02:00 to invert and shake.

Once all salts are dissolved, adjust buffer pH to Ph7.4 by adding Concentration0.5 Molarity (M) NaOH and HCl solutions drop-wise while continuously monitoring pH with pH-probe. Add DI water to reach the final 1L or 2L volume mark and mix thoroughly by inverting. Filter-sterilize through a 0.2um syringe filter into clean and sterile 1L Pyrex bottles. Cap bottles and store at Temperature4 °C prior to use.

100 mM Aminoguanidine HCl in 1X PBS:
To prepare Amount5 mL of Concentration100 millimolar (mM) solution weigh out Amount0.0553 g of aminoguanidine HCl into a 15mL Falcon tube - cap tube and store in the dark. Just prior to starting the click-chemistry procedure, add 5mL of 1X PBS to the tube, vortex thoroughly to mix, and filter sterilize through a 0.2um syringe filter into a sterile 15mL Falcon tube or into multiple smaller aliquots in sterile 1.5-2.0mL microtubes.

100 mM sodium ascorbate in 1X PBS:
To prepare Amount5 mL of Concentration100 millimolar (mM) solution weigh out Amount0.0991 g of sodium ascorbate into a 15mL Falcon tube - cap tube and store in the dark. Just prior to starting the click-chemistry procedure, add 5mL of 1X PBS to the tube, vortex thoroughly to mix, and filter sterilize through a 0.2um syringe filter into a sterile 15mL Falcon tube or into multiple smaller aliquots in sterile 1.5-2.0mL microtubes.

Preparation of Samples, Materials and Reagents for BONCAT Labelling
Preparation of Samples, Materials and Reagents for BONCAT Labelling
Remove selected microcosm samples from Temperature-80 °C freezer and thaw TemperatureOn ice at Temperature4 °C .
Pre-labelling sample processing tubes:

For each sample to be processed for BONCAT-FC analysis, pre-label three sterile 2.0mL microtubes as follows to be used throughout the sample preparation procedure.

BONCAT (B) Tube LabelTube Purpose
"Sample Code" - BAHPG removal wash tube
"Sample Code" - BBClick-chemistry reaction tube
"Sample Code" - BCFinal collection tube for clicked, SYTO-stained and mesh-filtered cell-suspension

For each sample to be processed for SYBR-stained absolute cell counting, pre-label two sterile 1.5mL or 2.0mL microtubes as follows to be used throughout the sample preparation procedure.

SYBR (S) Cell-Count Tube LabelTube Purpose
"Sample Code" - SASample dilution and SYBR staining tube
"Sample Code" - SBFinal collection tube for SYBR-stained and mesh-filtered cell-suspension

Transfer each thawed microcosm sample into a Temperature4 °C cooled microtube rack and place into Temperature4 °C fridge to store temporarily. Following the same sample layout, transfer the BA, BB and SA tubes for each respective sample into a second microtube rack, and transfer the BC and SB tubes for each respective sample into a third microtube rack. Transfer the second and third microtube racks also into Temperature4 °C fridge to store temporarily.
Pre-load sample tubes BA and SA with PBS

To streamline the sample preparation procedure, pre-load sample tubes BA and SA with the following volumes of sterile 1X PBS:

BA Tubes: Pre-load with Amount1500 µL PBS

SA Tubes: Pre-load with Amount980 µL PBS

Transfer pre-loaded sample tubes back into the microtube rack and store in Temperature4 °C fridge prior to use.
Prepare freshly-made BONCAT click-chemistry reagents:

Prepare the 100mM sodium ascorbate and 100mM aminoguanidine hydrochloride stock solutions before starting the click-chemistry procedure following the instructions overviewed above. Store prepared filter-sterilized solutions at TemperatureRoom temperature prior to use.

Preliminary Sample Preparation Prior to Click-Chemistry Labeling
Preliminary Sample Preparation Prior to Click-Chemistry Labeling
Sample Homogenization

Remove microtube rack containing original microcosm samples from Temperature4 °C and transfer to laminar flow hood.

Conduct sample homogenization to disperse microbial cell aggregates into single-cells by vortexing samples at Shaker3200 rpm for Duration00:01:00 . After vortexing, transfer samples back intoTemperature4 °C cooled microtube rack.
Sediment Removal Centrifugation

Centrifuge samples at Centrifigation500 x g, 4°C, 00:05:00 to sediment large particulates out of the sample matrix. After completing the centrifugation, carefully remove samples from rotor and place into Temperature4 °C cooled microtube rack containing the BA, BB and SA sample tubes.

Sample distribution for Processing

Carefully unscrew cap of original sample tube containing homogenized and sediment-free cell-suspension and distribute the following aliquots of supernatant for BONCAT and SYBR cell-counting analyses.

Distribute sample for BONCAT Click-Chemistry Labeling
Using a wide-bore pipette tip, transfer Amount200 µL of cell-suspension into the respective BA tube containing Amount1500 µL PBS.

Distribute sample for SYBR-stained absolute cell counting
If conducting SYBR-stained absolute cell-counting on the respective sample, transfer Amount10 µL of cell-suspension into the respective SA tube containing Amount980 µL PBS.

Vortex samples at Shaker3200 rpm for Duration00:00:10 to thoroughly disperse the cell-suspension. Transfer SA sample tubes into microtube rack containing BC and SB tubes and store in Temperature4 °C fridge.

HPG Removal Wash

Load BA sample tubes into microcentrifuge and centrifuge at Centrifigation5000 x g, 4°C, 00:10:00 to pellet cells.

Carefully transfer microcentrifuge rotor into laminar flow hood. Carefully remove each sample tube from the rotor and remove supernatant by pipetting with 1000uL pipette. Recap sample tube after removing supernatant and place back into Temperature4 °C cooled microtube rack.

After removing supernatants from all BA tubes, transfer another Amount1500 µL volume of PBS to each tube, cap tubes, and vortex tubes at Shaker3200 rpm for 10s to disperse cell-pellets.

Re-pellet cell-suspensions using second centrifugation at Centrifigation5000 x g, 4°C, 00:10:00 and remove supernatants by pipetting.

Re-suspend the washed cell-pellets to their original volume by transferring Amount200 µL of PBS to each tube and vortexing for 10s. Transfer washed cell-suspensions into microtube rack and store in Temperature4 °C fridge.

Cu-Catalyzed Click-Chemistry Labeling with Calfluor 488 Azide
Cu-Catalyzed Click-Chemistry Labeling with Calfluor 488 Azide
Prepare dye premix

Prepare the dye premix by combining the respective volumes of each reagent listed in the table below in a sterile 1.5mL microcentrifuge tube. Centrifuge the tube briefly at Centrifigation2000 x g, Room temperature to collect reagents. Leave the tube in the microcentrifuge and allow the dye-premix to react in the dark at TemperatureRoom temperature for Duration00:03:00 .

Reagent1X Click RXN Volume (uL) 10X Click RXN Volume (uL) 18X Click RXN Volume (uL)
CuSO4 (Stock 20mM; Final 1mM)25 uL 250 uL 450 uL
THPTA (Stock 50mM; 500uM)5 uL 50 uL90 uL
Calfluor 488 Azide (Stock 1.5mM; Final 10uM) 3.33 uL 33.3 uL 59.94 uL
Total Volume (uL) 33.33 uL 333.3 uL 599.94 uL

** Dye Premix for 5:1 THPTA:Cu Procedure
Reagent1X Click RXN Volume (uL) 10X Click RXN Volume (uL) 20X Click RXN Volume (uL)
CuSO4 (Stock 20mM; Final 1mM)25 uL 250 uL 500 uL
THPTA (Stock 50mM; Final 5mM)50 uL 500 uL1000 uL
Calfluor 488 Azide (Stock 1.5mM; Final 10uM) 3.33 uL 33.3 uL 66.6 uL
Total Volume (uL) 78.33 uL783.3 uL1566.6 uL

Prepare click-chemistry reaction buffer

Prepare the reaction buffer by combining the respective volumes of each reagent listed in the table below in a sterile 1.5mL microcentrifuge tube or a 15mL Falcon tube.

Reagent1X Click RXN Volume (uL) 10X Click RXN Volume (uL) 18X Click RXN Volume (uL)
Aminoguanidine HCl (100mM; Made Fresh) 25 uL 250 uL 450 uL
Sodium Ascorbate (100mM; Made Fresh) 25 uL 250 uL 450 uL
PBS 396.67 uL 3966.7 uL 7140.06
Total446.67 uL 4466.7 uL 8040.06

**Reaction Buffer for 5:1 THPTA:Cu Procedure
Reagent1X Click RXN Volume (uL) 10X Click RXN Volume (uL) 20X Click RXN Volume (uL)
Aminoguanidine HCl (100mM; Made Fresh) 25 uL 250 uL 450 uL
Sodium Ascorbate (100mM; Made Fresh) 25 uL 250 uL 450 uL
PBS 351.67 uL 3516.7 uL6330.06
Total401.67 uL4016.7 uL7230.06

Prepare click-chemistry labeling solution and pre-load reaction tubes

Prepare the final click-chemistry labeling solution by adding the dye premix into the reaction buffer by pipetting. Mix gently by inverting 3X. Store in the dark at TemperatureRoom temperature prior to use.

Prepare the BB tubes for each respective sample for click-chemistry labelling by aliquoting Amount480 µL of the prepared labelling solution into each tube.

Perform click-chemistry labeling reaction

Working under low-light, transfer Amount20 µL of homogenized and washed sample matrix from each BA tube into its respective BB tube containing the Amount480 µL of prepared click-chemistry labeling solution.

Cover microtube rack in aluminum foil and invert 1X to mix the cell-suspension and click-chemistry labeling solution to initiate the click-chemistry labeling reaction. After inverting, gently swirl microtube rack to collect click solution from the top and sides of microtubes.

Incubate samples in the dark at TemperatureRoom temperature for Duration01:00:00 to allow the click-reaction to occur.

Post Click-Chemistry Sample Preparation for Flow-Cytometry Analysis
Post Click-Chemistry Sample Preparation for Flow-Cytometry Analysis
Post Click-Chemistry Calfluor 488 removal wash

Working under low-light, remove foil covering the microtube rack containing post-clicked BB tubes.

Open each BB tube, transfer Amount1250 µL of PBS to each tube, cap tubes and vortex briefly at Shaker3200 rpm to mix. Pellet the post-clicked cell-suspension by centrifuging sample tubes at Centrifigation5000 x g, 4°C, 00:10:00 .

Carefully transfer microcentrifuge rotor into laminar flow hood. Carefully remove each sample tube from the rotor and remove supernatant by pipetting with 1000uL pipette and place processed tubes into a Temperature4 °C cooled microtube rack.

Transfer another Amount1500 µL volume of PBS to each tube, cap tubes, and vortex at Shaker3200 rpm for 10s to disperse cell-pellets. Re-pellet cell-suspensions using second centrifugation at Centrifigation5000 x g, 4°C, 00:10:00 and remove supernatants by pipetting. Remove sample supernatants by pipetting, and re-suspend the washed post-clicked cell pellet into Amount1000 µL PBS. Transfer washed sample tubes into Temperature4 °C cooled microtube rack, cover with aluminum foil and store at Temperature4 °C .
SYTO 59 Counterstaining and mesh-filtration of click-chemistry labelled samples

*Work under low-light conditions

Approximately 30min prior to running flow-cytometry, counterstain samples by adding Amount20 µL of 100X diluted (50uM; in TE buffer) SYTO59 DNA stain to each BB tube. Vortex samples briefly at Shaker3200 rpm to mix.

Prepare for the final filtration step by opening the respective BC sample tube and placing a sterile 40um nylon cell strainer on top of the sample tube.

Using a large-bore 1000uL pipette tip, mix the sample 5X by pipetting and then pass the SYTO-stained cell matrix through the 40um cell strainer into its respective BC tube while holding the cell strainer tight against the tube opening.

*Note, a single cell-strainer can be used for 3X replicate samples by pipetting through different locations of the mesh.

After processing all samples, cover microtube rack with aluminum foil and store at Temperature4 °C prior to conducting flow-cytometry analysis.

SYBR Green staining and mesh-filtration of samples for absolute cell-counts

*Work under low-light conditions

Approximately 30min prior to running flow-cytometry,

counterstain samples by adding Amount20 µL of 100X diluted (50uM; in TE buffer) SYTO59 DNA stain to each BB tube. Vortex samples briefly at Shaker3200 rpm to mix.